Chapter 7 Flashcards
Religion that originated at the height of the Roman Empire and in direct confrontation with Roman authority.
At first, The Roman Empire refused to recognize this religion and persecuted its followers, but in the 4 century CE it became the official Roman state religion.
Marshal emperor, Han Wudi, who presided over one of the longest and most eventful reigns in Chinese history.
Emperor Wu
Empires that covered immense amounts of territories, include huge, diverse populations, exerted influence beyond their own borders, and worked to integrate conquered people.
Globalizing Empire
Two globalizing empires
One of the groups of “barbarian” migrants into Roman territory in the 4 century CE
University founded in 136 BCE by Emperor Wu.
Imperial University
Where important discoveries such as the rational diagnoses of the body’s functions, the magnetic compass, and high-quality paper were developed.
Imperial University
Significant as a mechanism by which the Han state inculcated Confucian thought into the elite.
Imperial University
Latin for “Roman Peace”
Pax Romana
Refers to the period between 25 BCE and 235 CE during which conditions in the Roman Empire were settled and peaceful.
Pax Romana
Period of peace during which agriculture, commerce, and industry flourished in East Asia under the rule on the Han.
Pax Sinica
Three wars waged between the Romans and Carthage.
Punic Wars
Demonstrated the might of the Roman military and the beginnings of Rome’s aggressive foreign imperialism
Punic Wars
Meaning “public thing”
Red Publica
This referred to the Roman republic in which policy and rulers of behavior were determined by the Senate and by popular assemblies of the citizens
Res Publica
King during the Qin era who defeated what was left of the Warring states between 230 and 221 BCE
Shi Huangdi
Providences of the Qin Dynasty
Director of the Qin military who used his troops to take control of the state and found the new Han Dynasty
Liu Bang
These promised the creation of a new Golden Age following an over throw of contemporary society.
Milinarean movements
Citizens who’s on,y contribution to Roman society was to produce children
Carthaginian general who invaded Italy
Title meaning “revered one” assumed in 27 BCE by the Roman ruler Octavian.