Zionism, Israel and the Palestinian issue Flashcards
what caused the Six day war?
-newly formed Palestinian organisation
when was the PLO formed?
-1964 Nasser invited the leaders of the Arab states to a conference in Cairo, went on to set up the Palestinian Liberation Organisation.
what was the aim of the PLO?
-unite all Palestinians and ultimately to win back the land which they had lost in 1948-49.
what was the PLO generally?
-an umbrella organisation for various Palestinian groups.
-for example Fatah.
what did Fatah do? and who were they?
-guerrilla group who had bases in three of the Arab countries which border Israel: Syria, Jordan and Lebanon.
-founded by Yasser Arafat.
what did Fatah do?
-1965 carried out first raid on Israel
-next few years carried out many raids into Israel and Israel retaliated.
what did Arab countries do about the PLO?
-governments of Lebanon and Jordan tried to restrict PLO activities because they were afraid of Israel reprisals.
-Syrians were keen to support the PLO and encouraged Fatah raids against Israel and supplied men with arms
what did Nasser sign with Syria? and why?
-after not supporting PLO raids he still wanted to seem the leader of the Arab world so he signed a defence agreement with the Syrian government where if one state was attacked the other would come to its defence.
-Nasser hoped this would calm the hotheads in Syria but it only encouraged them.
what started the six day war?
-tensions rose in Syria as a week after Egyptian pact a mine exploded on the Israel-Jordan frontier killing three Israeli soldiers and the Israelis retaliated with a huge attack on the Jordan village of Samu.
-7th April 1967 an Israeli tractor was ploughing land in the demilitarised zone, the Syrians opened fire and the Israelis fired back, this escalated and Israeli planes were called in action and Syrian plane.
-6 Syrian planes were shot down two of them over the Syrian capital, which further humiliated the Syrians.
what happened when the Soviets intervened just before the six day war?
-May 13 regarded Syria as a key ally and warned the Egyptians that Israel was moving its forces to the border with Syria.
-Nasser knew that this wasn’t true but the story spread and his leadership was being challenged.
what steps did Nasser take to deter Israel and impress Arab opinion on the build up to the six day war?
-May 15 moved 100,000 Egyptians into the Sinai Peninsula.
-asked the UN commander to remove his troops from Egyptian soil to prove that Egypt was completely independent and they were withdrawn.
-May 22 Nasser closed the Straits of Tiran which stopped Israel having access to the port of Eliat.
what did Syria do on the 24th of May 1967
-Syrian minister challenged the Israelis whilst a war fever was being whipped up in the press and radio of several Arab states.
what did Nasser do on the 15 of May 1967?
-moved 100,000 Egyptians into the Sinai Peninsula.
what did Nasser do on the 22 of May 1967?
-closed the Straits of Tiran which stopped Israel having access to the port of Eliat.
how did Israel respond to Nasser before the six day war?
-they needed to get the US as a ally to guarantee their victory.
-US president told the Israeli foreign minister on the 26 of May that if Egypt attacked then the Israelis would ‘whip the hell out of them’ and ‘would not be alone unless it decides to go alone’
what did Jordan do before the six day war?
-30th of May due to Palestinian population signed a mutual defence treaty with Egypt.
what did the US tell Israel on the 31st of May? and what happened as a result?
-Israel should take own action to open the Straits of Tiran without the US.
-the Israelis took this as a sign to take action against the Arab states.
-on 1st of June a new government was formed with Moshe Dayan and three days later Israel decided to go to war.
how did the Israelis basically win on the first day of the six day war?
-Monday 5th of June, Israeli air force attacked Arab forces on the ground and within 4 hours they had destroyed the air forces of Egypt, Syria and Jordan.
-they basically won as they had complete control of the skies.
why did the Israelis win the six day war and why were they now the dominant powers?
-Arabs had lost 15,000 men whilst Israelis had lost fewer than 1000.
-Israelis had French fighter planes and tanks and the most advanced US electronic equipment which allowed them to intercept Arab communications.
-Israelis were highly skilled and trained.
