The primary function of hemoglobin within the RBC is to ____
carry oxygen to and from the tissues
Hemoglobin is measured ___ or measured indirectly by converting it to compounds like ___, ___, ___, and ___
acid hematin
alkali hematin
Cyanmethemoglobin is also known as ___
Hemoglobin cyanide (HiCN method)
The reference method of hemoglobin measure according to CLSI
Cyanmethemoglobin method
The pigment in ___ is stable even in diluted solution
T/F: cyanmethemoglobin standard is commercially available
Cyanmethemoglobin method measures all forms of hemoglobin except ___
The wavelength required for cyanmethemoglobin method
540 nm
In cyanmethemoglobin method, the blood is diluted in ___
alkaline drabkin solution
Components of Drabkin solution
Potassium ferricyanide
Potassium cyanide
Sodium bicarbonate
Surfactant (detergent)
This component of the Drabkin solution enhances the lysis of RBCs to free the hemoglobin
This component of the Drabkin solution decreases the turbidity caused by protein precipitates
In the cyanmethemoglobin method, Fe2+ (hemoglobin) is oxidized to Fe3+ (methemoglobin) by the ___
potassium ferricyanide
The ___ in Drabkin solution converts the methemoglobin to cyanmethemoglobin
potassium cyanide
The ___ in Drabkin solution provides stability in pH and enhances the conversion within 10 minutes
sodium bicarbonate
The ___ in Drabkin reagent enhances the conversion to 3 minutes
dihydrogen potassium phosphate
Reference range of hemoglobin in males
14-18 g/dL
Reference range of hemoglobin in females
12-15 g/dL
Reference range of hemoglobin in neonates
16.5-21.5 g/dL
Cyanmethemoglobin should be stored in ___ at ___ because it is ___
brown bottle
room temperature
sensitive to light
Another method that has been used in some automated instruments involves the use of ___ to convert hemoglobin to methemoglobin
Sodium lauryl sulfate
Carboxyhemoglobin takes ___ to convert to cyanmethemoglobin and could cause erroneous results in specimens from ___
1 hour
heavy smokers
When there is a high PLT count that causes a falsely elevated hemoglobin, what should be done?
reagent-specimen solution should be centrifuged and the supernatant measured
When there is lipemia that causes a falsely elevated hemoglobin, what should be the remedy?
Using a sample blank (0.01 mL plasma + 5 mL of cyanmethemoglobin reagent)
When there is a presence of Hemoglobin S and Hemoglobin C that causes a falsely elevated hemoglobin, what should be the remedy
Make a 1:2 dilution with distilled water (1 part specimen and 1 part water) then multiply the result by 2
When there is abnormal globulins that causes a falsely elevated hemoglobin, what should be done?
add 0.1g of potassium carbonate to the cyanmethemoglobin reagent
The acid hematin method involves the conversion of hemoglobin to acid hematin by using ___, wherein the yellowish-brown solution is compared to the color standard in the ___
0.1 N HCl
comparator black
In the acid hematin method, the reading of the ___ meniscus is reported
The acid hematin method is also called as the “__”
Sali’s acid hematin method
The alkali hematin method uses an alkaline solution, particularly ___ for hemoglobin determination, that produces a true and relatively stable solution of hematin
One of the disadvantages of the alkali hematin method is that the ___ is alkali-resistant
hemoglobin F
The ___ method of hemoglobin determination is based on the principle of color compariso
tallquist or scale
The ___ method of hemoglobin determination uses simple chart consisting of different degrees of redness to serve as a comparator
tallquist or scale
In the tallquist method, hemoglobin is reported in terms of ___
The tallquist or scale method has a percentage error of ___
Other method of hemoglobin determination:
A photometric determination of hemoglobin by measuring oxyhemoglobin
Sodium carbonate
Other method of hemoglobin determination:
Simple and quick procedure but there is no possibility of preparing a stable oxyhemoglobin standard
Sodium carbonate
Other method of hemoglobin determination:
Plus oxygen saturation as well as pulse rate is measured through the finger by attaching the photoelectric oxyhemoglobin monitor
Photoelectric oxyhemoglobin
Other method of hemoglobin determination:
Not done as a routine examination
Other method of hemoglobin determination:
Only performed when carbon monoxide poisoning is suspected
Other method of hemoglobin determination:
Measures the amount of oxygen using a manometric apparatus
Van Slyke Oxygen Capacity
In the Van Slyke Oxygen Capacity method, the level of hemoglobin is determined by ___
1 gram of hemoglobin is equal to ___ O2
1.34 mL
Other method of hemoglobin determination:
Measures the amount of iron present
Kennedy’s method; Wong’s method
Other method of hemoglobin determination:
Based on the fact that most of the iron is found in the red blood cell and combined with the hemoglobin molecule
Kennedy’s method; Wong’s method
1 gram of hemoglobin is equal to ___ Fe2+
3.47 mg
The copper sulfate method of hemoglobin determination is specific for ___
blood donors
The specific gravity of blood
Distance of the drop of blood to the solution in the copper sulfate method
1 cm
In the copper sulfate method, the acceptable drop of blood should sink within ___
15 seconds
In the copper sulfate method, if the drop of blood sank within 15 seconds, it has a hemoglobin measure of ___
> 12.5 g/dL
This hemoglobin determination technique is used to detect abnormal hemoglobin or hemoglobinopathies
hemoglobin electrophoresis
In hemoglobin electrophoresis, the pH of cellulose acetate is ___
8.2 to 8.6
In hemoglobin electrophoresis, the pH of citrate agar is ___
Cellulose acetate:
A2, C, E, O
Cellulose acetate:
S, D, G
Cellulose acetate:
Cellulose acetate:
Cellulose acetate:
At the anode end
Cellulose acetate:
Passes through the anode end
Hemoglobin H
Citrate agar:
At the cathode end
Citrate agar:
At the origin
O, D, G
Citrate agar:
At the anode end
Citrate agar:
Between the cathode and the origin
A, A2, E
Citrate agar:
Between the origin and the anode