08_AreasofPractice_Land Use Flashcards
2.47 acres
How many acres of land per household does it take to feed the U.S. population?
2 acres
Process that adapts buildings for new uses while retaining their historic features.
Adaptive Reuse
What is the total acreage of national forest land in the US?
192 million
What does ZIP Code stand for?
Zone Improvement Plan Code
Completed in 2016, what project allowed larger ships to enter East Coast and Gulf of Mexico ports?
Panama Canal Expansion
What is a prescriptive easement?
- Obtained under adverse possession, a prescriptive easement can be earned through the ongoing and regular use of a property.
- It allows the right to use the land, not to gain title to the land.
What is an easement appurtenant?
Allows access to a property (eg a neighbor can use their neighbor’s driveway to access their own property)
Which of the following is the least important element of a historic preservation program?
Select one:
a. Educational materials for historic building owners
b. Tax incentives to encourage renovation
c. Design guidelines for historic building renovations
d. Zoning regulations
d. Zoning regulations
Which is not a potential benefit of form-based codes?
a. Separating incompatible land uses
b. Fostering or protecting a pedestrian-oriented development pattern
c. Upholding a cohesive design vision
d. Fostering social equity within cities
a. Separating incompatible land uses
What color is used to indicate a low-density residential district?
What color is used to indicate an industrial district?
What color is used to indicate a commercial district?
Why are zoning ordinances created?
Protection of public health, safety, and welfare
What is the general purpose of zoning ordinances?
- Coordinated and practical community development
- Proper population density
- Residential housing of various dwelling types
The city’s floor area ratio requirements are 2.0 in the downtown. If a property owner has a ¼ acre site, what is the maximum building size?
Select one:
a. 10,890 square feet
b. 5,445 square feet
c. 21,780 square feet
d. 8,168 square feet
21,780 square feet.
To solve this problem first divide 43560 by 4 to get the number of square feet in 1/4 of an acre. Next multiply 10,890 by 2.0 to get the maximum building size.
Which of the following is a responsibility of the Board of Zoning Adjustments?
a. Reviewing variance requests
b. Reviewing rezoning requests
c. Reviewing final plats
Reviewing variance requests
Rezoning and plats are reviewed by the planning commission.
What is Cumulative Zoning?
- any use permitted in a higher-use, less intensive zone is permissible in a lower use, more intensive zone.
- e.g. under this method, a house could be built in an industrial zone but a factory could not be built in a residential zone.
What would be the most effective way to manage garage design to avoid “garagitecture”?
Design standards that require a garage to be side or rear-facing on the lot
What is a lease-purchase?
Allows for the rental of a building or property with the exclusive option to purchase at specified points in the agreement.
What percentage of new manufactured homes are located in manufactured housing communities?
What is a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)?
At least one urbanized area of 50,000 or more population, plus adjacent territory that has a high degree of social and economic integration with the core.
What is a Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area?
A geographic entity of two or more overlapping core areas with a large population nuclei that includes at least 1 million people.
(defined by the Federal Office of Management and Budget for use by federal statistical agencies)
(e.g. The New York CMSA includes the primary metropolitan statistical areas of New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island and New York-New Jersey-Connecticut)
Which residential land use generates the highest number of vehicle trips per unit?
Performance Zoning
- regulates the character of the use rather than the use itself
- sets specific standards to be met in order to gain approval
- requires site plan review
How big is a township?
6 miles x 6 miles
How big is a section of a township?
1 square mile (640 acres)
What is a Metropolitan Statistical Area?
central city (50,000+) plus surrounding communities to which it is linked economically.
Which type of legal description would include the following information? The SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 7
What is an urban cluster?
-area with at least 2,500 but less than 50,000 people
-population density of 1,000 persons per square mile
(added as part of the 2000 Census)
What is an Urban Service Limit Line
-boundary that marks the outer limit beyond which urban development will not be allowed
-discourages urban sprawl by containing urban development during a specified period
-location may be modified over time.
-does not determine where public schools will be located.
What phenomeneon is encouraged by these three things?
*1. Extension of water and sewer lines
- Building of a package sewer plant
- Construction of a new regional mall*
Urban sprawl
What would be an appropriate policy to discourage big-box stores from being built?
Limit the maximum size of a retail store
Which of the following uses may require a conditional use permit?
a. Church
b. Office
c. Single family home
d. Warehouse
a. Church
What is a variance?
-similar to a conditional use permit in that it is a limited exception to a zoning ordinance.
-given out in situations where the zoning law would create unnecessary hardship or difficulty for the property owner.
-less commonly distributed than conditional use permits
What is a conditional use permit?
-allow for exceptions to zoning laws
-requires discretionary approval from planning commission.
