013 動詞3 Flashcards
to put in, to add
add a little sugar to the mixture
échale un poco de azúcar a la mezcla
to fix; to arrange
how much did it cost you to have your car repaired ?
he arranged everything so the interview could be on Monday
¿cuánto te ha costado arreglar el coche?
lo arregló todo para que la entrevista fuera el lunes
to go down
come down and help me
baja y ayúdame
to shout
hey shouted at him to be quiet
le gritaron que callara
to quarrel, to scold
they quarrelled about money
riñeron por cuestión de dinero
to obey
to obey sb, do as sb says
He never obeys anybody.
obedecer a algn
Nunca obedece a nadie.
to appear
he appeared o at the house without warning
apareció en casa sin avisar
to offer
they offered me the chance to work for them
I offer her a job.
me ofrecieron la posibilidad de trabajar para ellos
Ofrezco un trabajo a ella.
to recognize
I recognized him by his voice
le reconocí por la voz
to thank
thanks for your help
Thank her for food.
(te) agradezco tu ayuda
Agradezco a ella por comida.
to fit
is there room for anyone else?
I fit in my trousers.
¿cabe alguien más?
Quepo en mis pantalones.
Ocho pesonas cupieron en mi carro.
to maintain, to hold, to keep
hold the box a minute
I refuse to support her any longer.
mantén la caja un momento
ya no pienso mantenerla más
to hold, to support
I don’t earn enough to support a family
I support my friend economically.
no gano suficiente para sostener a una familia
Sostendo a mi amigo economicamente.
to get, to obtain
we are hoping to get better results this year
esperamos obtener mejores resultados este año
to fulfill, to keep (a promise), to reach one’s birthday (use with años)
she’ll be 40 in December
he kept his promise to give us a pay rise
cumple 40 años en diciembre
cumplió su palabra de aumentarnos el sueldo
to be important to, to matter
what matters is the quality
you mean more to me than anything
I don’t mind you being a bit late
lo que importa es la calidad
tú me importas más que nada
no me importa que llegues un poco tarde
to be interesting to; to interest
I’m not interested in bullfighting
no me interesan los toros
to catch up (with)
to reach
they finally reached the summit
He reached the posision of the President.
por fin alcanzaron la cima
Él alconzó el puesto del presidente.
to enjoy
to enjoy good health
gozar de buena salud
Gozamos el concierto de rock anoche.
to pray
I prayed for her for passing the exam.
recé por ella para que pace el examen
Éll rezó por la segridad de su novio cuando salió al extranjero.
to show, to indicate
can you show me where the museum is?
I showed these pages of the book which is needed to study.
¿me puede usted indicar dónde está el museo?
indiqué las paginas del libro que nesecita estudiar
Le indiqué el camino a mi casa en el mapa.
to add
to add sth to sth
agregar algo a algo
Él agregó mas sal a su sopa.
to hang
he hung a necklace around her neck
le colgó un collar al (o del) cuello
Colgué mi ropa para secar.
to hide
Esconde los bombones, que no los vea tu madre.
Hide the chocolates, which your mother does not see.
to achieve, realize
I realized the trip all over the world.
Realicé el viaje por todo el mundo.
to publish
This book was published last year.
Este libro se publicó el año pasado.
to place, to put
we placed the statue in the centre
colocamos la estatua en el centro
Coloqué la computadra en un lugar seguro.
to mark
I marked a few important points in the text.
Marqué unos puntos importantes en el texto.
to stick, to hit
I have to stick the photos into the album
they say he beats his wife
tengo que pegar las fotos en el álbum
dicen que pega a su mujer
Pagué una estampilla en la postal.
to replace, to substitute
to replace A by (or with) B, substitute B for A
they want him replaced
sustituir A por B
lo quieren sustituir
to lie
I’ve never told a lie in all my life
sorry!, I’m wrong!, my mistake!
no he mentido en mi vida
to surprise
to miss
that surprises me
he misses his parents a lot
eso me extraña
extraña mucho a sus padres
to bite
The dog bit the girl when left her house.
