1 & 2 - Superficial Triangles and Cervical Viscera - Stephens Flashcards
Contraction of platysma results in?
Increased compartment size of the neck and thereby relieves underlying venous pressure
What is platysma innervated by?
Cervical branch of facial nerve (CN VII)
If you are having a neck lift what muscle are the surgeons tightening?
The platysma
–can also be used for reconstructive surgery of face
What two muscles does CN 11 innervate?
SCM and Trapezius
SCM contraction …
Uni - look under armpit
Bi - flex head
During radical surgical dissection of the neck which nerve do you want to take care to preserve?
Spinal accessory n
4 Superficial branches of the cervical plexus
Lesser occipital n - GSA to postero-lateral head
Great auricular n - skin of parotid and mastoid regions
Transverse cervical n - skin of anterior neck
Supraclavicular n - skin of upper chest and shoulders
What 2 important structures are anterior to scalene muscle
Subclavian vein and phrenic nerve
–phrenic is sandwiched between vein and muscle - a phrenic sandwich if you will
What 2 important structures are behind the scalene muscle?
Subclavian artery and brachial plexus
What muscle retracts the tongue?
–innervated by CN XII
What drains the submandibular gland? Artery?
Submandibular duct (Wharton’s duct)
- empties into floor of mouth at apex of sublingual caruncle
- lingual n spirals around it
- Facial a
Innervation of submandibular gland - symp and parasymp
Parasymp: Superior salivatory nucleus –> facial n –> chorda tympani –> submandibular and sublingual gland
Symp: Superior cervical ganglion –> facial plexus –> submandibular and sublingual gland
What nerve is located behind the 3rd molar?
The lingual n
What nerve supplies all GSE fibers to all of the intrinsic m of the tongue?
Hypoglossal n (CN XII)
What nerve will we see in the oral cavity entering the posterior 1/3 of the tongue?
Glossopharyngeal n (CN IX)
What does the ansa cervicalis innervate?
The strap muscles
Function of strap muscles?
Depress hyoid, larynx, and floor of the mouth
Stabilize the hyoid and larynx
What can extend upward of from the isthmus of the thyroid?
Pyramidal lobe in 50%
What is the thyroglossal duct and what can occur clinically?
Accessory thyroid tissue, embryo remnant
Cysts can form along the course of this tissue
The mother fucking recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN)
-medial to the lobes between trachea and esophagus
Blood supply to the thyroid?
Superior thyroid a - from common or external carotids
Inferior thyroid a - from the thyrocervical trunk
Lowest thyroid artery - from brachiocephalic, aorta or L common
What happens when you remove thyroid and you do not preserve the parathyroid glands?
You can get tetany and ultimately death - no more PTH that maintains Calcium
What is a tracheotomy?
Emergency airway between tracheal rings 2-4
What surgical procedure has replaced tracheotomy?
Cricothyrotomy - cut through the cricothyroid membrane
What is a tracheostomy?
Extensive surgery to open longterm airway through rings 2-4 usually for ventilator
If you need to perform surgery on the esophagus, which side should you approach from?
The left side - easier
If you get a penetrating wound to the base of the neck what can happen?
Puncture the pleural cavity and/or lung –> collapse lung and results in pneumothorax
–because the cupula of the lung extends into the root of the neck and is occupied by the apical portion of the lung