Zachs Final Exam Flashcards
A group of extinct and living bipedal primates in the family Hominidae
Describe the Egyptian religion.
There were gods, kings and the rest of humanity. After death the kings joined the gods they represented while alive. They had an unofficial religion. They were distant from temples and visited shrines to pray. They looked to omens for profound questions. It helped shape cultural and written achievements.
How did the pharaohs solidify their power during the Middle Kingdom?
The Twelfth Dynasty ruler Amenemhet advanced the god Amun (who was grafted on to the sun god Re as Amun-Re) as a supreme deity. Because Amun’s characteristics were “hidden” his worship could be embraced by believers in many different theological systems. Amun’s elevation aided the pharaohs in consolidating authority, because they could link their authority as the rulers of people to that of Amun-Re as the king of the gods.
What was the consequence of the Battle of Megiddo?
With the victory at the Battle of Megiddo, the first recorded chariot battle, Egypt established a presence in Palestine and was poised to engage in commercial, political, and cultural exchanges with Southwest Asia and the eastern Mediterranean.
What were the jobs of the Brahmans in the Indian caste system?
the Brahmans codified customary social sanctions, eventually collected together in the Laws of Manu. They also had to memorize the entire text.
What is considered a major weakness of the Zhou Dynasty?
They were not unified
Which Greek philosopher believed the key to understanding lay in the accumulation of knowledge and facts?
How did the Chavin people organize their societies?
formed in northern Peru, organizing trade up and down mountainsides, from the tropical lands and produce of the valley floors, to the fertile fields with maize and other crops in the mountain foothills, and to the highlands with potato cultivation and llamas. Since this ecological diversity allowed them to supply all their needs locally, there was only a limited need for long-distance trade
How did the Chavin achieve cultural unification among its isolated communities?
The Chavín people were united by culture and faith more than any other political structure. Drawing on influences from as far away as the Amazon and the Pacific coast, they created devotional cults that focused on wild animals. Priests took hallucinogenic drugs that were believed to enable them to become jaguars.
Describe four consequences of Alexander the Great’s conquest.
Women gained power, silk roads increased trade, Hellenism/Buddhism and increased exposure to Persian Lands
What regions were included in Alexander the Great’s empire?
Macedonia to the Indus Valley river basin
Which of Alexander’s generals gained control of Egypt after his death?
What philosophies emerged in Hellenistic Greece?
Self-sufficiency (cynicism), detachment (Epicureanism), involvement (Stoicism)
Name one of the largest empires to emerge in South Asia.
The Mauryan Empire
Who was Chandragupta?
First great conqueror in Indian History that rose to power to rule the Mauryan Empire.
Describe the reign of Asoka.
He converted to Buddhism so that he could have a reign of peace. He renounced warfare. He wanted to be a tolerant but firm ruler.
What is dharma? How was it used during the reign of Asoka?
A moral code espoused by As’oka in the Kalinga edict, which was meant to apply to all—Buddhists, Brahmans, and Greeks alike.
Why was Bactria important to the Greek world and South Asia?
It was a bridge between the South Asia and Greek World of the Mediterranean
What were bodhisattvas?
Someone halfway between human and Buddha
Describe the characteristics of Gandharan art. Where was this art typically found?
Buddhist sculptures from gray schist rock found in the norther Kushan territory
What is the mandate of heaven?
Chinese political doctrine that is an ideology established by Zhou dynasty to communicate the moral transfer of power
Describe the reign of Emperor Wu (include the changes he made and his accomplishments).
Never led troops to battle, followed Daoist principles of noninterference, wanted empire to function alone, strong penal code, processed over 1000 cases per year, founded the Imperial University, promoted social order and religion, minted coins
How were merchants perceived in society during the Han Dynasty in China?
Successful merchants were allowed to extend into the city – they were subject to controls that included regulations on luxury consumptions anad they were belittled for not doing physical labor
What type of events indicated a loss of the mandate of heaven?
destruction of crops by natural disasters, loss of money through the high cost of military
Who posed the greatest military threat to the Han Empire?
The Xionghnu and other nomadic people in the north
What was the Pax Sinica?
Period of peace in which agriculture, commerce and industry flourished in East Asia under the rule of Han.
Who were the Yellow Turbans?
A religious group (wore yellow scarves around their heads) championed Daoist millenarian movements across the empire.
Who were the Red Eyebrows?
Rebellious peasants led by Daoist clerics that painted their foreheads red when they marched on Wang’s capital at Chang’an
Describe the three major factors that influenced the beginning of Rome’s imperial expansion.
Migrations of foreign people from northern and central Europe; Rome’s military built stron using communities they conquered as manpower; and political innovations
Who was Hannibal?