El perro mordió a la niña cuando saliá de su casa.
to anger
to upset
The truth is that you get angry for any bilge.(ばかげた事)
La verdad es que te enojas por cualquier tontería.
to fix
to focus
we haven’t fixed a date for the wedding yet
but let us focus our attention on other aspects of the matter
no hemos fijado aún la fecha de la boda
pero fijemos nuestra atención en otros aspectos del asunto
to find out, get information
you can find out in the tourist
te puedes informar en la oficina de turismo
to deceive, trick
he’s cheating on his wife
engaña a su mujer
to slip
she slipped walking down the street
se resbaló bajando la calle
to spill
to spill a cup of coffee
derramar una taza de café
to take a course, to study
Su hijo actualmente cursa el sexto año de primaria.
His son nowadays studies the sixth year of primary school.
to hurt o.s.
he hurt his arm
se lastimó el brazo
to burn o.s
I burned my tongue on the soup
me quemé la lengua con la sopa
to go away, move away (de from )
he walked off slowly
se alejó lentamente
to get dirty
don’t get your dress dirty
I’ve got my hands dirty
no te ensucies el vestido
me he ensuciado las manos
to fall ill
She fell ill on having had contact with the children of the day-care center.
Se enfermó al tener contacto con los niños de la guardería.
to get annoyed, to get angry
They got angry because of his mother.
Se enojaron a causa de la madre de él.
to get tired
I get very tired going up stairs
me canso mucho subiendo las escaleras
to be frightened, get scared
to be frightened by sth
to be afraid to do sth
asustarse de algo
asustarse de hacer algo
to foeget
I forgot all about it
I forget the date
to forget to do sth
I forgot to tell you
se me olvidó por completo
se me olvida la fecha
olvidarse de hacer algo
me olvidé de decírtelo
to grow sad, to sadden
to die
her grandfather has just died
I’m starving!
se acaba de morir su abuelo
¡me muero de hambre!
to break, to smash, to bend, to twist
When I was six years old I broke and they put a plaster in the arm.
to break, to smash, to bend, to twist
When I was six years old I broke and they put a plaster in the arm.
to protect
we defend the rights of the workers
protegemos los derechos de los trabajadores
to be worth, to cost
the land is worth more than the house
how much does it cost?
el terreno vale más que la casa
¿cuánto vale?
¿qué vale?
to produce
thousands of tons of olives are produced each year
se producen miles de toneladas de aceitunas al año
to undress
The girl undressed her doll.
La niña desvistió a su muñeca.
to get undressed
Juan opened the faucet, undressed and entered in the shower.
Juan abrió el grifo, se desvistió y entró en la ducha.
to build
They’re going to build a conference centre in the city.
Van a construir un centro de convenciones en la ciudad.
to load, to charge
he was carrying the child on his shoulders
to charge an amount to sb’s account
iba cargando al niño sobre los hombros
cargar una cantidad en cuenta a algn
to want, to wish
I wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to him
I would like to see the manager
no deseo que le pase nada malo
desearía ver al director
to guess
guess who called!
¡adivina quién ha llamado!
to depend
“are you going?” – “it depends”
my future depends on this exam
–¿vas a ir? –depende
mi futuro depende de este examen
to cook, to stew ( con aceite), (煮込み料理などを作る)
I spend the day cooking
me paso el día guisando
to hurt
he hurt me
me lastimó
to hurt o.s.
he hurt his arm
se lastimó el brazo
to move away (de from )
to keep away (de from )
that smell keeps the mosquitoes away
ese olor aleja a los mosquitos
to go away, move away (de from )
a red car was leaving the scene
un coche rojo se alejaba del lugar
to break down
My car broke down.
Se descompuso mi carro.
to check
I asked the mechanic to check the engine and the filter of oil.
