1-2 part B Flashcards
maximize efficiency in using energy and resources to respond to change
mechanisms of adaptation
the result of regulation for mechanisms of adaptation are:
pathways can be switched on/off or up or down
how is control of regulation of adaptation established?
- control of enzyme activity
- control of the number of enzymes molecules
- control of enzyme activity
example would be
allosteric regulation
all enzymes have _______(for catalysis).
some enzymes also have _____ (for regulation)
active sites
allosteric sites
allosteric sites bind _____molecules.
noncovalent, reverisble, affects activity of enzyme (positive increases and negative decreases)
regulatory molecules
how do effector molecules act?
change affinity of enzymes for substrate and change vmax
- control of the number of enzyme molecules (regulation of enzyme synthesis) can be done by:
a= attenuation
b= control of transcription initiation
with controlling the number of enzymes via attenuation, at the RNA level, what happens when=
no leucine present:
leucine present:
no leucine: transcription occurs
with luecine: no transcription
with controlling the number of enzymes via control of transcription initiation,
via catabolic pathways, gene induction is used.
- what occurs when there is an active repressor and the inducer is absent:
- what occurs when there is an inactive repressor and inducer is presetn:
- no transcription
- transcription occurs
with controlling the number of enzymes via control of transcription initiation,
via anabolic pathways, gene repression is used.
- what occurs when repressor is active:
- what occurs when repressor is inactive:
- genes are transcribed
- geners are no transcribed