The Democratic Monarchical And Authoritarian Arab States Flashcards
who was president of Egypt 1970s?
Anwar Sadat 1970-81
What was Sadats policy for Egypt?
-‘Egypt first policy’ abandonment of Pan-Arabism.
-1972 spoke of battle with Israel
-1975 onwards was different with Israel through him flying there in 1977
How did Syrias president react to Sadat recognising Israel?
-this is treason the Arab nation will never forgive you.
-showed Arab nationalism was a thing of the past.
When did Sadat sign a peace treaty with Israel?
Key aspects of Sadats domestic policy?
-relaxed some harsher aspects of Nasser’s rule
-press was allowed more freedom
-allowed political parties but ensured government party Arab Socialist union dominated parliament
-encouraged more private enterprise to attract foreign investment from rich Arab states to increase tech advancement
-economic growth in 1979s yet gov were in debt
-growth benefited a small number
-when gov halved subsidies for basic food there were violent riots in nightclubs and venues only the rich could afford were burned down.
-gov restored subsidies
-discontent over increase nepotism
Sadats growing militancy key aspects?
-Muslim brotherhood reappeared members focused on increase of western influence e.g dress and alcohol.
-1981 sept Sadat feared an attempt to overthrow him and ordered the arrest of 1500 people
When was Sadat killed and by who?
-Oct 1981 gunned down by a group of islamists in the army
When did Mubarak become president of Egypt?
Aspects of Mubaraks rule?
-ruled in a similar authoritarian manor to Sadat
-initially let press and political parties more freedom
-Muslim brotherhood the biggest opposition party but like Sadat, Mubarak’s party continued to win
-most of reign was domestic stability and economic development.
-close ally of the US
-Arab states more accepting
Why did the Muslim brotherhood not like Mubaraks rule?
Dependence on the US and relations with Israel
Due to the pressure more elements of Islamic law were incorporated
What happened in Egypt in the 1990 under Mubarak?
-most militant Islamic group launched a series of attacks on government ministers
-the security forces clamped down hard
Why did Mubarak leave?
-after a wave of mass protests in the Arab spring of 2011 he stepped down and handed party to Arab leaders
how did ataturk come to power?
-1918 after the war was appointed by the sultan (ruler of ottoman turkey) to disband military forces as ordered by the allies
-instead he called on his country to rise up and rid the country of foreign occupiers.
what did Ataturk do to turkey?
-westernised it proclaimed a republic in Oct 1923
-introduced a new legal code
-used the wests alphabet instead of Arabic one
how did Ataturk change Turkey’s religion?
-tried to transform Turkey into a secular state
-islamic schools and law courts ended.
-1928 the article in the constitution which stated that religion of turkey is islam was deleted.
-1935 surnames were introduced
how did Ataturk change politics in Turkey?
-democracy was held through the Grand National Assembly.
-his party Republic peoples party was formed in 1924 and ruled for 27 years
-the GNA had real power and Ataturk tried to use persuasion to get his way.
who’s mandate was iraq? and when granted independence?
-British mandate due to them suspecting it contained oil
-1932 but even then Britain kept 2 airbases and controlled the oil production
who was iraq’s Nuri Al-said?
prime minister in 1938
pro-british and dominated iraq for 20 years
what was iraq like in the 1940’s?
-economic, education improved
-country dominated by big landowners
-widespread discontent and resentment of British occupation.
how did Iraq deal with their oil?
-1952 persuaded BP to to agree that the profits from oil would be shared between iraq and the british company.
1958- after the coup secured more control over oil production.
1972- baathist gov took full control of oil
1973- joined other Arab states in reducing sales to western countries but also had the effect of driving up oil sales
when was Nuri Al-said overthrown?
-1958 military coup
-took Iraq out of the Bagdad pact
-persuaded brits to leave
when did the baathist party seize power in iraq?