-approved under a set of conditions (abide by “specific requirements and conditions expressly stated and established under the Land Use and Zoning Ordinances.”)
-e.g. allow for a home-based business operation in a residential district.
Why do planners use economic forecasting?
To provide a basis for determining land use
The average size {blank} is approximately 48,000 square feet with 60,000+ square feet becoming common
grocery store
The average size {blank} is approximately 5,000 square feet
The average size {blank} is approximately 150,000 square feet
Department store
The average size {blank} is approximately 175,000 square feet
Discount store (e.g. Walmart)
The average American house size is:
Approximatey 2400 square feet
What is an urban enterprise zone?
-area where policies to encourage economic growth and development are implemented.
-generally offer tax concessions, infrastructure incentives, and reduced regulations to attract investments and private companies into the zones.
What system calls for classifying land uses in the following dimensions:
-Structure Type
-Site Development Character
Land Based Classification Standards (LBCS)
-a 100,000 square foot shopping center is proposed
-zoning code requires 1 parking space for every 200 square feet of building
-average size of a parking space is 400 square feet
*how much area would be needed for parking?
Less than 5 acres
(-Divide 100,000 by 200 = 500 parking spaces required.
-Multiply 500 by 400 square feet = 200,000 square feet needed for parking.
-Divided by the number of square feet in an acre (43,560)
-equals 4.59 acres)
There is not a {blank} if a property has an existing zoning classification.
vested right
What does the Vieux Carré Commission (VCC) do?
protects, preserves, and maintains the distinct architectural, historic character, and zoning integrity of the New Orleans French Quarter
-urban design framework
-examines urbanized regions as the product of past economic and industrial processes.
-focuses on the redesign and adaptive reuse of “waste landscapes” within regions.
What is Inclusionary zoning?
-planning communities and developments that will provide housing to all income brackets.
-ordinances often require any new housing construction to include a set percentage of affordable housing units.
What is a Micropolitan Statistical Area?
Urban areas based around an urban cluster with a population of 10,000 to 49,999.
Which states have a majority rural population?
-West Virginia
What is a tribal designated statistical area?
unit drawn by tribes that do not have a recognized area
What is the average width of a parking space in a parking lot?
9 feet
{blank} are not relevant to a site plan review.
Rental prices
Urban design guidelines usually don’t include:
a. Landscaping
b. Building materials
c. First floor height
d. Parking ratios
d. Parking ratios
(Land use and parking ratios are managed by zoning ordinances)
Land use and parking ratios are managed by {blank}
zoning ordinances
You are on a team responsible for siting a second water treatment plant.
In your analysis of potential locations you consider:
I. Adjacent land uses
II. Topography
III. Adjacency to a water source
IV. Population density
I. Adjacent land uses
II. Topography
III. Adjacency to a water source
Deficiencies in {blank} and {blank} significantly constrain land development, making the site unsuitable for substantial development at the present time.
sewer and roads
What is a LULU?
Locally Undesirable Land Use
What tool is most likely not being used by planners to help make the new marijuana industry work for their communities?
Market controls
What tools are most likely being used by planners to help make the new marijuana industry work for their communities?
-Zoning overlay
What are National Heritage Areas?
-Demonstrate a nationally unique resource and link natural and cultural resources
-Established through an act of Congress and National Park Service.
-Managed at a local or regional level.
What method for preserving open space is the best way to preserve parkland for future development?
Purchase the property immediately.
The Assessor’s Office does not deal with appeals having to do with {blank}.
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a traditional small town?
a. It has low to very low density housing
b. It has open land or agriculture at the edge of the town
c. It has limited traffic control devices
d. Its civic uses are near the center of the town
a. It has low to very low density housing
(Housing in a traditional small town tends to be low to moderate density. Very low density housing is outside of the traditional town).
Which approach would be least effective for preserving agricultural land?
a. Purchase of development rights
b. Planned unit development
c. Agricultural Zoning District
d. Cluster zoning
b. Planned unit development
What is cluster zoning?
-allows lots to be reduced in size and buildings sited closer together
-total development density may not exceed that which could be constructed on the site under conventional zoning
-remaining land should be utilized for open space or public purposes
What is a Planned Unit Development (PUD)?
-Housing development not subject to standard zoning requirements for the area.
-negotiated requirements
-flexibility in development
-varying densities
What type of zoning allows property owners in designated areas to sell development rights to other property owners?
Transfer of Development Rights zoning
{blank} and {blank} form the urban cores of metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas, respectively
Urbanized areas; urban clusters
What form of development includes a building that is sited on one or more lot lines with no yard, the intent of which is to allow a more flexible site design and to increase the amount of usable open space?
Zero lot line