Zune5-2 Flashcards
What are the salient features of Stand Up India ?
- Bank loans between 10 lakhs and 1Cr to atleast 1 SC/STs or Woman borrower per bank branch for setting Greenfield enterprise
- Managed by Department of Financial Services (DFS)
- Non farm loans repayable up to 7 years
- Provides for Refinance window through SIDBI
What are the salient features of No-Confidence Motion ?
- Can be introduced only in LS
- Requires support by atleast 50 MP’s of House
- Nominated members have rights to participate in voting during No-confidence motion
What is Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP) ?
- Project being funded by World Bank
- 80% loan by WB and 20% by State/Central governments.
- Central Dam Safety Organisation of Central Water Commission is responsible for project implementation
- Phase 1 - 223 dams till 2020
- Phase 2 - 2020-26 - 700 dams
What are the salient features of NIDHI ?
- National Initiative for Developing and Harnessing Innovations
- Supports only 20 student start Ups
- Selection through National level Competition
- Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII) implementing the programme
What are the salient features of KIRAN ?
- Knowledge Involvement in Research Advancement through Nurturing
- Initiative by Department of Science & Technology
- Women specific programmes
- Address various issues related to women scientists like Break-in career, Unemployment, Relocation, Research Entrepreneurship
- Budget support for creating Women technology parks consists of technologies related to Livestock management, Energy conservation , Textile technologies, Aquaculture
What are the salient features of Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL) ?
- Collaborative project between CSIR, MoST, AYUSH &MoHF
- Documentation of traditional knowledge in digitized form
- Aims to make knowledge available to international/domestic patent examiners to prevent frivolous patents
- Available in 5 foreign languages i.e. French , German & Spanish plus English & Japanese
What are the salient features of INSPIRE programme ?
- Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research
- Motivate young talents of Science & technology to pursue research as career
- DoST to provide scholarships to students within top 1% of class XII merit list of any state and CBSE
- Selected students supported for maximum period of 5 years starting from 1st year BSc, BS, Intl. MSc/MS
GOI declared 2010-2020 as decade of ?
- Innovation
What are the salient features of Literacy in India ?
- Criteria of 1991 has been retained for 2001 as well as 2011
- As per criteria, Person 7 years & above who can read and write with understanding in any language is treated as literate
- As per Census 2011, Kerala has highest literacy rate while Bihar has lowest literacy rate
Which was the latest Employment Unemployment Survey (EUS) conducted ?
- Fifth (2016)
As per fifth annual Employment Unemployment Survey, State /UT with Highest Unemployment rate ?
Highest -Tripura
Lowest -Gujarat
What are the salient features of Meghalaya ?
- One of the 7 sister states of India
- Memong narang and Khasi mandarin - Variety of orange -GI tag
- Known for Unscientific rat hole coal mining - SC ban in 2014- State government assured resumption in accordance with environment rules
- Living root bridges are handmade from aerial roots of Rubber Fig Trees by Khasi & Jaintia people
VNR Bihi ?
- Hybrid variety of Guava cultivated in CG
- Weighs upto 1 Kg
- Combination of variety grown in Thailand and India
- Less seeds and thick pulp and is suitable for long distance transport and longer shelf life of 15 days
Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGMSE) ?
- Maximum loan Rs 2 crore
- Collateral free credit
- Helps Unorganized sector
- Extends guarantee coverage for proposals above Rs 50 lakh up to 75%
- Corpus contributed by GOI and SIDBI in ratio 4:1
Which all schemes get converged under Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) ?
- Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP)
- Integrated watershed management programme (IWMP)
- On-Farm Water Management (OFWM)
Adopted Decentralized planning at district & state level for execution of PMKSY
Web Portal “NIKSHAY” ?
-NIC has developed to monitor TB cases in India
Economic Survey 2017-18 identified 4 possible headwinds impeding India’s transformation from developing to developed economy ?
- ES notes that India could face ‘Late Converger Stall’ when it comes to economic growth.