-the Israelis believe they were fighting for their nations survival.
what happened on the first day of the Six-day war?
-Israeli planes bombed all 19 Egyptian airfields and wrecked 300 planes, and Israeli troops advanced into the Gaza Strip and Sinai desert.
-the Israelis destroyed the Jordanian air force and Jordan troops attacked West Jerusalem.
-Israeli planes incapacitated the Syrian air force.
what happened on the second day of the Six-day war?
-Israeli forces advanced to the Suez and the Israeli air force destroyed many tanks and other vehicles and ground troops destroyed or captured the rest.
-heavy fighting for control of Jerusalem and the West Bank of the River Jordan.
what happened on the third day of the six-day war?
-the Israelis won complete control of the Sinai and accepted the UN call for a ceasefire with Egypt.
-the Israelis captured all of Jerusalem and Jordan accepted the UN demand for a ceasefire.
what happened on the fourth day of the six day war?
-Egypt accepted the ceasefire call
-Israel won control of all the west Bank and the River Jordan.
what happened on the fifth day of the six day war?
-Israeli troops attacked the Golan Heights.
what happened on the final day of the Six-day war?
-Israelis took control of the Golan Heights
-Syria accepted the call for a ceasefire.
what land did Israel conquer in the six day war and how did this make Israel safer?
-Golan Heights: villages in the north of Israel were now safe from Syrian artillery.
-west bank: military fortifications were now built on the banks of the River Jordan while the land on the West Bank of the river was controlled by Israel, and it protected the country’s narrow waist.
-Sinai: desert formed a huge buffer between Israel and the Egyptian army.
what territory did Israel annex and why was this bad?
-annexed east Jerusalem.
-violated international law and UN General Assembly condemned the action.
who did the Arabs blame for their defeat? what happened as a result of the war?
-blamed defeat on the USA Britain and other European powers.
-three main oil producing countries had to pay £135 million annually to Jordan and Egypt as compensation.
-soviets decided to replace the weapons they lost.
what did Arab leaders declare at a conference in August 1967?
-‘No peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiation with it. We insist on the rights of the Palestinian people in their country’
what was the UN resolution 242?
-November 1967
-called for permanent peace based on:
‘the withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict.’
Respect for the right of every state in the area ‘to live in peace within secure and recognised boundaries free from threats or acts of force.’
-supported Arabs on the issue of land and supported Israel on the issue of peace and security.
who supported the UN resolution 242?
-Egypt and Jordan but not Syria accepted the resolution.
-Israel eventually accepted but the UN led discussions with the warring parties but made little progress as Israel found that the occupation of Arab land gave it added security and Arabs insisted on Israeli withdrawal as the first steps of peace.
why was it argued that the Arabs were responsible for the outbreak of the six-day war?
-Syria had been actively encouraging PLO raids into Israel and calling for a war to liberate Palestine.
-Syrians also incited Nasser, as the champion of the Arab world into taking a more actively anti-Israeli stance.
-Syrians encouraged Fatah guerrillas to launch attacks on Israel from camps in the Jordan controlled West Bank and this led to Israeli attack on Samu.
-increased pressure on Nasser and the Soviet report led to the closing of the Straits of Tiran etc, which were seen as an act of war.
how was it argued that the Israelis were responsible for the outbreak of the six-day war?
-desire to teach the Syrians a lesson. cultivation of the land in the demilitarised zone between Israel and Syria had been resumed by the Israelis in April 1967 and intended to provoke Syria so that Israeli forces could use force to compel the Syrians to stop any further raids.
what caused the Israelis to really want to hold onto the land they gained?
-the Arab show of defiance at their conference in 1967.
how did Nasser try to regain the Sinai?
-1969 with the support of the soviets embarked on artillery bombardment if the Israeli positions on the eastern bank of the Suez Canal and periodic commando raids across the canal.
-strategy was a limited but prolonged war to bring about an Israeli withdrawal from the Sinai, however the Israelis retaliated with air attacks which destroyed Egypt’s air defence missile system and were determined to keep hold of the Sinai.
