Zune5-6 Flashcards
- Unmanned remotely operated tank
- 3 variants
1. Survelliance
2. Mine detection
3. Reconnaissance - Muntra-S for Unmanned survelliance
- Muntra -M is for mines detection
- Muntra-N for operations where nuclear radiation or bio-weapon risk
Citizenship Amendment Bill 2016
- Allow citizenship to illegal migrants belonging to 6 communities namely Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi & Christian coming from Afghanistan, Bangladesh or Pakistan
- No provision for citizenship to Muslim and Jews
- Aims to amend Citizenship Act 1955
- To reduce minimum years of residency to apply for citizenship to 6 years for such migrants
Sangrai dance
- First time in Republic day by tribal students from Tripura
- “Mog” tribal community
- Sangrai is special festival of Tripura
Maximum age of joining NPS-private sector
- 65 years
- Any Indian, Resident or Non-resident between 60-65 years can join NPS and continue upto 70 years
Consumer Protection Bill 2018
- To establish Consumer Protection councils and Consumer Disputes redressal commission at district, state & national levels
- Replace Consumer Protection Act 1986
- Enforces consumer rights and redressal mechanism
- Central Consumer Protection Authority
- Consumer Disputes redressal commission to be quasi-judicial(i.e. hold formal hearings under their governing laws or regulations)
- Does not specify that commissions will comprise judicial member or not
1. All members to be appointed by central government
Draft National Forest Policy 2018
- Provision to levy green taxes has been omitted
- involving private sector in forest management
- Two national bodies
a. National Community forest management (CFM) mission
b. National Board of forestry (NBF) - Aims to bring minimum 1/3rd of total geographical area under forests or tree cover
- Soil & water conservation measures to ecological sensitive areas by planting suitable trees and grass like bamboo
- NBF to be headed by Central minister in charge of forests and state boards of forestry to be headed by state ministers in charge of forests
Solar H-alpha
- Solar telescope
- Installed at Kodaikanal Observatory
- It makes full disk image of sun
- Routinely take solar image in H-alpha wavelength
Sitara Devi
- Kathak Queen
- Rabindra Nath Tagore described her as Nritya Samragin
Winner’s curse
- When winning bid of auction exceeds intrinsic value or true worth of an item
- Can occur due to many factors like incomplete information, emotions etc
MITI-V (Mighty 5)
a. high manufacturing index on account of low labor cost, manufacturing capabilities and favorable demographic profiles
b. Malaysia, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam
Name some satellite systems of world
- Galileo
a. Global Navigation Satellite system of EU
b. To be completed in 2019
c. Constellation of 30 satellites - BeiDou
a. Global Navigation satellite system of China
b. more than 30 satellites
c. to be used for military & civilians
d. To be completed in 2020 - Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS)
a. Japanese satellite system
b. GPS satellite with slight variations
c. 4 satellite regional system
d. To be completed on Nov 2018
Odissi dance
- Origin in temples of Orissa
- Include Tandava and Lasya elements
- Symbolizes element of water
Chandrayaan -1
- Oct 2008
- Confirmed moon was once in completely molten state
- Study interaction of solar flares and moon
- Detected titanium, calcium, Magnesium, Aluminium and Iron
- Heaviest rocket ever made by India
- Capable of launching 4 tonne satellites in Geosynchronous Transfer orbit (GTO)
- GSLV Mk-II used to launch South Asia satellite while GSLV Mk-III used for GSAT 19
- Nickname “Fatboy”
Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO)
- Also called Geostationary transfer orbit (GTO)
- An elliptical orbit used to reach geosynchronous or geostationary orbit using high thrust engines
- Geosynchronous orbits demand great deal of delta-v i.e. impulse to perform maneuver .