1. Climate changed induced agricultural stress
2. Hyper globalization which reduce India’s export opportunities
3. Difficulty of transferring resources from low to high productivity sectors
4. Upgrading Human capital as per Technology intensive workplace
Ramanujan Fellowship ?
- Brilliant Scientists and Engineers from all over world below 45 years
- Duration of fellowships up to 5 years
- To avail applicant must possess higher degree equivalent to PhD in Science/Engineering/Medicine
- Given based on outstanding track records as evident from research publications
- Rs 85000 per month and addition Research Grant of Rs 7 Lakh per annum.
Economic Survey 2017-18 has suggested six key areas that can be taken up as national mission to promote India’s R&D ?
- Cyber- Physical Systems
- Dark Matter
- Genomics
- Energy storage systems
- Mathematics
- Agriculture
Explain SERB ?
- Science & Engineering Research Board
- SERB ACT 2008 - Statutory body under Dept of Science & Technology (DST)
- Chaired by Secretary, DST
- Cater genuine needs of researchers via proper funding
- Established different fellowships & awards to recognize scientists.
- Impacting Research Innovation and Technology Fund (IMPRINT- II)
- FUND created by MoST & MoHRD
- PPP model
- Enhance quality of engineering education in India
- Enhance R&D in Engineering
- Crucial areas - Security, IT, Energy, Nano technology and Climate change
Haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) testing recently in news used for which diagnosis ?
- HbA1c is a form of Hemoglobin
- Routine test for people suffering from diabetes (Type 1 & Type 2)
- Normal range less than 6%
- If above 6%, Suffer from diabetes
- Hemoglobin is the oxygen carrying pigment responsible for red color of blood
- Predominant protein in RBCs
- 90% Hemoglobin A and rest include A1c. A1b. A1a1 and A1a2
VAJRA Faculty Scheme ?
- Visiting Advanced Joint Research (VAJRA) Faculty Scheme
- Serve overseas scientists and academicians to work for specific time period in Indian academic and research institution
- Promote international collaboration
- Not centrally sponsored but central planned i.e. no state/UT wise allocation made
Rapid Assessment System (RAS) for continuous feedback for e-services ?
- Developed by National e-Governance Division, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
- System has multiple channels for feedback and is backed by analytics
- Analytics help Government department for improvements
Dark Matter Laboratory ?
- Started research on Dark matter in Underground lab set up at Jaduguda mines in JHK
- Aim will be hunt for dark matter whose gravity holds galaxies together
- Half KM below earth’s surface
- Deep underground so that experiments shielded from intruders like cosmic rays and other radiations
The average retail inflation has declined in 2017-18 compared to previous year ?
The average WPI inflation has increased in 2017-18 compared to previous year ?
National Health Protection Mission ?
- Aims to provide annual health care of Rs 5 Lakh per family to 10 crore families
- Besides secondary and tertiary healthcare, envisages 1.5 lakhs wellness centres for PHC
- Subsumes On-going centrally sponsored schemes
1. Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY)
2. Senior Citizen Health Insurance Scheme (CHIS)
Economic Survey 2017-18 describes Low equilibrium Trap ?
- Economic concept
- Per-capita income too low to save or invest
- Low growth rate
- 4 reasons for Low Equilibrium Trap
1. High correlation between level of per-capita income and rate of population growth
2. Low propensity to direct additional per-capita income to increase in per-capita investment
3. Scarcity of Uncultivated arable land
4. Inefficient production methods
According to Economic Syrvey 2017-18, India falls under which category ?
- Lower Middle Income Group
- Criteria set by WB
First Virology Laboratory in Homeopathy ?
- Kolkata
- Only one in India for conducting research in homeopathy for viral diseases as influenza, JE, Dengue, Chikangunya and Swine flu
Setu Bharatam programme ?
- Aim to build rail over bridges (ROBs) or rail under bridges (RUBs) at railway crossings and road bridges for safe and seamless travel on National Highways.