-‘war of attrition’
how did Sadat’s opinion differ to Nasser in the regaining of land lost?
-realised that fighting over the Suez Canal was draining Egypt of money and morale, peace was needed to clear the canal and rebuild Egypts cities.
-he aimed to settle to conflict with Israel.
how did Sadat go about getting peace with Israel?
-Feb 1971 put forward a plan for limited Israeli withdrawal from the Suez Canal and the reopening of the Canal for international shipping.
-Israelis were not willing to discuss it and this was supported by the US.
-Sadat attempted to get the US to persuade Israel but had little luck as they were bogged down in the Vietnam war and even in 1972 expelled all 15,000 Soviet advisers from Egypt.
what did Sadat decide instead of persuading US?
-1972 decided the stalemate could be broken only by war as it would force the superpowers to to intervene.
-weaponry, training and planning in the army had been improved especially with soviet aid and also had financial support from Saudi Arabia and the support of Assad in Syria.
how did the Yom Kippur war start?
-6 of Oct Egypt and Syria attacked on the holiest day of the Jewish year so Israeli forces were caught by surprise and soldiers on leave.
-90,000 Egyptians and 850 tanks crossed the Suez Canal in the first 24 hours and destroyed 300 tanks.
how did Syria forces act in the Yom Kippur war?
-500 Syrian tanks overwhelmed Israeli forces on the Golan Heights
-Israeli forces retaliated but discovered that the Arabs had surface to air missiles which they used very effectively.
-by Oct 12 Israel managed to push Syrians back and on 15 Oct they exploited a gap in the Egyptian forces and thrust across the Suez Canal.
-the Israelis managed to recover by airlift of thousands of the most advanced weaponry from the US
what was the ceasefire of the Yom Kippur war?
what happened with the Arab countries and oil in the 1950s?
-by 1950s oil producing states became dissatisfied with the previous arrangements of oil with the west taking a percentage of the profits.
who were the seven sisters?
-term used to describe the seven oil companies, one British, one Anglo-dutch and five American.
-dominated until 1973 they controlled 85% of the worlds oil reserves
what happened with oil in 1959? and what was the effect?
-oil companies decided to reduce the price of oil because there was a glut on the world market.
-this knocked $132 million off the income of the four major Arab producers yet the oil companies had not consulted or informed the Arab countries in advance.
what did the oil producing states do in retaliation to 1959?
-created OPEC
-Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait and Venezuela were members.
-later Qatar, Libya and Algeria joined.
-designed to force the west to consult OPEC members before making any future price changes.
what happened in the war of 1973 in regard to oil?
-when the Israelis overwhelmed the Syrians and encircled Egyptian forces on the west Bank of the Suez Canal the Arab ministers imposed a 17% price increase on the sale of oil.
what happened as a result of the 17% increased price of oil in 1973? and what happened after that?
-18 Oct Nixon approved $2.2 billion arms package for Israel.
-20 Oct Saudi Arabia followed by other oil Arab states imposed a complete embargo on the US and the Netherlands (who supplied much of the western Europe’s oil)
-Arabs called for the end to Israeli occupation of Arab land and full restoration of the rights of the Palestinians and reduced output by 25%.
what happened as a result of the Arab states reducing output by 25%?
-by December the prices on world markets had quadrupled.
-USA and allies were shocked.
-petrol prices rocketed and rationed in places like the UK.
when did the Arab states lift their embargo on oil?
-March 1974
-Americans persuaded Israel to withdraw from the Suez Canal.
who was Henry Kissinger? what did he do?
-US secretary of state from 1973-7
-tried to arrange treaties of disengagement between the Arab countries after the 1973 war.
-1974-5 he secured a series of agreements by which Israeli forces would withdraw from the Suez and part of the Golan Heights.
-this agreement enabled Egypt to clear the canal and reopened in 1975
what did Jimmy Carter do?
-said that his government would strive for a comprehensive settlement including a solution for the Palestinian problem.