a. Satellites intended for this orbit carry high efficient but low thrust engines
b. delta-v enables the satellite to get high thrust in order to reach GSO from GTO
NETRA System
- Internet spy system developed by Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (CAIR) of DRDO
- Aims to combat cyber threats internal as well as external by real time monitoring
- Used by IB & RAW
- Intercept and analyse data including voice passing through google, skype and other forums
Aditya -L1 Mission
- Study sun
- First sun mission to be launched in 2021
- Study Sun’s photosphere( soft and hard x-rays), Chromosphere(UV) as well as corona
- Also study solar winds composition and variations
- To be placed at Lagrangian point L1
Kesaria Stupa
- World largest Buddhist Stupa
- Champaran district Patna
- Believe to be built to honor place where Buddha spent last days of journey before attaining Nirvana
- Discovered by ASI in 1998
- Recently in news When chief minister of JHK, Raghubar Das announced to construct world tallest “Buddhist” stupa at Itkhori in JHK
India - UN development partnership fund
- Led by GOI within United Nation fund for south-south cooperation established in 2017
- Aims to implement SDGs
- Focus on least developed countries and small Island developing states
- First project from this fund being executed in partnership with 7 Pacific Island countries
Quark particle
- Intrinsic properties like mass, electric charge, color & spin
- Only elementary particle in particle physics to experience all four fundamental interactions
1. Electromagnetism
2. Gravitation
3. Strong Interactions
4. Weak Interactions - Only particle whose electric charge are not integer multiples of elementary charges i.e. fractional charge
- 6 types of charge
1. Up
2. Down
3. Charm
4. Strange
5. Top
6. Bottom
- Safe delivery mobile application for health workers who manage normal and complicated deliveries
- Aims to improve quality of maternity care in labour room and maternity operation theatre (OTs)
- At all public health institutions
- Provide women citizens with easy access to information on government schemes
- Ministry of Women and Child Development
Annual Liveability Index
- Economic Intelligence Unit (EIU) published it
- Based on urban quality of life on basis of healthcare, culture & environment, education and infrastructure
- Recently Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs also decided to bring live-ability index of 116 cities
a. It aims to involves EIU for it
- One stop centres to be set up across country to facilitate women
- Based on recommendation of Usha Mehra Commission
- Integrated range of services including medical, legal and psychological support to women affected by violence
- To be funded by Nirbhaya Fund
- 100% Central assistance
- Augmenting Writing skills for Articulating research
- Initiative by National council of Science & Technology Communication (NCSTC), DST
- To encourage, empower and endow popular science writing through newspapers, magazines, blogs, social media etc. by young PhD Scholars and Post-Doctoral fellows
Global Wildlife Program (GWP)
- WB led global partnership that promotes wildlife conservation and sustainable development
- GWP is funded by GEF (Global Environment facility)
Global Cyber-security Index (GCI)
- To measure commitment of countries to cyber-security
- Released by International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
- Topped - Singapore
- India listed under maturing category
Budapest Convention
- Convention on Cyber crime
- Only binding multilateral treaty
- drafted by council of Europe but open for ratification even to states that are not members of council of Europe (An international organisation whose stated aim is to uphold human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Europe)
- India neither signed nor ratified the convention
- Recently, Indian government proposed for becoming member to push digital India and get rid of cyber-crime activities
a. However opposed by IB as sharing data with foreign law enforcement agencies may jeopardize individual rights and national sovereignty
- First dedicated multi-wavelength space observatory
- Unique feature- Simultaneous multi-wavelength observations of various astronomical objects with single satellite
- Observe universe in optical, ultraviolet, low and high energy X-ray regions of electromagnetic spectrum while most other satellites capable of observing in narrow wavelength band
- NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar
- Co-develop and launch dual frequency synthetic aperture radar satellite
- Dual band include L-band (produced by NASA) & S-band (by ISRO)
- Used for remote sensing to observe natural process on earth
- Small snowballs of frozen gases, rock and dust that orbit sun in our solar system
- When they pass close to sun, they release gases
- When they are frozen, they form size of small town
- Exists beyond Neptune in realm of Pluto orbiting sun
- These sometimes occasionally pushed by gravity into orbits bring them closer to sun and called short-period comets
Floating Dock (FDN-2)
- Kattupalli Shipyard at Chennai, Tamil Nadu
- Being built by L&T Shipbuilding Ltd
- Shipyard recently in news when Indian Navy first indigenously built Floating Dock (FDN-2) was launched at shipyard
a. Enables docking of all kinds of vessels including naval ships and submarines
Henderson Brooks report
- Secret document based on Indo-china war of 1962
- Blames Jawaharlal Nehru government “Forward policy “ and lack of proper intelligence or adequate military preparation for India’s defeat to china in 1962
- Recently Australian journalist released major chunk of report and since them BJP attacked congress for compromise country’s military preparedness in past as well as present
Prithvi -I
- First missile to be developed under GOI Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme, 1988
- Surface to surface short range ballistic missile (SRBM) by DRDO
- Range of 150 km and capacity 1000kg
- Liquid fueled missile
- Particles smaller than 2.5 micrometers in diameter
- Responsible for respiratory problems like cancer, strokes and heart attacks
- Aerobic Vehicle for Trans atmospheric Hyper-sonic Space Transportation
- Hyper-sonic space shuttle built by DRDO tested successfully in 2016
- First flight scheduled in 2025
Building Energy Efficiency Project (BEEP)
- Ministry of Power
- Bilateral co-operation between India & Switzerland
- Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) implementing agency on behalf of India
- To reduce energy consumption in new commercial buildings and circulate best practices
India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO) project
- Aims at building world class underground laboratory for high energy and nuclear physics research
- Theni district , Tamil Nadu
- Initial goal to study neutrinos
World Student’s day
- Birth anniversary of APJ Abdul Kalam
- Favorite job was teaching
- United Nations Declared Oct 15 as World Students day
National Mathematics day
-Birth anniversary of Srinivasa Ramanujan
Rashtriya Ekta Diwas
-Birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
Ek bharat Shrestha bharat draws inspiration from which freedom fighter ?