- Aim to make all National Highways free of railway crossings by 2019
- Ministry of road transport and highways established Indian Bridge Management System (IBMS) with aim to carry out conditions by survey of all bridges on National Highways in India
Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana ?
- Under Ministry of Rural development
- MPs from LS as well as RS allowed to select village of choice for being developed as “Adarsh Gram”
- In case of MPs of LS he cannot select his own village or village associated with spouse.
- Nominated MPs can choose from PAN India.
- RS MPs can select from state from where he/she got elected
As per Economic Survey 2017-18, GDP growth rate has been projected between 6.5 % to 6.75 % for 2017-18 ?
As per Economic Survey 2017-18,GVA & GDP has been projected to be 6.5% & 6.7% ?
What is Gross value added (GVA) ?
- Productivity metric that measure of the value of goods and services produced in an area, industry or sector of an economy.
- Gross value added provides a dollar value for the amount of goods and services that have been produced, less the cost of all inputs and raw materials that are directly attributable to that production.
- Gross value added = GDP + subsidies on products - taxes on products
Jal Gram Yojana ?
- 2 water stressed villages in each district of country being selected for water security plan
- District level committee identifies villages to be selected as Jal Grams.
- No support from WB
- Village people are encouraged to generate mass awareness programme through Volunteering as “Jal Mitra “
What are the four important components of Jal Kranti Abhiyan ?
- Jal Gram Yojana
- Development of Model Command Area
- Pollution Abatement
- Mass Awareness Programme
National Young Leaders Programme (NYLP) ?
- To develop leadership quality among youth (15-29 years of age as per National Youth Policy)
- National Youth development Fund set Up
What are the 5 components of National Young Leaders Programme (NYLP) ?
- Neighborhood Youth Parliament (NYP)
- Youth for Development Programme (YFDP)
- National Young Leaders Awards (NYLA)
- National Youth Advisory Council (NYAC)
- National Youth Development Fund (NYDF)
National Nutrition Mission ?
- Ministry of Women and Child development
- 50% Government Budget and 50% by IBRD (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development)
- Government Budgetary support 60:40 between Centre and States/UTs. For NE & Himalayan states, 90:10 whereas UT’s without legislature 100%
- Reduce low birth weight by 2%,2%,3% and 2% per annum and targets to reduce stunting by at least 2% per annum.
- Aim reduction in stunting from 38.4% (NFHS-4) TO 25% by 2022
Padma Awards Committee ?
- Constituted by PM and not Parliament
- Constituted every year and not 5 years
- Cabinet secretary is the chairperson not the PM
- Submits recommendation to HM, PM and President for approval.
Rashtriya Uchachatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) ?
- Second phase of scheme got approval
- Central sponsored scheme
- Aim to increase GER and funding to state universities & Higher educational Institutions
- Funding of states based on critical appraisal of State Higher Education Plans
- 60:40 while NE & Himalayan 90:10 while UT’s without legislature 100%
- Aims to facilitate socially deprived -SC/ST/OBC/Differently Abled/Women/Minorities for Higher education.
National Commission for SCs ?
- Constitutional body Art 338-A
- Chairperson who given rank of Cabinet minister appointed by President for term of 3 years
- Mandatory of states/Centre/UTs to consult Commission on all matters related to SCs
- Power of Civil court trying suit while investigating matter related to SCs
Deendayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojna (DDU-GKY) ?
- GOI youth employment scheme
- Part of NRLM
- Ministry of Rural development and not of Ministry of Skill development and Entrepreneurship
- Minimum package once trained under DDU-GKY is Rs 6000 per month
- Training partners mandated to place atleast 75% of successful candidates to jobs
Nabakalebar Festival ?
- Observed in Shree Jagannath Temple of Puri in Odisha
- Involved symbolic creations of wooden forms Jagannath, Balabhadra, Devi Subhadra and Sudarshana
- Neem trees wood
- Naba means new and Kalebara means body
- Celebrated at gap of 12-19 years while most after gap of 19 years
- Recently President Ram Nath Kovind released Rs 1000 and Rs10 commemorative coins on occasion.
