018 Verbos Reciprocos (相互動詞) Flashcards
to look at one’s self, to look at each other
Look at yourself in the mirror.
the lovers looked into each other’s eyes
Mirate al(en el) espejo.
los amantes se miraron a los ojos
to talk to each other
Juan does not speak with his father for months
Juan no se habla con su padre desde hace meses.
to write to each other
We write each other every month.
Nos escribimos cada mes.
to communicate
although we don’t see each other, we’re often in touch
my work brings me into contact with people from many different countries
aunque no nos vemos, nos comunicamos a menudo
en mi trabajo tengo que comunicarme con gente de muchos paises
to hug each other
The girl held on her mother.
They embraced each other to be consoled.慰める
La niña se abrazó a su madre.
Se abrazaron para consolarse.
to console oneself (慰める)
She will be consoled by the time.時間が経てば彼女も立ち直るだろう。
Se consolará con el tiempo.
to greet each other
they greeted each other with a kiss
se saludaron con un beso
to get married
when are you getting married?
he got married to an Italian woman
Juan and Ana got married in Madrid.
¿cuándo te casas?
se casó con una italiana
Juan y Ana se casaron en Madrid.
to see oneself
she doesn’t want to see herself in the mirror
no quiere verse en el espejo
to get divorced
He’s got divorced her.
Se ha divorcidad de ella.
to fight
there were two children fighting in the playground
dos niños se estaban peleando en el patio
to shake hands
darse la mano
to kiss each other
We kiss each other before saying goodbye.
Nos besamos antes de despedirnos.
to fall in love
I fell in love her for the first sight.
Me enamoré a primera vista de una chica.
to hit(bang) oneself
I banged my head on the cupboard.
me golpeé la cabeza contra el armario
to get angry
The truth is that you get angry for somethig silly
La verdad es que te enojas por cualquier tontería.