09_Ethics&Conduct Flashcards
Can you help craft ordinances around short-term rentals if you operate one?
Yes if you disclose your property ownership in writing to both your supervisor and the Planning Commission
Can you sit on the Planning Commission of the town you live in if you’re a planner for another nearby town (different county, no ETJ issues)?
Yes because being on the Planning Commission is not considered “employment”
Can you work on a re-zoning proposal if property you own could be affected by the re-zoning? You’ve asked your supervisor to re-assign the case but they can’t due to staff shortage. They tell you to keep working on it and disclose your ownership in all public meetings.
Yes because you were upfront with your supervisor and the public at all meetings
You work for a city planning department and the consulting firm your spouse works for submits a proposal for a project. Is there an ethics violation here?
No, as long as the relationship is disclosed publicly and your spouse doesn’t work on the project
As a public sector planner, can you raise funds for your alma mater’s scholarship by asking consulting firms (who do work for your dept) to contribute?
No, but you may suggest to the school that they ask someone in the private sector to solicit funds from the consulting firms
Six months after retiring from the private sector and starting your own consulting firm, can you do work for the agency you retired from?
Yes, there are no time requirements other than the 3-year no-adverse-policies rule, but check local and state rules for “revolving door” policies
As a planning consultant, can you testify against a project that adversely affects property you own, even if you are doing so as a private citizen?
You may have called your professional objectivity into question by testifying as a professional planner in support of your own personal interests.
What is the adverse policies moratorium?
You can’t argue a position adverse to one you argued for another client or employer within 3 years of your initial argument.
As a public sector planner, can you take part in a promotional video touting an award your comprehensive plan recently won? The video is being developed by the consultant who developed the comp plan.
No, but you can suggest that the PR firm making the video can contact the Mayor’s office for comment
As a public sector planner, can you write a separate approval letter for a developer whose site plan you reviewed and approved so that they can use that letter in dealing with other public sector jurisdictions?
No, the formal approval is sufficient proof of compliance
Can you reach out to the city planning director if you no longer believe that an ordinance you helped develop (as a consultant) properly addresses equity concerns?
Yes but do so in writing so that it’s part of the public record
Can you provide an opinion to a consulting firm on a project you worked on when you worked for a local city?
Yes but make sure that you fully disclose your role in the project and get written permission from the local city
You are a city planner and are undertaking a community development planning effort to examine the impacts of a proposed highway realignment on the surrounding neighborhoods. What is the most important thing to consider?
“A planner must assist in the clarification of community goals, objectives, and policies in plan making”
This is not an issue of advocacy and this answer is the most neutral in tone
-Former Planning Director of a large city starts a small consulting firm.
-Becomes frustrated with the way the planning commission votes
-Asks to be appointed to the commission.
-City Council approves the appointment.
*Is this a violation of the AICP Code of Ethics?
No, it does not violate the AICP Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
With whom should a charge of misconduct against an AICP member should be filed?
Executive Director of APA & AICP Ethics Officer
Who may reinstate membership in AICP after an ethics violation?
Ethics Committee
Is providing public information on a case appropriate?
-Planner tells you a story at a social event
-You realize that the planner has seriously violated the AICP Code of Conduct
*How would you go about filing a complaint with AICP?
Complete a form, sign and submit it to the Ethics Officer
-You’re are part of a team that created an amazing waterfront plan.
-You prepare the submission for consideration for a national award.
-Lead planner on the project has since moved on to another organization, so you list yourself as the lead planner and key contact for the award nomination.
*Does this raise any ethical concerns?
Yes, this appears that you are taking credit for others work
“We shall educate the public about planning issues and their relevance to our everyday lives.”
*what is this from?
AICP Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, Section A3 (Planners Responsibility to Our Profession and Colleagues)
Section E of the AICP Code of Ethics states: “The membership of a Certified Planner shall be {blank} if the Planner has been convicted of a ‘serious crime.’”
Does Providing private information about a case to an environmental group constitute a conflict of interest according to the AICP Code of Ethics?
(it is not considered a conflict of interest but it is unethical)
“We shall avoid a {blank} or even {blank} in accepting assignments from clients or employers.”.
conflict of interest; the appearance of a conflict of interest
What is an ethical firewall?
creates a wall between elected officials and the line staff who are charged with administering the regulations of the organization.
Section 3j of the AICP Code of Ethics states: “We shall contribute time and effort to groups lacking in {blank} and to {blank}.”
adequate planning resources; voluntary professional activities
You receive a gift basket with a value of less than $100 as a thank-you from a developer whose site plan was recently approved.
*What do you need to do?
Donate the gift basket to a local charity and ask the developer not to send anything in the future