Bharat Ratna Awards ?
- recommendations made by Prime minister to President
- Awards can not be used as prefix or suffix to recipient name
- Can be awarded posthumously
- Maximum number of people can be awarded in a year is 3
- Highest civilian award instituted in 1954
- Nelson Mandela & Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan - Only two non-Indian personalities to receive Bharat Ratna
- Earlier to only living personalities but 1966 started awarding posthumously
- First reciepient - Politicain C Rajagopalachari, Philosopher Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan & Scientist C.V. Raman
Types of Padma Awards ?
- Padma Awards started in 1954
- Padma Vibhushan - Second highest civilian award, Highest being Bharat Ratna - Exceptional & Distinguished Service
- Padma Bhushan - Distinguished Service of high order
- Padma shri -Distinguished Service
- Announced on Republic day
Difference between Mono-culture & Poly-culture ?
- Mono culture -Growing single crop over wide area through out year
- Poly culture -Crop rotation or planting different crops over same piece of land in a year
- Mono culture increases soil erosion as same kind of crop decrease soil nutrients and underline soil structure.
- Poly culture enhance soil health and suppress weed growth.
- Since Mono culture are genetically similar, It is highly susceptible to pests while poly culture resistant to pests.
Right to Vote ?
- Statutory Right
- Art 326 and RoPA 1951
- Voting rights to citizen above 18
Right to die with dignity ?
-Recently, 5-judge constitution bench of SC in a writ petition filed by Common Cause unanimously held that right to die with dignity is component of right to life under Art 21
Right to Worship ?
- FR as per Art 25 & 26
- Art 25 guarantees every person freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of religion
- Art 26 guarantees every religious denomination or section of it, right to manage its own affairs
Term “Data secure status” was recently in news related to ?
- Indian government trying hard to secure “Data secure status” from EU but not received as of now.
- If got, It will lift restrictions on flow of outsourcing business to India
- India currently not included in the list of countries “Data secure status” by EU thus preventing flow of sensitive data especially those related to telemedicine to reach India
Uchchatar Avishkar Yojana (UAY) ?
- Ministry of HRD
- Fosters growth of industrial sectors with help of IITs
- No limit on funding, however ratio will be 25% by Industry/Industries,25% by participating ministry & 50% by HRD ministry
Cell for IPR Promotion and Management (CIPAM) ?
- Web portal established under Department of Industrial policy and promotion (DIPP)
- CIPAM in collaboration with WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organisation) setting up two innovation centres in India - Punjab & TN
- Aims to ensure focused action on issues related to IPRs and smooth implementation of National IPR policy
- Aims to provide different stakeholders with information pertaining to IPRs
Global Initiative of Academic Networks (GIAN) ?
- Initiative by GOI for Higher education
- Tap international pool of talented scientists/entrepreneurs/faculties with objective to encourage engagement with Higher education institutes in India
Green Climate Fund ?
- Established at UNFCCC held at Cancun, Mexico 2010
- Aims at climate resilient and low emission development.
- To limit green house gases emissions in developing countries
- WB serves as trustee of GCF
- GCF works through accredited entities like NABARD-India
- Various projects like Groundwater recharge and solar micro-irrigation implemented in Odisha. Its first project in country through GCF
Organisation for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) ?
- Implementing body of CWC
- Prohibits development/production/acquisition/stockpiling/transfer or use of chemical weapons
- CWC came into effect in 1997
- In India, National Authority for Chemical Weapons Convention (NACWC) has been established under CWC Act 2000 for implementing the provisions of CWC
- Director General directly appointed for Max 2 terms of 4 years
- OPCW received nobel peace prize in 2013
Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) ?