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
Kovvada Atomic power project
-To be set up in Andhra Pradesh
- Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization
- Global health partnership of public /private sector
Haritha Gramam project
- Story of residential locality in Thiruvananthpuram Kerala
- Went green by effective waste management at source
- High speed ground transport system
- Used for passengers as well as freight transportation with help of vacuum
- Vessels accelerates to cruising speed using linear electric motor and glide above track using passive magnetic levitation or air bearings
- speed 1200 kmph
- It uses power from renewable energy like solar or wind
Short lived climate pollutant
- lived for shorter periods than longer-lived climate pollutants such as CO2
- Example- methane, fluoridated gases including HFCs and black carbon
Ecosystem Services Improvement project
- Fund by WB
- Improve forest quality, land management, non timber forest produce (NTFP) such as nuts, mushrooms
- MP & CG
Schedules of Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972
- Wildlife laws divided species into “Schedules” ranked from I to V
- Schedule I
a. Best protected species with severe punishments . For example, Dugong - Schedule V have fauna declared vermin i.e. harmful to crops, farm animals, carry disease etc. and can be hunted
a. Examples are Common crow, Mice, Common fox, Rats, Fruit bats, Jackals
Mangroves for the future (MFF)
- To promote investment in coastal ecosystem conservation for sustainable development
- Co-chair by IUCN and UNDP
- Members are Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Maldives, Myanmar, Pakistan, Seychelles, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam
Aruna Asaf Ali
- Grand old lady of Independence movement
- Criticized by Gandhi for support to Royal Indian Navy Mutiny
- Awarded International Lenin Peace Prize for year 1964
- Bharat Ratna posthumously 1997
- Wide remembered for hoisting Indian National Congress flag at Gowalia Tank Maidan in Bombay during Quit India Movement 1942
- Hindu theologian and important exponents of Sri Vaishnavism tradition
- His philosophical foundation is called Vishishtadvaita i.e sub-school of Vedanta
- Written influential texts such as Bhasya on Brahma Sutras and Bhagavad Gita
- Ramanuja’s Vishishtadvaita School and Shankara’s Advaita School are both nondualism i.e. Monism
- 1000th birth anniversary celebrated on May 2017
Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project
- 4 components
a. National Coastal Management Programme
c. ICZM-Orissa
d. ICZM-Gujarat - More focus on east coast than west coast because east coast is more vulnerable on account of its low lying nature
- Funded by WB
- Society of Integrated Coastal Management (SICOM) is the nodal body for project
Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan (RAA)
- Creating interest among school students from class 1 to 12th in science & math
- Mentoring school children by institutions of higher education
- Funded by Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan
- Government recently decided to merge three flagship education development programme
a. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
b. Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan
c. Scheme for Restructuring and Re-organisation of Teacher Education (STE)
Price Stabilization Fund
-Aims to control price of perishable agri-horticulture commodities
-Under Ministry of Agriculture and Family Welfare
but since 2016 transferred to Ministry of Consumer Affairs
-Aims to setting up buffer stocks and interest free advance to agencies to undertake market intervention operations to relief consumers
Chapchar Kut
- Mizoram
- March April after Jhum Operation
- One of the three annual festivals of Mizo tribes to mark three different stages of agricultural cycle