A great Roman general from Carthage whose campaigns in the third century BCE swept from Spain toward the Italian peninsula. He crossed the Pyrenees and the Alps mountain ranges with war elephants. He was unable, however, to defeat the Romans in 217 BCE.
What was the Pax Romana?
Latin for “Roman Peace,” this term refers to the period between 27 BCE and 180 CE during which conditions in the Roman Empire were settled and peaceful.
In the Roman Republic, what body of elites issued policy?
What factors contributed to the spread of the teachings of Jesus throughout the Greco-Roman world?
Christianity emerged from a direct confrontation and dialogue with Roman imperial authority. Jesus was tried by a Roman governor and executed by the standard Roman penalty of crucifixion. Disciples of Jesus attempted to write about his life and record his sayings in four books that came to be called the Gospels, explaining that Jesus had been divine. Jesus’ preachings were deeply Jewish, with Jesus as the shepherd of his people. Through the textual portrait of Jesus drawn in the Gospels and the preaching of a Jewish Roman citizen named Paul, the image of Jesus as divine began to spread through the Mediterranean. Followers formed a church in which death was the hallmark of faith: the death and resurrection of Jesus and their own deaths as witnesses and martyrs to God. The persecution of Christians remained sporadic and local. Not until the middle of the third century CE WAS A FORMAL, EMPIRE-WIDE ATTACK ON CHRISTIANITY DIRECTED BY THE STATE. BY THE LATE THIRD CENTURY, CHRISTIAN COMMUNITIES REFLECTING DIFFERENT STRANDS OF THE MOVEMENT WERE PRESENT THROUGHOUT THE EMPIRE.
What decisions were made by the Council of Nicaea?
They presided over church bishops in order to define the nature of God for all Christianity and to help eliminate confusion and controversy in the church. They defined the Trinity – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as 3 co-equal Persons. It defined the relationship between the Father and Son. They defined Jesus Christ and made the deity of him the belief of the church as taught in the Bible.
Who called for the meeting at Nicaea in 325 CE? Who attended the meeting?
Roman Emperor Caesar Flavius Constantine called the meeting. Church bishops and other leaders
In what form was the statement about the decision at Nicaea made? Bull or Creed
In which battle did the Goths overwhelm the Roman forces of Valens in 378 CE?
Battle of Adrianople (sometimes called Hadrianopolis)
What institution held Western Europe together after the abdication of Romulus Augustulus?
The Catholic Church
What was the name of the eastern section of the Roman Empire, which survived after the collapse of the West?
What was the key to the success of the Sasanian Empire?
Universalism and the trade that flowed through them
Which religion came to dominate India at the end of the Gupta Era?
What perspective does Hinayana Buddhism take on each of the following:
a. Bodhisattvas –
b. Buddha –
c. Idols –
:a. Bodhisattvas –colorful ones barred from all temples
b. Buddha – only contained photos of Buddha instead of statues
c. Idols – all colored idols were barred
- What is the literary language of India?
Does the Code of Manu or the Laws of Manu allow Hindu Brahmans to regulate the lives of members of the Indian caste system?
What title was given to the political and spiritual ruler of Islam?
List the Five Pillars of Islam.
The five tenets, or main aspects, of Islamic practice are the testification or bearing witness that there is no God other than God (Allah, in Arabic) and that Muhammad is the messenger of God; praying five times a day; fasting from sunup to sundown every day during Ramadan (a month on the Islamic calendar); giving alms; and making a pilgrimage to Mecca.
What law code govern the spiritual and political lives of Muslims?
What was the Canon of Medicine? Who was the author of the Canon of Medicine?
A book that was a set of standards of medicine in the Islamic world – medical textbook written by Persian philosopher Avicenna (Ibn Sina)
What caused the split between the Sunnis and Shi’ites?
The defenders of the Umayyad and Abbasid authority, called the Sunnis, believed that the line of succession to the Prophet Muhammad is through the four rightly guided caliphs and then through the Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties. They were challenged by dissidents who believed that Muhammad’s son-in-law Ali, who had married Muhammad’s daughter and was one of the four original caliphs, was the rightful heir as well as his descendants (imams). These dissenters were called Shiites. Shiism appealed to groups the Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties had excluded from power, particularly in parts of Iran, lower Iraq, and the Berber hinterlands of North Africa.
Where did the Fatimids build a capital in Egypt?
What was the key to the success of the Tang Dynasty?
Cutting the government which saved money and reserved food for a famine. Civil exams were also given that were based on merit which led to wiser officials.