- Flagship initiative by NITI Aayog to promote culture of Innovation and entrepreneurship
- Mandated to create umbrella structure to oversee innovation ecosystem
- Aims to create tinkering labs in schools to foster creativity in students
- Tinkering labs are different from Conventional science labs
1. They have equipments appropriate to age of intended students and known for open-ended experiments - Corporates are partners of AIM
- AIM has no IP rights or patents for Innovations
Project UNNATI ?
- Ministry of Shipping
- Enhance operational and financial performance of 12 major ports with selected Indian private ports and best-in -class international ports
National e-Governance Plan 2.0 (NeGP 2.0) ?
-NeGP 2.0 titled “e-Kranti Transforming e-governance for Transforming governance” comprise of 44 mission mode projects further classified as state, centre and integrated projects
Mission mode projects under National e-Governance Plan 2.0 (NeGP 2.0) ?
-Individual project within National e-Governance plan 2.0 that focuses on one aspect of electronic governance such as banking, land records or commercial taxes etc.
1.e-Bhasha Takniki
-Language localisation of e-Governance applications
-e-Governance at PRIs
-Implementation of ICT at Indian Judiciary
-Implemented by Infosys
-Reduce complexity in obtaining information from government departments and increase transparency in governance
-Launched by CBDT to facilitate tax payers an online mode for lodging one’s complaint, uploading documents, getting complaint processed and track redressal
-but its not MMP
Term “HAMMER” frequently in news ?
- Hyper-velocity Asteroid Mitigation Mission for Emergency response
- Nuclear spacecraft -Joint venture of NASA, US National Security Administration and Weapon lab from US Energy department
- Aims to blow harmful asteroids before they chance to hit out planet
Pragati Scholarship Scheme ?
- Ministry of HRD implemented by AICTE
- Aims to provide scholarship for girls in AICTE approved institution for technical education
- Rs 30,000 or actuals and Rs 2000 per month for 10 months each year
- Total number of scholarships per annum is 4000
- Selection on merit of qualifying exams
- 1 girl per family if annual income less than Rs 6 Lakhs and 2 girls per family If annual income less than Rs 8Lakhs
Nowruz ?
- Iranian New year
- Celebrated by all major cultures of ancient Mesopotamia
- marks beginning of spring in northern hemisphere
- Celebrated in Iran, Iraq, India, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan
- Inscribed on UNESCO Representative list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity as festival rich in diversity promoting peace and solidarity across regions/generations.
Kisan Credit Card ?
- Launched in 1998
- Like plastic card and can be used at banks, ATMs and POS.
- enable farmers with quick/timely access to affordable credit
- Issued on basis of their holdings
- Interests generally 7% under Rs 3Lakhs but vary depending on banks
- Central government offers subsidy that can go up to 3% depending on credit history of farmers
Higher Education Financing Agency (HEFA) ?
- Aims to replace grants received by universities by loans
- Huge protest
- Not-for-profit organisation aims to leverage funds from market and supplement them with donations/CSR
- HEFA intends to act as NBFC
- Canara Bank become the first bank to open HEFA in collaboration with HRD
Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) ?
-Aims to generate employment through establishment of micro enterprises in rural /urban areas
-Ministry of Micro/Small/Medium Enterprises
-Implemented by Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC), A statutory body
-Subsidy routed by KVIC through identified banks to beneficiaries/entrepreneurs
Recently, Cabinet committee on Economic affairs chaired by Prime minister approved the continuation of PMEGP beyond 12th plan from 2017-18 to 2019-20
Vegetable Grafting ?
- Century old horticulture technique practiced in East Asia to overcome agricultural productivity
- Introduced to Europe in late 20th century
- Resistant to diseases/increase longevity/yield
- Involves cutting the stem at seedling stage and attaching it to root-stock of the seedling of other plant
LEADS (Logistics Ease Across Different States) ?
- Index by Ministry of Commerce & Industry
- first sub national logistics performance index
- Gujarat topped list
- Various parameters
1. Rail and Road network
2. Warehouses
3. Efficiency of regulatory process
4. Logistics services
5. Unscheduled stoppages
NISAR Mission ?
