1-29 Mitochondria Oxidative Phosphorylation Flashcards
Mitochondria structure
cristae: folds Matrix: inner fold inside Inner membrane: least permeable membrane in cells inner membrane space only 37 genes are expressed from mitochondrial genome, they express all of their own tRNAs and 2 rRNAs, all of the components of the ETC expressed in mitochondria but some are from the mito genome and some are from nuclear genome ***Most of the components of the mitochondria are made in the nuclear genome*** circular genome, no replication fork, instead you have a origin, DNA pol gamma required (encoded by nuclear genome) amino terminus of proteins (often) have signal sequences to get them in to mitochondria, chaperones inside mito help re-fold proteins that get transported in
Voltage dependent anion channe
outer mito matrix, beta barrel structure to send ATP/ADP in and out, the send Pyruvate in, to send citrate out structure is common in bacteria but not in eukaryotes so this shows part of the mito evolution, helps tightly control membrane transport
inner mitochondrial membrane transporters
ATP/ADP: ATP/ADP Translocate malate/ phosphate citrate /malate OH- /pyruvate OH- /Phosphate
Glyercol 3 phosphate shuttle
Main shuttle mechanism to get reducing agents into inner mito matrix intermembrane mito space: Dihydroxyacetone-P +NADH + H + (from glucose to pyruvate) via Cytosolic glycerol 3 P dehydrogenase -> Glycerol-3-P (enters inner mito membrane) +NAD+ Glycerol3P transported into Inner Mito matrix + FAD via MITOCHONDRIAL GLYCEROL3P DEHYDROGENASE-> FAD2H (ETC) + DihydroxyacetoneP (transported back to inner membrane space)

Malate-aspartate shuttle
second shuttling mechanism to get reducing agents into inner mito matrix cytosol: malate–>Mito matrix ; glutamate–>mito matrix matrix: malate + NAD+ -> NADH (ETC) + OAA; + Glutamate via TRANSAMINASE -> aKG + Aspartate (both exit mito through transporters) One transporter couples: malate in, aKG out Second transporter couples: glutamate in, aspartate out

Components of ETC
Complex I: NADH dehydrogenase; Fe-S involved NADH->NAD+ protons pumped intermem space
**CoQ picks up H+ to make COQH2 and cycles to Complex II**
Complex II: Succinate dehydrogenase, ETF: Q oxioreductase, Fe-S involved, GLYCEROL 3 PHOSPHASTE DEHYDROGENASE (associates on intermembrane space side to deliver FAD)
**CoQ picks up H+ to make CoQH2 and cycles to complex III**
Complex III: Cytochrom b-c1 complex; Fe-S invoved and Cytochrom b, pumps protons
**Cytochrom c released and moves (only mobile protein component in ETC) to complex IV**
Complex IV: Cytochrom c oxidase; O2 final acceptor of electrons, Cu important, pumps protons

can carry 2e- and 2H+ through the ETC from comples 1-2 and 2-3
is the only lipid component of ETC
contains hydrophobic hydrocarbon tail from cholesterol biosynthesis
Cytochrome c
has a heme with Iron (which carries the e-)
Iron is stabilized/coordinated by sulfers from cysteine AAs
proper folding is essential to keep iron in correct orientation
Chemiosmotic theory of oxidative phosphorylation
Proton motive force = change in membrane potential + change in pH
“electrochemical gradient”
intermembrane space same pH as cytoplasm but mito matrix is more basic
ATP synthase
uses molecular motion to convert the electrochemical gradiatent –> chemical bound energy in ATP
chemE->mechE->synth ATP
reversible in case no ADP around but need to preserve the H+ gradient for other ATP functions
[ADP] controls the rate of oxygen consumption/ATP synth
Inhibitors of Respiratory chain
Malonate, Antimycin A (antibiotics), CO, CN-, H2S, oligomycin
Uncouplers: thermogenin & 2,4-dinotrophenol
brown fat cells in babies produce thermogenin (a H+ channel on inner mito membrane that dissapaites H+ gradient from ETC and releases heat instead of producing ATP)
Fatty acids feed this cycle to allow babies to keep warm
adults do not produce brown fat cells/thermogenin
transports H+ from inner mito space back to mito matrix therby dissipating gradient and uncoupling ETC from ATP synth
once used as weight loss supplement, but is very dangerous!
Calcium sink
mitochondria stores and releases calcium as needed
Mitochondrial permeability transition pore
VDAC on outer membrane and ANT on innermembrane come together when apoptosis is triggered to form the mitochon permeability transition pore thus releaseing and inducing apoptosis of cells
Production of ROS
Reactive oxygen species: O2 + e- (from leaky ETC) -> SUPEROXIDE -> H2O2 +e- -> HYDROXYL RADICAL; +e- -> H2O
Fenton Reaction: H2O2 + FE+2 -> FE+3 + OH- + HYDROXYL RADICAL
Production of NOS
NOS: Arginine via via NITRIC OXIDE SYNTHASE -> citrulline + NITRIC OXIDE –> Nitrogen trioxide (nitrosating agent)
NITRIC OXIDE –> Peroxynitrite (oxidizer) ->penoxynitrous acid-> NO3- + OH- + NO2+ (nitrating agent) + NO2radical (smog)
some Nitric oxide is necessary and good, too much is bad, vasodilator
Free radical defenses (3)
1. Glutathione
H2o2 + Glutathione (reduced state) via GLUTATHIONE PEROXIDASE -> H2O + Glutathione (oxidized state)
Glutathione (oxidized state) + NADPH (from PPP) + H+ via GLUCATHIONE REDUCTASE -> Glutathione (reduced state) + NADPH+
- Superoxide dismutate: superoxide -> H2O2
- Catalase: H2O2 -> H2O + O2 (in peroxisomes)