- To thank god for saving people from harm during clearing of forests on hill slopes
Hoolock gibbons
- Only species of Apes in India
- NE India, Bangladesh & Burma
- Under Schedule I of Wildlife protection Act 1972
- Temple theaters of Kerala
- Combination of ancient Sanskrit theatre with elements of Koothu (Tamil performing art as old as Sangam era)
- UNESCO recognized as Masterpiece of Oral & Intangible Heritage of Humanity
- Kudiyattam means combined acting
- Performed by Chakyars and by Nangyaramma communities
For which Category, Swedish Academy postponed the 2018 Nobel Prize
- Literature
- Both 2018 & 2019 to be given in 2019
- Reason for delay is internal feud within academy
- Roots attached to Dravidian culture
- Emphasize on patient, environment, age, sex, race, habits, mental frame work, habitat, diet, appetite, physiological constitution of disease for treatment which is individualistic in nature
- Diagnosis done through pulse, urine, eyes, voice, color of body, tongue and status of digestion of individual patients
- Unique treasure for conversion of metals /minerals as drugs and many infectious diseases can be treated with medicines containing specially processed mercury, silver, arsenic , lead and sulfur without any side effects
Integrated Development of Wildlife habitats (IDWH) scheme
- Centrally sponsored scheme
- Financial assistance to victims of wild animals attacks to prevent retaliatory killings of animals
- Also to relocate villagers from within protected areas
- Helped in conservation and improvement of habitats of critically endangered species
- Example
1. Asiatic lion
2. Snow leopard
3. Hangul
4. Manipur Brow-antlered deer
5. Nilgiri Tahr
6. Great Indian Bustard
7. Asian wild buffalo
8. Vulture
Mahabalipuram Stone sculpture
- Recently accorded GI tag
- Pallava Dynasty
a. Ruled 6th-9th A.D.
b. turned the Mahabalipuram i.e. port town as center of sculpture
New drafted Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notification 2018
- CRZ limits to reduce from 100m to 50m
- No development zone of 20 m along all Islands
- High tide line & Hazard line mapping
High Tide Line
- level on beach where high tide reaches each time the tide comes in, you can usually see it clearly since you will find line of debris.
- Demarcated by National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management (NCSCM)
Hazard Line mapping of Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ)
Survey of India
Green Corridors recently in news
-Setting up transportation for easy and quick transportation of medical necessities like heart, liver, kidney etc. from one place to other for organ transplantation activities
Luxury Tourist trains
- Golden Chariot
- Connects important tourist spots of KN, Goa, KL & TN and Pondicherry
- Named after stone chariot in Vitthala Temple at Hampi
Semi-Luxury Tourist trains
- Tiger Express
a. to Bandhavgarh & Kanha National Parks in MP - Desert Circuit & Heritage Circuit are two other semi-luxury trains
Recently GOI approved amount for Jal Vikas Marg Project (JVMP)
- Enhance navigation of Haldia-Varanasi stretch of NW-1
- Project falls under UP, BH, JHK ,WB
- Involves construction of three multi-model terminals at Varanasi, Sahibganj (JHK) & Haldia besides construction of inter-modal terminals at Kalughat (Kolkatta) and Ghazipur (UP) and construction of new navigation lock at Farakka (WB)
Difference between Intermodal and Multimodal transport
-Movement of cargo from origin to destination by several modes of transport where each of these modes have different transport provider or entity responsible, each with its own independent contract
-Multiple carriers contracted to fulfill a single journey.
-Movement of cargo from origin to destination by several modes of transport where each of these modes have a different transport provider or entity responsible, but under a single contract
-Single carrier contracted to fulfill a single journey.