-this was made harder by Begin becoming the prime minister in 1977 and committed to the continued control of the West Bank and Gaza and refused to consider the idea of a Palestinian homeland.
-Carter was unfazed and planned a conference to include all main participants and the soviet union, but Sadat 1977 led to a change of plan.
what did Sadat do in 1977?
-surprised the world by announcing that he was willing to go to Israel to negotiate a peace treaty and he went to Israel.
what happened in 1978?
-Israeli prime minister went to Egypt and peace talks were started.
-early 1978 reached a stalemate as Sadat demanded Israeli recognition of the Palestinians right to self-determination while Begin demanded a guarantee of continued Israel control of the West Bank.
-to try to put an end to the stalemate Carter intervened and flew to Cairo and Jerusalem for discussions and then invited both leaders to Camp David.
what was Camp David?
-July Carter invited both Sadat and Begin to the presidential retreat in Maryland for 13 days.
-Carter found begin very stubborn on the West Bank and even hard bargainer on the Sinai.
-Carter was eager to conclude the talks but also not halt progress which meant that the leaders should exchange letters.
-but there was effectively no agreement on Jerusalem.
what was the outcome of Camp David?
-two agreements:
-‘A framework for peace in the Middle East’, this provided for the election of a self-governing Palestinian authority and full ‘autonomy’ for the inhabitants of the West Bank but denied them any right to national self-determination.
-‘A framework for peace between Israel and Egypt’, Israeli forces to be withdrawn from the remaining parts of the Sinai, Egypt to regain all of Sinai within three years and Israeli shipping to have free passage through the Suez and Straits of Tiran.
what was the Treaty of Washington?
-March 1979 six months after Camp David both leaders were invited again to the US.
-this was where they signed the treaty of Washington which confirmed the two sides agreement at Camp David.
-with the ‘framework for peace between Israel and Egypt’ and they agreed to recognise ‘each others right to live in peace within their secure and recognised borders.
when did Yasser Arafat become leader of the PLO? and what did he do?
-1969 he became chairman.
-tried to co-ordinate the guerrilla activities of the various groups within the PLO.
what caused the PLO to be expelled from Jordan? and when?
-Sept 1970 Hussein decided he did not want any more raids launched on Israel from inside Jordan and ordered the PLO to obey him and his army.
-in the same month, four aircraft were hijacked by the PFLP and demanded the release of Palestine fighters in jails.
-this was the last straw for king Hussein, he ordered his army to take control of PLO bases, they resisted and in the following days more than 3000 of them were killed.
who were the black September?
-Palestinian group who killed 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympic games on the 5th of November, first killed 2 and demanded the release of 200 Palestinians in prison in Israel and then killed 9 more.
-also killed the Jordanian prime minister while he was in Egypt.
what did Sana M’Heidi do?
-16 year old Muslim girl.
-drove a car filled with explosives into a group of Israeli soldiers in Lebanon.
-she killed herself and 2 Israelis
how did religion work in Lebanon?
-until the 1970s pretty stable country.
-most of the population were either Christian or Muslim and since 1943 had agreed that the President would be a Christian and the Prime minister a Muslim.
what were the origins of the war in Lebanon?
-by the 1970s more muslims were demanding more power.
-significant source of instability from the Palestinians with many refugees from the previous wars.
-more destabilising influence of all was the PLO who had set up more bases in Lebanon after they were expelled from Jordan in 1970.
what did the Lebanese government do in 1975?
-ordered its army to regain control of the south.
-Palestinians resisted and were helped by Lebanese Muslims, most of the Lebanese army was Christian and soon there was a civil war between Christians and Muslims.
what did the PLO do from Lebanon in 1978? and what did this cause?
-PLO suicide squad went further south and attacked a bus near Tel Aviv killing 37 passengers.
-this meant Israeli troops invaded Lebanon they seized the south of the country but the PLO forces melted away.
-Israelis withdrew under pressure from the US and UN forces were sent in to keep the peace on the Lebanese Israeli border.
what did Israel do in 1982?
-early months planned another invasion of Lebanon to be called ‘the operation peace for Galilee’ they simply needed a reason to invade.
