Nasserism Flashcards
what is Arab Nationalism?
-Arabs push for an Arab political unity and one Arab state.
-rooted in the feeling of sharing the same language Arabic and the same Religion Islam.
when did the Arab Nationalism grow the most?
-in the 1930s as a result of Jewish immigration to Palestine.
what was the main causation of Nasser’s anger towards the western powers?
-in 1942 they insisted that the Egyptian King replace his Prime Minister who they saw as Pro-German to a Pro-British one.
-British troops surrounded the royal palace and the King gave in.
what was the main causation for the overthrow of the Egyptian government?
-the 1948-9 war
-Nasser and his Free Officers were appalled by the incompetence of the Egyptian Government in the 1948-9 war.
how did the Free Officers manage to overthrow the Government?
-got rid of British troops stationed on the Suez Canal did this peacefully by agreeing with the British Government in 1954, but British still operated the canal.
-overthrew the gov in 1952
what was the Bagdad Pact and why was Nasser against it?
-1955 British formed an anti-soviet alliance with Turkey and Iran and tried to persuade Iraq to join.
-Nasser was furious he did not want any Arab state to join and saw it as an instrument of western interference.
-launched a massive propaganda campaign
how did Nasser use propaganda?
-through the ‘voice of the Arabs’ radio station, broadcast from Cairo and reached millions in the Arab world.
-radios were set up in cafes and village squares
-Nasser mesmerised people with his speeches and Arab masses responded with enthusiasm.
how was egypt aligned under Nasser?
-1955 Nasser attended the first conference for non-aligned states in Indonesia
what events further accelerated Arab-Nationalism?
-the Czech arms deal of 1955
-Suez crisis of 1956
-merging of the states of Egypt and Syria in 1958
what was the Czech arms deal?
-September 1955 Nasser announced he had agreed to buy arms from the Czech government.
-in return for cotton and rice Egypt was supplied with weapons.
-on the streets of Damascus, Amman and Bagdad there was rejoicing.
what did the west leaving the Suez Canal do?
-Arab cities erupted in anti-western demonstrations and riots, Nasser’s name was chanted and Arab governments came under huge pressure to bring their policies into line with Egypt.
-Jan 1957, ‘Treaty of Arab Solidarity’ signed by Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.
when and what was the UAR?
-February 1958 joining of Syria and Egypt.
-merge of their political and economic systems
what was Nasser’s opinion on the UAR?
-not enthusiastic as Syria had no common border with Egypt and had completely different political and economic systems
how did the UAR end?
-Nasser had imposed the Egyptian political system and army and government were dominated by Egyptians.
-landowners and businessmen have been resentful as Egypt insisted that Syria carry out land reform by breaking up big estates and redistributing the land to the peasants like Egypt.
-1961 Syrian army officers carried out a coup against the Egyptian forces, who did not intervene.
what was Nasser’s political system like?
-he and his free officers had formed a revolutionary command council after they took power in 1952.
-Nasser dominated the government and most of the senior positions were held by army officers.
-Jan 1953 political parties banned, created the national union
-Parliament not abolished but severely limited.
what did Nasser think of the Muslim Brotherhood?
-did not consent to Nasser’s rule.
-Nasser feared the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood as it represented an alternative to his national union.
what did the Muslim Brotherhood do in 1954?
-Oct 1954 shot at Nasser whilst he was making a speech, Nasser continued to speak and his speech made him even more a champion of the people.
-Nasser then arrested thousands of members and six of them were hanged for their part in the assasination.
how did Nasser distribute the land?
-passed a law which limited land-owning to 200 acres per person and was later reduced to 100 acres, confiscated land was then distributed amongst the poorer farmers.
what other changes to society did Nasser make?
-built up industry by nationalising the export of cotton, banks, many large industrial companies, transport and the press by 1967.
-expansion of schools and hospitals.
-plans to industrialise Egypt depended on reliable energy sources which was why the Aswan Dam was crucial and its completion was a huge achievement and allowed for over 2000 villages to have electricity by Nasser’s death
what caused the conference that created the PLO?
-the Israelis were about to complete a project which would divert 75% of the water from the river Jordan which was a great threat to Syria and Jordan.
-conference of Arab leaders in Jan 1964 led to PLO
what did Nasser do in 1966?
-August, signed a peace agreement with Syria which stated that aggression against either state would be considered an attack on the other.
when did Nasser resign?
-third evening on the Six-day war
evidence that nature of Arab nationalism was opposition to zionism?
-the creation of the state of Israel was opposed throughout the Arab world.
-hatred of zionism led to the invasion of the new state in 1948.
-formation of the PLO in order to liberate Palestine helped sustain Arab nationalism while the wars of 1976 and 1973 helped intensify anti-Israeli and Arab nationalism.
evidence that the nature of Arab nationalism was due to opposition to western intervention?
-desire on the part of Nasser and his government to be completely free and independent of the western powers that did the most to fuel the rise of Arab nationalism.
-Nasser’s campaign against the Bagdad pact and his perceived victory over the British and French after the Suez crisis.
-Nasser shared his hatred of western dominance through the voice of the arabs
-created also through the west’s creation of Israel and continued support.