- Flashcards
Enterococci isolated from urine shows up on the vancomycin agar screen test. What is the next step?
Look for pigment and set up motility and rapid xylose test
Aspergillus is best distinguished from Penicillium by..?
Arrangement of conidia
These lesions fluoresce under a Wood’s lamp
Calcofluor white WITH KOH is for which organism?
Abx used to treat MRSA w/ bone marrow suppression side effect
SP4 agar selects for..?
Most accurate detection of mecA-mediated oxacillin resistance is accomplished by..?
Testing cefoxitin via disc or broth method
Organism that is universally S to penicillin
S. pyogenes
Minimum amount of abx that INHIBITS VISIBLE GROWTH
Most sensitive indicator of carbapenamase production
Correct pH of agar media?
7.2 - 7.4
Antibiotic of choice for whooping cough treatment
Penicillin G is likely used for the treatment of this genital infection
Syphilis (Treponema pallidum)
Characteristic shared by Aeromonas, Plesiomonas, Vibrio
Oxidase production
How to tell Bacillus from Clostridium?
Clostridia rarely form spores aerobically - swell the cell when formed
Bacillus rarely form spores anaerobically - don’t swell the cell
Nodular lymphangitis caused by Sporothrix schenckii
Microsporum, Trichophyton, Epidermophyton are genera associated with infections in…?
keratinized tissues
Bronchial brush collection is the best method for isolating this pathogen
Chlamydiophila pneumoniae
N. gonnrrhoeae is a ___________ (atmosphere) organism
gnb, curved gullwing
Cause of acute exudative pharyngitis
S. pyogenes
How to determine S. aureus beta-lactamase production?
Assess zone edge of a susceptible penicillin disc diffusion test
Infection that would cause stools w/ watery flecks of mucous and cells
CSF due to S. pneumoniae - what test to perform to best determine susceptibility to penicillin?
Penicillin MIC strip
Most common causative agent of folliculitis
S. aureus
When would a physician treat a patient w/ an abx that is reported as “Intermediate”
The drug concentrates in the site of the infection
Characteristic skin lesions associated w/ Pseudomonas bacteremia, which manifest as a black eschar, are known as..?
Ecthyma gangrenosum (EG)
A bloody, cloudy and foul smelling urine is commonly seen in..?
Associated with CHRONIC paronychia
Candida albicans
Organism that is always reported when isolated from a vag-rectal swab
Purpose of KOH in Calcofluor White/KOH prep?
Clear all keratinized tissue
Penicillinase-resistant penicillin?
Decarboxylase test - initially yellow if the organism is a __________ fermented
Fungi and AFB cultures usually yield this organism despite NG on routine media
Causes diarrheal disease, but not associated w/ systemic infection
E. coli O157:H7
‘Bowling pin’- like yeast; growth enhanced around an olive oil saturated disc
Malassezia furfur
MIC is read where the trailing endpoint _______
Appearance of normal flora on HEK
Yellow-orange, opaque
E. coli indole: ?
Indole positive
CLSI recommends this only for Enterobacteriacea and P. aeruginosa
H. ducreyi causes this infection
S. aureus that is R to oxacillin but S to amoxicillin/clavulanic acid is most probably..?
a B-lactamase producing strain
Result of Salmonella on TSI
K/A H2S+ gas
This broth is better for Shigella than Selenite broth
GN broth
Organism associated w/ STIs that CANNOT be cultured
Treponema pallidum (syphilis)
Most commonly isolated carbapenemases?
Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC)
Common bacterial cause of acute otitis MEDIA
S. pneumoniae (P. aeruginosa is for otitis EXTERNA)
A positive lecithinase test is indicated by..?
Zone of insoluble precipitates in the medium
Causes tinea versicolour
Malassezia furfur
Campy media may also grow these 2 organisms
- Pseudmonas
- Yeasts
Appearance of Salmonella on HEK
Clear, green w/ black center
A slow progression that does NOT usually involve muscle and bone; characterized by wart-like, cauliflower-like masses
Result of E. coli on TSI
A/A gas
Localized cellulitis seen mostly on hands and fingers; associated w/ fishermen + meant and animal handlers
2 orgs that could be used in QC testing of motility media
E. coli
K. pneumoniae
2 infective agents that cause cervicitis
N. gonorrhoeae
Chlamydia trachomatis
Methods suitable for HLAR testing in enterococci?
Disc diffusion
Agar dilution
Broth dilution
A specimen suspected of this respiratory pathogen should be filtered before inoculation to media
Novobiocin: R => which organism?
Staph saprophyticus
How to detect VISA and VRSA in the lab?
Determine actual vancomycin MIC
Most sensitive substrate for direct detection of beta-lactamases
Inhibitor resistant TEM (IRT) are susceptible to..
inhibition by tazobactam only
Morphology of colonies that should be further investigated on CIN agar?
Pink bullseye
Result on Shigella on TSI
Abx used to treat MRSA w/ myopathies side effect (affects muscle function)
Referred to as gas gangrene when caused by clostridia
NFBs would cause what result on a TSI slant?
Cefoxitin disc diffusion test on E. coli is used to.. ?
Screen for AmpC beta-lactamase production
Associated w/ discharge of sulphur granules and “lumpy jaw”
Actinomyces israelii
Organism that can cause pseudo-appendicitis, multiplies in lymph nodes
Yersinia enterocolita
Most common cause of non-gonococcal urethritis
Chlamydia trachomatis
How does low pH of media affect aminoglycosides and macrolides?
False resistance
Used to detect staph BOUND coagulase + how a positive result looks like
Slide coagulase
Agglutination with background clearing
Fementable carbohydrate in CIN media?
Organism implicated with transfusion related infections
Yersinia enterocolita (can survive refrigeration)
How does low pH of media affect tetracycline?
Falsely high potency (larger zone = false S)
Myonecrosis is a ________ extensive necrosis than that seen in myositis
Which organism has an erythrogenic toxin that causes scarlet fever, strawberry tongue, sandpaper rash
Streptococcus pyogenes (Grp A strep)
Only interpreted if mCIM is positive and is only used for __________
Significant patient factor that increases risk of VRE infection
Indwelling urinary catheter
Calcofluor white WITHOUT KOH is for which organism?
Minimum amount of abx that KILLS the organism
Chemical injury to lung tissues by aspirated stomach acids
Aspiration pneumonitis
Media appropriate for a rectal swab submitted for screening for an abx resistant organism on an adult patient transferred from another hospital
Bile esculin azide vancomycin agar
“Bull’s eye” rash is characteristic of..?
Lyme disease
2 most common causative agents of epididymitis in men under 35
N. gonorrhoeae
Chlamydia trachomatis
gncb “school of fish” arrangement
Haemophilus ducreyi
Trailing endpoints can be seen with this abx
Appearance of Shigella on HEK
Clear, green
Media for rapidly screening for Aeromonas in a stool specimen