08 - musculoskeletal system Flashcards
(musculoskeletal system)

(musculoskeletal system)
- what are the 5 grades of lameness?
0 = no apparent lameness
1 = lameness difficult to observe
2 = difficult to observe at a walk or trot in a straight line
3 = consistently observable at a trot at all times
4 = obvious lameness, observed at the walk
5 = minimal weight baring lameness
(musculoskeletal system)
- what does the palmar plantar digital nerve block block?
- heel region, navicular bursa and bone, sole of hoof, and other structures in caudal portion of hoof capsule

(musculoskeletal system)
- what does the abaxial sesamoid nerve block?
- everything distal to site on palmar-plantar aspect of the limb and everything distal to proximal mid-portion of the first phalanx dorsally

(musculoskeletal system)
- low 4 point (6 point in hindlimb) blocks?
- everything from distal cannon bone distally

(musculoskeletal system)
- high 4 point blocks?
- if high enough blocks origin of suspensory ligament, palmar aspect of limb from that point distally, flexor tendons, and everything on dorsal surface from mid-proximal cannon bone distally

(musculoskeletal system)

(musculoskeletal system)
- why do long bone fractures in adult horses often have a poor prognosis?
- do open or closed fractures have a worse prog?
- severity of injury and secondary dmg to associated muscules, tendons, vascular, and joints
- open
(musculoskeletal system)
- tx?

(musculoskeletal system)
- prog and complications?

(musculoskeletal system)
(stress fractures)
- accumulation of microdamage related to training/racing…
what bones most affected?
- usually in younger racehorses
- humerus, radius, tibia, 3rd metatacarpal, or metatarsal bones
(musculoskeletal system)
(stress fractures)
- Cx?
- lameness improves with rest; returns when training or racing resumes
- joint effusion and discomfort assoc w/ flexion tests

(musculoskeletal system)
(stress fractures)
- tx?
- prolonged periods of rest (up to 6 mo)
gradual return to training
(musculoskeletal system)
(stress fractures)
- prog?

(musculoskeletal system)
(injuries to joints)
- synovitis = inflam of synovial membrane secondary to trauma
causes release of inflam mediators within joint
leads to cartilage degen and formation of OA
(musculoskeletal system)
(injuries to joints)

(musculoskeletal system)
(injuries to joints)

(musculoskeletal system)
(injuries to joints)

(musculoskeletal system)
(injuries to joints)

(musculoskeletal system)
(tendon and ligament injuries)
- tendons are mainly composed of what two things?
- tendonitis usually occurs in performance horses.
- tendonitis either results of accumulated microdamage or one big insult
- racehorses usually injure what tendons?
- type 1 collagen and water
- superficial digital flexor tendon or suspensory apparatus
(musculoskeletal system)
(tendon and ligament injuries)

(musculoskeletal system)
(tendon and ligament injuries)

(musculoskeletal system)
(tendon and ligament injuries)

(musculoskeletal system)
(tendon and ligament injuries)

(musculoskeletal system)
(tendon lacerations)
- transection of superficial digital flexor tendon -> ?
- of deep digital flexor tendon?
- of suspensory ligament?
- slight sinking of fetlock joint during wt bearing
- elevation of toe during weight bearing (unopposed pull of extensor tendon)
- fetlock dropping to the ground
horse will bear weight on palmar-plantar aspect of its first and second phalanxes
(musculoskeletal system)
(tendon lacerations)

(diseases of muscles resulting in lameness/altered gate)
(fibrotic myopathy)
- unilateral, in hindlimbs
- due to fibrosis or scar tissue formation secondary to what?
- what muscle usually?
- local trauma
- caudal muscles of thigh (usually semitendinosis)
(diseases of muscles resulting in lameness/altered gate)
(fibrotic myopathy)
- Cx?
- dx?

(diseases of muscles resulting in lameness/altered gate)
(fibrotic myopathy)
- tx and prog?

(diseases of muscles resulting in lameness/altered gate)
- what two forms?
- usually occurs in adults horses and is usually unilateral
- idiopathic and australian (ingestion of hypochoeris radica)
(diseases of muscles resulting in lameness/altered gate)
- Cx and Dx?

(diseases of muscles resulting in lameness/altered gate)
- tx?
- lateral digital extensor tenectomy and myectomy
australian form can resolve - but can take months
(diseases of muscles resulting in lameness/altered gate)
(disruption of the reciprocal apparatus in the hindlimb)
- what forms the reciprocal appartus in this region?
- what purpose do they serve?
- what is the cause?
- peroneus tertis and superficial digital flexor
- ensure that as the stifle flexes or extends, so does the hock
- trauma
(diseases of muscles resulting in lameness/altered gate)
(disruption of the reciprocal apparatus in the hindlimb)
- cx and dx?

(diseases of muscles resulting in lameness/altered gate)
(disruption of the reciprocal apparatus in the hindlimb)
- tx and prog?