Key terms Flashcards
Arab higher committee
Committee of Palestinian Arab leaders formed in 1936
Arab nationalism
The belief that the Arab people constitute a single political community or nation which should be dependent
The dispersal of people
Jewish defence force set up in the 1920s
Hashemite rulers
The descendants of sharif hussein
A secret Zionist organisation formed in 1937
Jewish agency
The governing body of the Zionist movement in Palestine during the British mandate set up in 1908
League of Nations
The international peace keeping organisation set up between WW1 and 2
To lobby is to seek the support of a law making body
Am order from the League of Nations giving Britain and France control of Arab lands previously controlled by turkey.
Name of the Turkish dynasty that lasted from 16th century till the end of WW1
The belief that Arab people should be United under a common government
Self- determination
The right for nations to govern themselves
Suez Canal
Constructed waterway linking the red sea to the Mediterranean through Egypt
Stern gang
A Zionist terrorist grouping founded in 1939
White paper
A government doc making recommendations
A movement for the establishment and protection of the Jewish state of Israel