Small Finance Bank
- Allowed to take deposits from customers as well as allowed to lend money to people
- Capital Small Finance Bank was country’s first small finance bank opened in Jalandhar
- Need to maintain CRR & SLR
- Public Ltd Company under Companies Act 2013
Regional Anti-terrorist structure (RATS)
- Permanent organ of Shanghai Co-operation Organisation (SCO)
- Co-operation among member states against three evils i.e. terrorism, separatism and extremism
NIDHI Programme
- Department of Sci &Tech
- National Initiative for developing and harnessing Innovations (NIDHI)
- To support start ups
- Many schemes under NIDHI
a. NIDHI Prayas - address gap between idea & prototype funding
b. NIDHI Seed Support System - early stage startUps
c. NIDHI Centres of Excellence - start ups to go global
Surya Jyoti recently in news
- Photo voltaic integrated micro solar dome
- world first hybrid device with illumination level of light equivalent to 15W LED
- Its different from conventional solar devices which does not capture passive energy and work through storage battery i.e. active energy
- Micro solar dome captures sunlight through semi spherical upper dome and concentrate in dark room without using battery or solar panels i.e. passive energy
- During night, Utilize battery i.e. active energy
- Combination produces 18 hours of light
Borgen project
- Fight global poverty
- The Borgen Project believes that leaders of the most powerful nation on earth should be doing more to address global poverty. We’re the innovative, national campaign that is working to make poverty a focus of U.S. foreign policy
a. Foreign aid being priority
Sagarmala project
- 6 NEW MEGA PORTS have been cleared by Ministry of Shipping
1. Sagar Island Port (WB)
2. Paradip outer harbour port (Odisha)
3. Enayam (TN)
4. Wadhwan (MH)
5. Belikeri(KN)
6. Sirkhazi(TN) - Aims to improve logistics support and enhance Make in India
- Founding members
1. Russia
2. Iran
3. India - Aims at connecting India with Russia and Europe via Iran
Recently India became exporter of which commodity for first time
- electricity
- Import from Bhutan lower than export to Bangladesh and Nepal
SAUNI Project
- Saurashtra Narmada Avtaran Irrigation
- Gujarat
- To Saurashtra region
- Fragmentation of water from Sardar Sarovar dam to 115 dams of Saurashtra region
- Recently , President Kovind laid foundation stone
National Large Solar Telescope -NLST Indigenous developed
- Pangong Lake in J&K
- proposed and once completed to be largest solar telescope with aperture of size 2m
- Currently 1.6m at Arizona US
- Able to do both day and night astronomy
- Near Infra-red (IR) observatory
Living Planet report
- By World Wide fund for nature formerly known as World wildlife fund
- publish every 2 years and measures biodiversity abundance levels on planet
Chir Batti
-Strange & Mysterious phenomenon of lights at Banni grasslands i.e. outer southern edge of Rann of Kutch , Gujarat
Readiness fund & Carbon fund
- Forest Carbon Partnership Facility
- 2 funding mechanisms
1. Readiness Fund
a. Operational in 2008
b. Supports participating countries in REDD+ startegis
2. Carbon Fund
a. Operational in 2011
b. Performance based payments for emission reductions from REDD+ programs in few FCPF countries
- Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation by role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries(REDD+)
- under United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 2005
- Most of the key REDD+ decisions were completed by 2013, with the final pieces of the rulebook finished in 2015.
United Nations REDD Programme
- Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation
- Collaborative programme
a. Food & Agriculture Organisation of UN
c. UNEP - Created in 2008 in response to UNFCCC decisions on Bali Action Plan and REDD at COP-13(2007)
What is difference between REDD & REDD+
- REDD refers to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation
- REDD+ refers to conservation of forest carbon stocks, sustainable management of forests, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks.
a. developed countries paying developing countries to not cut down, or re-grow, their forests
Kyoto Protocol
-An international treaty which extends 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that commits state parties to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Bali Action Plan
- Adopted after 2007 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP-13)
- This was a two-year process to finalizing a binding agreement in 2009 in Copenhagen.
- important parts were:
1. An Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol negotiations
2. Launch of the Climate Adaptation Fund
3. Review of the scope and content of the Article 9 of Kyoto Protocol to make decisions on technology transfer and on reducing emissions from deforestation.
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
- International environmental treaty adopted at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 to reduce GHG’s emissions.
- non binding limits on greenhouse gas emissions for individual countries and contains no enforcement mechanisms
- outlines how specific international treaties (called “protocols” or “Agreements”) may be negotiated to specify further action towards the objective of the UNFCCC.