-electricity brought to countryside
-roads, bridges, hospitals, schools and dams were built
when did Saddam Hussein become president of iraq?
what was Saddam Hussein like?
-admirer Stalins use of Terror
what happened between Hussein and the kurds?
- constant conflict
-many of the Kurdish leaders were driven into exile or executed
who helped the Kurds against Iraq? and why?
-1970s by Iran
-to weaken the state of Iraq due to them being seen as a rival
-due to the Iran Iraq war Kurds gained more of northern Iraq and Hussein felt stabbed in the back by the Kurds
how did Iraq get revenge on the Kurds?
-their planes bombed Kurdish town of Halabja in Northern Iraq with chemical weapons 5k killed on site 12k later died
how did Hussein attempt to solve the Kurdish issue?
-depopulate the Kurdish north
-used chemical weapons and mass executions
-180k killed and 100,000 refugees
how is Iran a different Arab nation?
-people are mostly non-Arab and don’t speak Arabic
-mostly made up of Shia not Sunni muslims
when did Reza shah take over Iran?
-made himself Shah in 1925
how did Reza shah change Iran?
-reorganised the educational system
-compelled men and women to adopt European dress and discard the veil.
-roads and railways built.
-textile and steel industries established
-1930 4th biggest oil producer
who became shah after Reza Shah?
-Muhammed reza shah after the second world war
who was Mossadeq and what did he do?
-member of Iranian parliament
-believed that oil profits should belong with Iran
-gained huge support and in 1951 the shah was forced to appoint him as Prime minister and then the parliament passed a law to nationalise the oil company
-british then refused technicians, persuaded other western companies not to buy irans oil and imposed a blockade on irans ports.
how was Mossadeq overthrown?
-Britains tried to persuade USA to help them by overplaying the Soviet threat as it was height of cold war and iran shared a long border.
-1953 US persuaded and with British help used threats and money to pressure Shah into replacing him
what was the shah’s white revolution in the 1960s?
what was the result of the Shah’s white revolution?
-transfer of land to poorer farmers.
-vote for women
-more schools
-doubling in rate of literacy.
why did people oppose the Shah?
-new wealth only enjoyed by a minority
-dependence on west
-media that seemed not appropriate for Islam
who was the Ayatollah?
-leader of opposition against the Shah and forced into exile by the Shah’s government.
-writings were smuggled into Iran.
-then became leader of iran
how did the shah leave office?
-1978 huge strikes and demonstrations calling for the shah to abdicate
-often a million strong.
-jan 1979 Shah left to get treated for cancer and never returned
-Ayatollah ruled instead.
how did the Ayatollah rule?
-islamic state established
-education islamic
-women had to cover heads
-alcohol, western music and Tv was banned
what happened in 1979 in Iran?
-when the US government allowed the shah medical treatment in Nov millitant Iranian students stormed the US embassy and took 50 staff hostages
why did Hussein go to war with Iran?
-Ayatollah was calling on iraqis to rise up and overthrow Hussein
-saw an opportunity to gain territory as Iran had several ports unlike iraq
-Iran was weak: economy in chaos, western boycott of trade and forces demoralised
events of the Iran Iraq war?
-iraq invaded Iran in September 1980
-advanced far but within a month had been brought to a halt in Irans desert.
-turned to firing missiles at each others cities.
-within a year Iraqis forced back to their border
-Iraq had better firepower, but the manpower with revolutionary enthusiasm willing to become martyrs was extreme.
-within two years Iran recaptured all land and cut off sea port
-by 1984 both sides were locked in trench warfare along their border and in the gulf
-iranians expected a seize fire in 1988
who did the west and Arab states support?
-most arab states supported iraq, especially oilfield and shiite countries and so supplied money and arms.
-US, France Germany and soviets more supportive of Iraq aswell.
-US support due to fear of iran controlling oil prices and collapse of pro-western regimes
what was the outcome of the first Iran Iraq war?
-Iranians finally accepted a ceasefire in 1988, economy in ruins and faced the prospect of a war with the US.
