07 - Aerodynamics and Quality of Life Assessment Flashcards
What is a Voice Aerodynamic Assessment?
Phonatory Aerodynamic System (PAS)
Vital Capacity
Mean Airflow rate
Phonatory Quotient
Voicing Efficiency
Variation in SPL
What is a Normal MALE Vocal Duration?
25-30 sec
What is a Normal FEMALE Vocal Duration?
15-20 sec
What is Vital Capacity?
The total amount of air being used by the lungs
What can we learn from Vital Capacity?
Is the respiratory system functioning
How do we measure Vital Capacity?
Take the deepest breath you can then exhale into mask
How do we measure Mean Airflow Rate?
Air expelled during Maximum Sustained Vibration / Time
What can we learn from Mean Airflow Rate?
Is air escaping improperly
Low number =Laryngeal Valving
How do we measure Phonatory Quotient?
Vital Capacity / Maximum Sustained Phonation
What can we learn from Phonatory Quotient?
Respiratory function in speech
Low number = poor respiratory function
What is Voicing Efficiency?
Measure of air-pressure to speech
What can we learn from Voicing Efficiency?
Airflow Resistance by larynx
How do we measure Voicing Efficiency?
Patient repeats (apapapapapapapa/), placing equal stress on each syllable.
Measures air pressure at lips
(Assumption is that pressure at the lips is the same as subglottal pressure).
What are Variations in SPL?
Loudness change
What can we learn from Variations in SPL?
Ability to control subglottal pressure
How do we measure Variations in SPL?
Patient produces /pa:pa:pa:/ at usual, half usual, and twice usual loudness levels
This is done three times without a break at each loudness level.
What can we learn from Maximum Sustained Phonation?
How long a patient can say “ahhhh”
How do we measure Maximum Sustained Phonation?
Patient takes a deep breath then produces a sustained open vowel (‘‘aaah’’)
Phonation should be at a comfortable pitch and loudness for as long as possible
What does Vocal Quality of Life look at?
Functional Voice
Voice Physiology
What are three Vocal Quality of Life measures/tools?
VHI – Voice Handicap index
VR-QOL – Voice related Quality of Life index
VAPP – Voice activity and participation profile