-this came in June 1982 when a group of Palestinians attempted to murder the Israeli ambassador in London
events of Israel invasion of Lebanon 1982?
-170,000 trops 3500 tanks 600 fighter planes.
-more successful in destroying PLO forces than 1978.
-Sharon told Israeli prime minister that the aim was to drive out Palestinian forces, destroy bases and establish a 40km security zone.
-became much more ambitious and they advanced north and surrounded Beirut, cut off supplies to food and water, thousands of civilians killed from shelling and bombed daily from air land and sea.
-over 20,000 were killed.
what ended the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982?
-mid August the USA intervened
-persuaded the Israelis to stop shelling the city in return for an agreement that the PLO fighters would be evacuated and over 14,000 fighters left Beirut to travel to other Arab states.
what caused the war in Lebanon in 2006? and events?
-July 2006 Hezbollah fighters crossed the border into Israel and killed three Israeli soldiers and captured two others, they demanded the release of Hezbollah fighters and Palestinians who were held in Israeli jails.
-Israel refused to agree to a swap and launched air attacks on Hezbollah strong holds in south Lebanon and Beirut.
-Hezbollah hit back by launching hundreds of missiles from the south of Lebanon against towns in the north of Israel.
-within a month death toll 1000 Lebanon.
-August ceasefire arranged and fighting stopped and peacekeeping force sent to the border.
how did the Palestinian intifada start and when was it?
-8th December 1987
-Israeli army vehicle in Gaza crashed into a lorry killing 4 of the Palestinians on board.
-rumours spread that it was a deliberate revenge of the killing of an Israeli the day before.
-the funerals of the Palestinians became huge demonstrations and at one of them a youth was killed and shot by an Israeli soldier.
-as tensions mounted thousands took to the streets both in Gaza and the West bank, they stoned army controls
what happened after the war in 1967?
-Israeli government annexed east Jerusalem and encircled the city with jewish settlements
-didn’t annex gaza or the rest of the west bank but they were placed under Israeli military rule and resistance was harshly dealt with.
-Israeli troops rounded up PLO suspects and thousands were jailed without trial.
-they also took so much land and gave it to the jews
what can the west bank be known as to some Israelis?
-Judea and Samaria, part of the ancient land of Israel that God had promised to the Israelites
what might have overall caused the Intifada?
-by 1987 there were over 80,000 jews living in settlements around Jerusalem and 20,000 living in parts of the West Bank and Gaza.
-after years of living under Israeli occupation and humiliation had brought the increasing hatred to a boiling point.
how did the Israelis deal with the intifada?
-insisted on an iron fist policy and used, bullets, rubber bullets, tear gas, water cannon.
-they couldn’t manage to halt the momentum.
-after disproval around the world they decided not to use live ammo, instead their were mass arrests and special detention camps were set up.
by September 1988 how many people had been killed during the intifada?
-346, many of them were under 16.
how did the world see the intifada?
-a powerful modern army let loose on civilians who were fighting for their human rights and the right to govern themselves
how did the intifada end?
-USA willingness to recognise the PLO
what did the USA persuade Yasser Arafat to do in 1988?
-during secret talks with the PLO persuaded him to publicly reject terrorism and speak out in favour of a two state solution, so he recognised the state of Israel.
how did the Israelis react to Yasser Arafat?
-at first they were in no mood for compromise
why could the US push Israel into peace talks?
-the communist Russia was collapsing and could no longer support Arab states with arms, this meant that they did not need the support of Israel to try and contain the soviet threat any more
-the Arab states would favour the US due to financial backing.
-in September 1991 the US president threatened to withdraw 10 billion loan to Israel.
what happened during the Madrid conference?
-Palestinians spoke of the need for compromise but Shamir was still intransigent.
-extremists on both sides tried to disrupt the discussions by acts of violence.
- usa kept up pressure on Israelis
what happened during the Oslo accord?