-no peace treaty only a truce.
-nearly a million Iranians and half a million Iraqis died
who become the leader of Iran after Khomeini?
-Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was elected president in 2005
-continued to appoint the heads of state organisations like the judiciary, the state media, the army etc.
what happened after the Iran Iraq war, for Iraq?
-riots and strikes against Saddam Hussein.
- main threat to Saddam came from his army as many officers felt cheated of a victory and some privately blamed him.
-several attempts to get rid of him between 1988 and 1990.
Why might have Hussein invaded Kuwait?
-to divert attention away from a growing military crisis in Bagdad.
-1990 when oil prices on the world market dropped steeply Saddam blamed Kuwait for deliberately causing the fall by over-production.
-also angry that Kuwait was pressing Iraq to repay the 14 billion it had lent to Iraq during the war with Iran.
-Saddam stressed that the Iraqi people had made great sacrifices in fighting, and was protecting countries like Kuwait.
what were the events of the first gulf war?
-fighting started with an air assault by US forces in Iraq in Jan 1991.
-Saddam fired scud missiles to Israel in the hopes that it would create a split between the west and their Arab allies, but the US persuaded the Israelis not to retaliate.
-Feb ground attack began and Iraqis driven out of Kuwait but torched the oil wells.
-the US president called on the Kurds in the north and the Shiites in the south to stand up against Saddam.
-in the Shia south about 50,000 were killed by Saddam’s forces so the west established no fly zones.
how did the first gulf war come to an end?
-west stopped short of Bagdad as their UN mission had been restricted to the liberation of Kuwait and Arabs would not have supported a US overthrow of Saddam.
what peace terms were given following the first gulf war?
-recognition of Kuwaits sovereignty
-payment of reparations
-imposition of no fly zones in the Kurdish north and south
-Iraqi cooperation with the UN to uncover and destroy all weapons of mass destruction
-agreement of a wide range of trade sanctions.
what caused the US’s suspicions over the WMD?
-Saddam’s brother in law told people in Jordan that Saddam’s second son had been given the job of hiding Iraq’s WMD.
What were the impact of the sanctions on Iraq?
-prevented from importing machinery, fertilisers, medicines and even books and was only allowed to sell a small amount of oil.
-previously had been importing 70% of its food and as a result between a quarter and half a million children died as a result of sanctions
how did the US manage to invade Iraq?
-USA claimed that Iraq still had WMD and feared that Al-qaida might get his hands on them, no evidence of link between Qaida and Iraq but the US were set on invading and looked for excuses.
-asked UN to send in weapons inspectors and no WMD were found, didn’t have full UN approval but invaded anyway.
events of the US’s invasion into Iraq 2003?
-started with aerial bombardment followed by land invasion and there was very little resistance and the capital fell after just three weeks.
what happened after the second Iraq war?
-many Iraqi cities experienced a complete breakdown of law and order and for millions of Iraqis the quality of daily life deteriorated
what was the resistance after the second Iraq war?
-resistance started almost immediately
-when they decided to abolish Saddam’s army suddenly 350,000 soldiers were demobilised kept their guns and joined the resistance 20-50,000 were actively involved in the insurgency.
-rebuilding of Iraq was neglected and the insurgents to keep support away from the US deliberately bombed water sewage and electricity facilities.
-final troops left Iraq in 2011.
what were Kamal’s six arrows?
who came to power in 2000 in Syria?
-Bashar Al-Assad
-allowed for more freedom but didn’t last long
-refuses cooperation with the US.
-wealth benefited the top percentage
what happened in Syria in 1963?
-coup that brought baathist back in power led by al-Assad, he became president in 1970
when did Al-assad in Syria become PM?
what was the black september?
-Jordanian civil war in sept 1970
-attempt by the PLO to topple King Hussein and seize control of the country
-Arafat and the PLO were expelled from Jordan by early 1971.