Timeline Flashcards
Anglo Persian oil company.
July 1915- March 1916
McMahon hussein letters
May 1916
Sykes picot agreement
Arab revolt against the ottomans.
2nd of Nov 1917
Balfour declaration
10th August 1920
Treaty of sevres singed.
British uprising against rule in iraq
19th - 26th April 1920
San Remo conference
French invaded Syria and expelled Faisal Faisal king of Iraq
Prince Abdullah becomes king of transjordan
24th July 1923
Treaty of Lausanne signed
Iraq given independence
1936- 39
Arab rebellion against the British rule in Palestine.
7th July 1937
Peel commission plan to partition Palestine published
British government issued a white paper limiting Jewish immigration into Palestine.
Transjordan became independent
The exodus sis turned away from Palestine and the hanging of British soldiers
29th November 1947
UN voted for partition civil war Jews and Arabs
April 1948
Massacre at Deir Yassin
14th May 1948
Israeli Declaration of Independence
15th May 1948
Arab league members declare war on Israel
- Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.
May 1948
battle for Jerusalem
11th June to 8th July 1948
UN first ceasefire
18th July 15th Oct 1948
UN second ceasefire
Jan 1949
final ceasefire
1949 after Jan
armistices agreements signed
Abdullah of Jordan assassinated replaced by grandson King Hussein
King Farouk overthrown by Free Officers coup in Egypt.
Nasser becomes president
feb 1955
Gaza raid- Israel attack Gaza 38 dead
24 Feb 1955
Bagdad pact signed between Iraq Turkey, iran Pakistan and the UK.
sept 1955
Czech arms deal
19th July 1956
withdraw of funding for the Aswan Dam
26th July 1956
Nasser announces nationalisation of the Suez
22-24 Oct 1956
Brit France and Israel agree to support war against Egypt
29 Oct 1956
Israel invaded Sinai in Egypt and suez crisis began, Brit called for ceasefire and Egyptians refuse Britain and France use this to get involved.
31st Oct 1956
Brit and France bombed Egyptian airfields
2nd Nov 1956
UN general Assembly voted for a ceasefire
6 Nov 1956
Eden declared ceasefire under economic pressure from US
1st Feb 1958
Creation of UAR
Oct 1959
formation of Fatah
Sept 10-14th 1960
formation of OPEC
Sept 1961
Syria leaves the UAR
PLO created
Fatah raid Israel
Syrians become more anti-Israel and taunt Nasser for hiding behind protection of Soviets
Nasser- keen to remain the leader of the Arab world- signs a defend agreement with the Syrians.
April 1967
The Israeli air force shot down six Syrian fighter planes after a Syrian attack on Northern Israel.
11th May 1967
Russia warned Syria that Israel was building up weapons for attack on Syria. This is not true. Nonetheless the story spread rapidly and Nasser moved 100,000 Egyptian troops to Sinai and Nasser asked for UN troops to be withdrawn from Egyptian territory and they were withdrawn.
22nd May 1967
Nasser closes straits of Tiran
30th May 1967
King Hussein who wanted to avoid war is pressurised to sign treaty with egypt
June 5th-10 1967
Six Day War
Nov 1967
UN resolution 242
war of attrition