Who were the eumuchs?
a cadre of loyal and well-paid men who were surgically castrated as youths and remained in service to the caliph or emperor. Both Abbasid and Tang rulers relied on for protection
What religions were tolerated by the Tang Dynasty?
Early on it was Buddhism and Daoism. Later Christianity and Islam crept in for a brief period
In 668, who ruled an independent Korea?
What is the indigenous religion of Japan?
Buddhism and Shinto
Which Frankish ruler was given the title Holy Roman Emperor?
What figure is at the center or head of the Roman Catholic Church?
Bishop of Rome, also known as the Pope
What areas were visited by the Vikings?
Vikings plundered monasteries and colonized Iceland, Greenland, and North America.
What was the key to the success of the Delhi Sultanate?
The Delhi Sultanate is the Turkish regime of northern India and it was successful because devoted its attention to political integration and the rich agriculture of the region, allowing commercial life on the coast to develop autonomously.
Which empire was the preeminent world power in 1000 CE?
Song Dynasty of China
What items were developed or invented by the Song Dynasty?
Iron plows, development of gunpowder, canon and other explosive devises, lighter and stronger percelains, clothing and gift production increases
Based on the temple Angkor Wat in Cambodia, which culture influenced Southeast Asia?
Brahman (India)
While Western Europe turned to Rome for cultural and religious leadership, whom did Russia turn to for leadership?
What is the name of the campaigns launched by the papacy to free the Holy Land from Muslims?
Which ethnic group came to dominate trade in western Africa below the Sahara?
Mande speaking people
Who was Mansa Musa?
A ruler of the Empire of Mali
What were the military assets of the Mongols?
expert horsemen, used to spending long periods of time in the saddle. They showed remarkable skill in riding and firing high-powered bows.
Which Mongol warrior or leader initiated the Mongol conquests?
Chinggis Khan
Why did the Abbasid Empire come to an end?
In the east, the old Abbasid Empire was in the hands of a series of caliphs without real political or religious influence. Non-Arabs led the center.
What happened when Hulagu’s forces took Baghdad?
The great prize was the city of Baghdad, even if its power over the Islamic world had greatly declined. An army of 200,000 captured the city with little difficulty but exercised great ruthlessness. Contemporary accounts describe a massacre of immense proportions. Mongol armies rolled farther west into Syria until stopped by Egyptian Mamluk forces in 1261.
In 1453, what area did Mehmed the Conqueror seize, which resulted in transforming the Ottomans into a world power?
Which structure was known as the “headquarters” of the Ottoman Empire?
Topkapi Palace in Istanbul
Under the system of devshirme, how were Christians treated in the Ottoman Empire?
Christian boys were seized from homes of they were between 8 and 18 to be treated like skilled slaves
As a result of the Black Death, how was Western Europe impacted religiously and politically?
People avoided each other. Crowded cities were decimated. Between 25 and 50 percent of Europe’s total population died between 1347 and 1351. The plague had long-term effects on the European psyche. Some turned to pleasure and debauchery, determined to enjoy life; others turned to intense spirituality; some combined the two. Many lost faith in organized religion; rational Christianity could not account for the losses to the plague. Others struggled with the loss of clerics, the representatives of church authority, many of whom died or simply fled.
What was used in Spain to monitor newly-converted Christians, which also included former Jews and Muslims?
The Inquisition
Which country began the maritime exploration of the Atlantic Ocean? Spain, Portugal or England.
What term do we use to refer to the European effort to revive Greek and Roman culture in the 14th century?
What style of scholarship or belief system emerged during the Renaissance that encouraged a return to Greek and Roman sources and knowledge?
Who wrote the book The Prince? What was this book about?
Niccolo Machiavelli – However, I will tell you a few things. The Prince is about how to best lead a state. Machiavelli gives an effective ruler must do in order to keep his state and power. An central word that he uses frequently is “virtu,” which translates variously to “strength”, “effectiveness”, “ability” and other things. Some of the things Machiavelli says sound quite evil and harsh. You should understand, however, that Machiavelli is a realist in this text. He tells things as he sees them and makes his council based on what he sees as the best way to achieve what is in the ruler’s interest. Human nature, for Machiavelli is basically self-interested and a prince must understand that in order to rule. Also, you should understand that Machiavelli was writing this, trying to get a job with the Medicis. He may not have been totally sincere about what he was saying, but was, in some ways, trying to portray what the Medicis wanted to see (he didn’t get a job, by the way). In his other writings, he was much more of a republican.
What was the name of the trade route that linked China with the rest of Eurasia?
Silk Roads (Route)
Which Italian master painted The Last Supper?
Leonardo da Vinci
To train or adapt (an animal or plant) to live in a human environment and be of use to humans