- stands for NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar
- Aims to established world’s most expensive earth monitoring satellite
- First radar imaging satellite to use dual frequency and used for remote sensing to understand natural processes on Earth
- Data collected from NISAR will reveal about evolution and state of Earth’s crust and help in understanding planet processes and climate change.
- Launced in 2020-21
- Software solution (“BHUVAN” - developed by National Remote Sensing Centre(NRSC) ISRO) to Photo Geotag all completed assets under MGNREGA by use of space technology
- Aim to create geographical information system(GIS) for assets created under MGNREGA
- Must be primary or attached assets (Primary -Newly created, Attached asset- Improvisation of Old asset)
Inter-State Council ?
- Inquire and gave recommendations on disputes arise between states
- Art 263 provides establishment of Inter-State council
- PM is the chair person of council
- It was established by Presidential order 1990 on recommendations of Sarkaria Commission
- CM of all states/UTs with legislative assemblies are members of council
- Besides this, Union minister selected by PM are also become part of council
Bank Board Bureau (BBB) ?
- Autonomous body to improve the governance of PSBs
- It makes strategies for capital raising and recommends candidates for top posts in PSBs
- Started in 2016 for period of 2 years
- Recently Government announced to revamp its structure
Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act 2017 ?
- Maternity leave to be increased from 12 weeks to 26 weeks for first two children
- Also had provision for maternity leave of 12 weeks for mothers adopting child below 3 months .
- Applicable to all organisation that employ 10 or more people.
Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) ?
- Maintained by NABARD
- Not provide loans to farmers but to state governments and state-owned corporations to enable them to complete ongoing rural infrastructure projects
- Eg
1. Minor/Micro Irrigation
2. Watershed development
3. Drainage
4. Forest development
5. Rural haats
6. Cold storage
7. Grading & Certifying mechanisms such as testing labs
- Transparency Auction Monitoring and Resource Augmentation
- Launched by Ministry of Mines
- Part of Ease of doing business in mining sector
- It covers block wise, state wise and mineral wise information of blocks to be auctioned, monitors various statutory clearances and highlights additional resources generated through e-Auction.
e-Biz portal ?
- Launched by Ministry of Commerce & Industry
- Helps Indian start ups to get various licenses and approvals hassle free
e-Rakam ?
-Platform to sell agriculture produce
e-Nivaran ?
-Online redressal of tax payers grievances related to refunds
Ayushman Bharat - National Health Protection Mission (AB-NHPM) ?
- Subsume centrally sponsored schemes
1. Rashtriya Swasthiya Bima Yojana (RSBY)
2. Senior Citizen Health Insurance Scheme - Can be availed at any Empanelled public/private hospitals
- Benefits 10 crore families
Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) ?
-Aims at early identification & early intervention for treatment of children (0-18 years) suffering from diseases and deficiencies
Rashtriya Arogya Nidhi Scheme (RANS) ?
- Aims to provide financial assistance to patients below poverty line and suffering from life threatening diseases
- One time grant
- Only in Government hospitals
- Central/State government employees are not eligible
Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG) Scheme ?
- Allows duty free imports of machinery and parts against undertaking that firm will export a specified amount within stipulated time
- Part of Foreign Trade Policy of India (FTP 2015-20)
Service Exports from India Scheme (SEIS) ?
- Service providers of notified services are incentivised in form of Duty Credit Scripts at rate 3-5 %on net foreign exchange earnings
- Part of Foreign Trade Policy of India (FTP 2015-20)
Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) ?
-Part of Foreign Trade Policy of India (FTP 2015-20)
Advance Authorization Scheme (AAS) ?
- Exporter can import raw materials and related inputs under 100% duty exemption scheme
- DGFT is licensing authority for this scheme
- Part of Foreign Trade Policy of India (FTP 2015-20)
Industrial Corridor projects in India ?