India’s seed vault
- Located at Chang la, mountain pass in Ladakh J&K
- Joint venture of National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources and Defense Institute of High Altitude Research
- Safeguarding crop diversity & agricultural wealth by storing seeds at -15 to -20 degree Celsius
Vaan Island
- One of the 21 uninhabited islands of Gulf of Mannar
- Located at Tuticorin (TN -Port city)
- Recently in news due to 1/4th area being submerged due to intensive coral mining activities (for limestone. and construction materials)
- TN govt with help of IIT Madras trying to restore islands through “artificial reefs”
Golden Rice
- Genetically engineered (GE) rice variety
- Rich in Vitamin A
Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE)
- Autonomous institution registered under Societies Registration Act 1860
- Forum for futuristic planning for country’s development requiring engineering and technological inputs
- Only Engineering Academy in India
- Consists of most distinguished engineers, scientists and technologists covering spectrum of engineering disciplines
- Founded in 1987 and recognized by DST as Scientific and Industrial Research organisation
- INAE is member of International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences (CAETS)
SR Bommai Case
- Conditions under which state governments may be dismissed
- SR Bommai was CM of Janta Dal government in KN in 1980’s
- His government dismissed under Art 356
- Reason given that Bommai lost support due to large scale defections but not allowed to testify it
- SC scrap down decision of Governor and laid down conditions under which state governments may be dismissed
Wealth Accounting and Valuation of Ecosystem Services (WAVES) partnership program
- GPP i.e. Global partnership program that aims to promote sustainable development
- Funded by WB
- Ensures natural resources are mainstreamed in development planning and national economic accounts
- World Health Organisation Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO-FCTC)
- First international treaty negotiated under WHO
- Eliminate illicit trade of tobacco products
- High altitude research station in Himalaya
- Under Ministry of Earth Sciences
- Himachal Pradesh
- Aims to track melting of Himalayan glaciers and climate change due to this
Sendai Framework
- Successor instrument to Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) 2005-15
- Sendai Framework for disaster reduction 2015-30
- Bangladesh is the first country to held international conference in line with Sendai Framework
World Sustainable Development Summit (WSDS 2018)
- Flagship forum for The Energy and Resource Institute (TERI)
- 2018 theme “Partnership for a Resilient Planet”
- 2018 summit held at India
Ashgabat agreement
-Multi-modal transport agreement between India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Oman, Turkmenistan & Uzbekistan
Recently Which countries recently switched from dollar to euro as its official reporting currency
-Iran as faced problems in trade due to sanctions imposed by US
Second generation Biofuel
- Manufactured from various types of biomass
- May include wood, organic waste, food crop waste etc.
- India’s first second generation bio-fuel plant inaugurated at Kashipur in UK
Mission Innovation (MI)
- Global initiative of 22 countries and EU
- Aims at clean energy revolution
- Encourages greater participation of private sector
Recently Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs approved restructured version of Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan (RGSA)
- Centrally sponsored scheme
- to all states/UTs and even in areas where Panchayats do not exist i.e. outside Part IX AREAS of Indian Constitution
Fejervarya goemchi
- New species of frog discovered in highlands plateau of western ghats parts of Goa
- Named after historical name of Goa
- They are terrestrial but also need water bodies for survival
- Mainly found in plateaus with temporary water bodies and paddy fields of Goa
Mission Lakadong
- Meghalaya
- To produce 50,000 metric tonnes of famous Lakadong turmeric per annum in next 5 years
- It has high Curcumin content (Anti-inflammatory/Anti-Oxidant properties)
- Lakadong is village in West Jaintia Hills
Innovate in India for Inclusiveness Project (I3)
- Developing Innovative bio-pharmaceutical (biological macro-molecule or cellular component, such as a blood product, used as a pharmaceutical.) and medical devices
- Loan from WB
EcAMSat mission
- E.coli Antimicrobial Satellite and NASA’s first 6U CubeSat
- Investigate space micro-gravity (very weak gravity, as in an orbiting spacecraft) i.e. space flights effects on antibiotic resistance of E.coli responsible for urinary tract infection in humans/animals
- Bacterial antibiotic resistance may pose danger to astronauts in micro-gravity, where the immune response is weakened.
- Scientists believe that results of this experiment could help design effective countermeasures to protect astronauts’ health during long-duration human space missions.
Batagur baska
- Critically Endangered by IUCN
- Species of riverine turtle currently found in Bangladesh (In sunderbans) , Cambodia, India, Indonesia and Malaysia
Gothenburg Protocol
- Dated back to 1999 and establish mandatory emission reductions for 4 major air pollutants to be achieved by 2010
1. SO2
2. NOx
3. NH4
4. Volatile Organic Compounds - revised in 2012 to percentage reduction commitments from base 2005 to 2020
a. added one more air pollutant i,e, PM2.5 such as Black Carbon
National Family Health Survey -4
Total fertility rate
- average number of children born to women if experiences current fertility pattern in her reproductive span i.e. 15-49 years
- BH -Highest TFR (3.4)
- Sikkim -Lowest TFR (1.2)
Black Carbon
- Recently emerged as major contributor to global climate change possibly second to C02
- Results from incomplete combustion
- Short lived climate pollutant (SLCP)
- Absorbs solar radiation and thus heat the atmosphere
- Not included in 8 pollutants used to calculate national AQI
Indian Spotted Chevrotain (Moschiola meminna)
- Referred as Mouse Deer
- Recently in 2017 spotted after 112 years in CG