Le pedí al mecánico chequear el motor y el filtro de aceite.
to force
to force sb to do sth
they forced me to come
obligar a algn a hacer algo
me han obligado a venir
to confuse
I always get confused with poder and pedir.
Poder and pedir always confuse me.
I got her mixed up with her twin sister,
Siempre me coufundo con poder y pedir.
Poder y pedir siempre me confunden.
la confundí con su hermana gemela
keep o.s. amused
I keep myself amused watching TV
her grandchildren keep her entertained
me distraigo viendo la tele
se distrae mucho con sus nietos
to concentrate
I need to study and cannot concentrate with so much noise.
Necesito estudiar y no puedo concentrarme con tanto ruido.
to choose, select
she was chosen for her professionalism
In Venezuela I will choose one of those.
la eligieron por su profesionalidad
En Venezuela elegiré cual de los dos.
to toast
here’s to unity!
¡brindemos por la unidad!
to suck
Can your son already suck with straw?
¿Tu hijo ya sabe chupar con pajita?
to age, get old, grow old
Ha envejecido mucho por la enfermedad.
to dawn
it gets light at seven
amanece a las siete
to get dark
We have to finish the work before it gets dark.
Tenemos que terminar la obra antes de que anochezca.
to bother, annoy
they’re not bothering you, are they?
I’m sorry to disturb you, but I need your help
I hope I didn’t upset you
¿no la estarán molestando, verdad?
siento molestarte, pero necesito que me ayudes
espero no haberte molestado
to support
The columns support the roof.
Las columnas soportan el tejado.
to discover, to find
I’ve discovered a fantastic clothes shop
he descubierto una tienda de ropa fantástica
to say goodbye to
we went to see him off at the station
fuimos a despedirlo a la estación
to hope
I hope to arrive on time
I hope so
I hope you’ll come
“are they coming to the party?” – “I hope so”
hopefully, it won’t rain
espero llegar a tiempo
eso espero
espero que vengas
–¿vienen a la fiesta? –espero que sí
esperemos que no llueva
to weep, to cry
don’t cry!
I felt like crying
¡no llores!
me dieron (o me entraron) ganas de llorar
to spend
You spend too much money on clothes, you have to learn how to save money.
Gastas demasiado dinero en ropa, tienes que aprender a ahorrar.
to keep, to put away, to save
I don’t know where I’ve put the bag
she kept the money in a safe
I’ll keep you a bit of cake for when you come
no sé dónde he guardado el bolso
guardaba el dinero en una caja de seguridad
te guardaré un poco de tarta para cuando vengas
to take care of
Anna’s looking after her neighbours’ dog.
Ana está cuidando el perro de sus vecinos.
to breathe
I need to get some fresh air
don’t breathe through your mouth
necesito respirar un poco de aire fresco
no respires por la boca
to sweat
With this heat I do not stop sweating.
Con este calor no paro de sudar.
to save
he saved my life
me salvó la vida
to divide, to share
we’ll have to the cake
tendremos que repartir el pastel
to use, to employ
you can use any soap (you like)
the factory employs twenty workers
puedes emplear cualquier jabón
la fábrica emplea a veinte trabajadores
to fold
I can’t bend my knee because of the pain
no puedo doblar la rodilla del dolor
to respect
I respect your decision
respeto tu decisión
to trust
I trust you
you shouldn’t trust his word
confío en ti
no deberías confiar en su palabra
to fix, to set
we haven’t fixed a date for the wedding yet
no hemos fijado aún la fecha de la boda
to deal with, to look after
deal with the most urgent things first
we need someone to look after grandma
atiende primero lo más urgente
necesitamos a alguien que atienda a la abuela
to express
I can’t express what I feel.
No puedo expresar lo que siento.
to extend, to spread out
he spread out the map on the table
they have extended the offer until May
extendió el mapa encima de la mesa
han extendido la oferta hasta mayo