- As of now, 5 Industrial corridors have been proposed which would pass through
1. Punjab
2. Haryana
3. Uttar Pradesh
4. Uttarakhand
5. Bihar
6. Jharkhand
7. West Bengal
8. Madhya Pradesh
9. Rajasthan
10. Gujarat
11. Maharashtra
12. Karnataka
13. Andhra Pradesh
14. Tamil Nadu - For effective implementation, National Industrial Corridor Development and Implementation Trust (NICDIT) will be set up and function under DIPP-Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion
- 5 proposed Industrial Corridors are
1. Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor
2. Chennai-Bengaluru Industrial Corridor
3. Bengaluru-Mumbai Economic Corridor
4. Amritsar-Kolkata Industrial Corridor
5. Vizag Chennai Industrial Corridor
Trade Infrastructure for Export Scheme (TIES) ?
- Financial assistance in form of Grant-in-aid to state governments for setting up and upgradation of infrastructure projects with export linkages like Border Haats , Land customs stations, quality testing and certification labs,cold chains,dry ports,export warehousing
- Grant in aid ceiling Rs 20 Cr for each Infrastructure project
- Empowered committee chaired by Commerce Secretary monitors functioning of scheme
MCA21 Project ?
- First mission mode project to be implemented under national e-Governance initiative
- Under Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA)
- Anytime Anywhere services to businesses by MCA
Merchandise Exports From India Scheme (MEIS) ?
- Part of FTP(2015-20)
- Rewards to exporters in form of duty credit scripts
- Destination countries classified into three categories
1. Group A
2. Group B
3. Group C - Earlier 5 different schemes with different duty credit scripts. All these merged into single scheme called MEIS with one duty credit script
- Scheme does well to offset infrastructural inefficiencies and associated costs of exporting products
Recently Union Cabinet chaired by PM approved change in definition of MSMEs. What is it ?
- Based on “Investment in plant and machinery/equipment” to “annual turnover” basis
1. Micro - Annual turnover < 5 crore
2. Small - 5 crore < Annual Turnover< 75 crore
3. Medium - 75 crore < Annual Turnover < 250 crore
Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana (MKSP) ?
- Sub component of NRLM
- Ministry of Rural development - funding 75 % states and 90% for NE and Himalayan States
- Enhance skill base of women in agriculture to enable them to pursue livelihood in sustainable basis
Pradhan Mantri Mahila Shakti Kendra Scheme (PMMSK) ?
- part of “Mission for protection and empowerment of women”
- Aims to improve decline sex ratio and empower rural women
- cost sharing 60:40 states, 90:10 Himalayan & NE states, 100 for UT’s
- payments must be through PFMS under DBT mode
Name some projects funded by WB ?
National Hydrology Project -Management of water resources Swachh Bharat Mission Gramin -Rural India free from open defecation Jal Marg Vikas Project -National Waterways development project -national Integration and bring out navigational challenges
Mega Food Park Scheme ?
- Under Ministry of Food Processing
- Scheme based on Cluster approach on Hub and Spoke model
- Central processing centres (CPC) as hub
- Primary Processing Centres (PPC) and Collection centres (CCs) as spokes
- Farm to market value chain along with modern infrastructure facilities with strong forward and backward linkages through cluster approach
- Common facilities at Central Processing Centre and facilities for primary processing & storage created near farm in form of PPCs and CCs
Name recent Mega Food parks ?
- Roopangarh Village, Ajmer, Rajasthan
- Satara, Maharashtra
Padhe Bharat Badhe Bharat Scheme ?
- National Curriculum Framework 2005 pointed out “Majority of Children have sense of fear and failure regarding mathematics “
- Was also one of the reasons for early drop outs from schools
- HRD started “Padhe Bharat Badhe Bharat Scheme”
- It is a sub programme under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
- Emphasis on Mathematics & reading comprehension
Modified Industrial Infrastructure Up-gradation Scheme (MIIUS) ?