- four sessions of discussions were held in Norway over 8 months
-in September 1993 Yasser Arafat and Rabin exchanged letters and Arafat in his letter recognised the right of Israel to exist in peace and security and Rabin recognised the PLO as the representative of the Palestinian people.
-13 Sept signed the Oslo accord which paved a way for a step by step approach towards self-government for Palestinians
-in front of the white house they both shook hands.
what was agreed during the Oslo accords?
-Israeli troops would be withdrawn in stages from Gaza and parts of the West Bank, but not be withdrawn from their military bases from Jewish settlements or from Jerusalem.
-elections would be held for a Palestinian authority to run the west bank for 5 years.
-during these 5 years a final settlement would be discussed.
what was agreed during the second Oslo accords?
-elections to the Palestinian authority would finally be held
-Israeli forces would be withdrawn from major Palestinian towns Palestinian prisoners would be released from Israeli jails.
what did Jordan sign with Israel?
-peace treaty with Israel in which two sides settled the disputes over the borders
-Jordan became second Arab state to recognise Israel.
what did HAMAS believe about the peace process?
-it was bad and the aim of HAMAS was to destroy the state of Israel.
what support was there for HAMAS? and what did they do?
-support increased after Goldstein killed 29 Palestinians in a mosque in the west bank in 1994.
-HAMAS led a campaign of suicide bombings both in Israel and the occupied territories.
what happened to president Rabin?
-Nov 1995
-Israelis gathered in Tel Aviv for a peace rally
-young Israeli shot him and he died on route to the hospital.
-this led to an end to the peace process.
what happened at camp David?
-Barak was elected in Israel.
-Clinton tried to revive the peace process in July 2000
-Barak offered the Palestinians a deal that would have given them Gaza and most of the West Bank and agreed to the partition of Jerusalem.
-obstacles proved too great regarding who controlled the holy cities of Jerusalem and the right of Palestinians to return to Israel.
-no significant progress was achieved and many blamed Arafat for not accepting the deal.
what caused the second intifada
-28 Sept 2000 the Israeli politician Sharon made a tour of the temple mount, to Muslims this was the Dome of the rock.
-Sharon expected to cause trouble and was accompanied by over 1000 police officers.
-the visit was seen as provocative by Palestinians and many saw it as a threat to impose Israeli control over the holy sites.
-caused the second intifada and shot 7 Palestinians dead and wounded over 200 within a month 127 had been killed.
what was the underlying cause of the second intifada?
-frustration and anger of Palestinians in the occupied territories on the west bank and Gaza.
-had Palestinian suicide bombings, Israeli reprisals and the building of Jewish settlements continued
-between 1993 and 2000 there was a 77% increase in the number of Jewish settlers in the occupied territories
-in Gaza Israelis had control of over 1/3 of the land for only 6500 and most of the water supplies and in West bank 2 million Palestinians and 400,000 jewish and the Israelis controlled nearly 70% of land and water
what did Sharon do?
-in March 2002 after 29 Israelis were killed in a HAMAS suicide bombing Israeli troops and tanks carried out raids into Palestinian towns and refugee camps on the West Bank and Gaza and often used helicopters to kill Palestinian militants in their homes or offices
how many casualties did the second intifada have?
-by May 2003 over 2000 Palestinians and 760 Israelis had been killed since the intifada started in 2000
what did Israelis do during the second intifada?
-built up a ‘green line’ a wall around their territory.
what was the roadmap for peace what did this lead to?
-April 2003 Bush and outlined a timetable for moves towards a Palestinian state, first phase was an end to Palestinian bombing and to Israeli raids on Palestinian towns.
-Nov 2004 Arafat was succeeded by Abbas and he persuaded Palestinian militants to call a halt to their bombing and then the Israeli and Palestine leaders met in Egypt and announced a mutual ceasefire.
-in the summer of 2005 jewish settlers and troops were withdrawn from Gaza.
what happened in 2006?
-HAMAS won the majority of the seats in the Palestine elections
what happened in 2009?
-Netanyahu became prime minister of Israel and the building of Jewish settlements on the West Bank became around Jerusalem escalated
-US involvement in peace process ended.