- To enhance competitiveness of industry by quality infrastructure
- demand driven scheme and focuses on brownfield as well as green field projects
- Central grant up to 50% project cost with ceiling of Rs 50 crore while for NE its around 80%
Deen Dayal SPARSH Yojana ?
- Under Ministry of Communication
- Its Scholarship for promotion of Aptitude & Research in Stamps as Hobby
- Annual Scholarship to class 6, 7, 8 & 9 pursuing Philately as hobby through competitive selection process
Journalist Welfare Scheme ?
-Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
-Financial assistance of Rs 5 lakh to family on death of journalist, Up-to 5 lakh on permanent disability , Up-to 3 lakh towards major ailments not covered under CGHS or any other insurance schemes
Scheme covers journalist accredited to PIB/State governments/UTs or non-accredited journalists working for minimum period of 5 continuous years either whole time or part time as news editor, reporter, photographer , cameraman & freelance journalist
RAFTAAR -Remunerative approaches for agriculture and allied sectors rejuvenation ?
- Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) has been renamed as RKVY-RAFTAAR
- To enhance efficiency and inclusiveness of existing programme
- Aims to make framing as remunerative economic activity through agri-business entrepreneurship
- 60:40 & 90:10 & 100% Scheme
- Electronic portal developed by Ministry of Labor & Employment
- Child labor free society
Amended Technology Up-gradation Fund Scheme (ATUFS) ?
- Ministry of Textiles
- One time capital subsidy for eligible bench-marked machinery for textile industry
Technology Acquisition and Development Fund (TADF)
- Under National Manufacturing Policy by Ministry of Commerce & Industry
- Aims to facilitate acquisition of clean, green and energy efficient technologies by MSMEs
- Enhance manufacturing growth in MSME with emphasis on “Make in India”
National Adaptation Fund for Climate Change (NAFCC) ?
- Central Sector scheme i.e. no role of states in funding
- NABARD is the implementing agency
- Adaptation to mitigate adverse effects of climate change on Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Forestry, Tourism etc
National Investment Fund (NIF) ?
- Money procured from disinvestment becomes part of it
- Tasks of utilization of proceeds by Department of Economic Affairs
Ombudsman Scheme launched by RBI
- Redressal of complaints against NBFCs
- Cost free
- Also has Appellate mechanism for NBFC as well as complainants to appeal
- Office of Ombudsman will function from 4 metros -Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai & New Delhi
Cool EMS service ?
- One-way service allows customers in India to import Japanese food for personal use
- All food items will be carried by Japan Post in special cool boxes containing refrigerant
- Ministry of Communications
RTE Act 2009 ?
- Free and compulsory education in age group 6-14 years
- Art 21A
Technology and Innovation Support Centre (TISC) ?
- Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP), Ministry of Commerce & Industry
- First being set up in Punjab (Set Up by collaboration with WIPO)
Vanbandhu Kalyan Yojana (VKY) ?
- Ministry of tribal affairs
- All tribes irrespective of 5th or 6th Schedule
- Development
Pharma Jan Samadhan Scheme (PJSS) ?
- Ministry of chemicals and fertilizers
- speedy and effective complaint redressal mechanisms with respect to availability and pricing of medicines through web portal developed by National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA)
National Kamdhenu Breeding Centre ?
- Conserve indigenous breeds
- Two breeding centres
1. Chintaladevi Andhra Pradesh
2. Itarasi town, Hoshangabad District - enhance at increasing milk production by preserving high quality breeds.
National Dairy Plan (NDP) Phase -1 ?
- Implemented by National Dairy Development Board (NDDB)
- 15 year timeline
- Phase 1 financed by WB & is implemented for 6 years
- Aim to enhance milk productivity
National Agriculture Market - NAM ?
- Pan India electronic trading portal for farm produce creating unified national market
- Integrate existing APMC markets
- SFAC (Small Farmers Agribusiness Consortium) lead promoter of NAM
SFAC -Small Farmers Agribusiness Consortium ?
Registered Society under ministry of Agriculture & Farmer welfare