Final Vocab Flashcards
Elusive goal sought by many Daoist priest
Effort by Europeans to revive Greco-Roman culture in the 14th century.
Political problem at the center of the Zhou state.
Castrated man Chinese emperors relied upon as high ranking civil servants.
Chinese dynasty that prospered due to its establishment of a powerful, professional bureaucracy.
Style of scholarship in Europe that encouraged to return to Greek and Roman sources.
Ethnic group that came to dominate trade in western Africa beneath the Saharah desert.
Native Chinese religion/philosophy that seeks to connect individuals to the universal force flowing through all creation.
Institution upon which the Roman economy depended.
Term used for humanlike beings who walked direct and proceeded modern humans.
Basic duties every Muslim has to fulfill.
Five pillars of Islam
Body of Roman deletes it pretty much determined government policy in the old republic.
Group who conquered one of the largest empires in world history due to their horsemanship and mobility.
Rich of Buddhism that urged followers to put off going into Nirvana in order to carry out acts of compassion for others.
Device mad he Madhyamika Buddhist used to demonstrate the shortcomings of reason.
Era of Greek history that featured the philosophers of Cynicism, Stoicism, and Epicureanism.
Faction of Muslims who supported the election of the first three Caliphs.
Literary language of India.
Europeans began to seek an alternate route to China because of this.
Term used to do note the belief in multiple gods and goddesses like in Egyptian religion.
Earthquakes, floods, drought, and played were all signs of Chinese emperors may have lost this.
Mandate of heaven
System in which Christians in the Balkans paid the Ottomans attacks in young boys to enjoy living under the sultans rule.
Term that means “Chinese peace” that refers to the peace and prosperity associated with the Han Empire
Pax Sinica
Process of bringing a wild animal or plant under human control.
Area of military expertise in which the Parthians excelled.
Era of Egyptian history in which pharaohs identified themselves as protectors of the poor and “Shepherd’s” tending to the people of Egypt.
Middle Kingdom
Group whose conquest of India and patronage of Buddhism allowed the religion to spread into eastern Asia.
Daoist inspired Chinese radicals who chafed under Han rule and worked to overthrow the dynasty to ensure a better life for peasants.
Yellow Turbans
Series of rules the Brahmans used to regulate the lives of the members of India’s caste system.
Law of Manu
Lock code that governs the spiritual and practical lives of Muslims .
Institution that held the people of Western Europe together after the abdication of Romulus Augustulus in 476.
Roman Catholic Church
Figure at the center of the Roman Catholic Church
Class in Han China who were subject to many regulations and were belittled for not doing physical labor.
Empire of Persia that grow Rich by controlling the silk Road trade.
Caliphate brought down by a violent Mongol invasion.
Indian city that served as the nucleus around which Islamic power would grow in the subcontinent.
City that launched conquests due to migrations of foreign people’s, military reorganization, and political innovations.
South American empire that grew wealthy do too it’s highly integrated commercial economy.
Petra and Palmayra are good examples of these.
Caravan Cities
Branch of Buddhism that rejects the existence of demigods and bodhissatvas.
First Ming emperor who solidified his grip on China by creating a bureaucracy personally loyal to him.
Group that represented the greatest military threat to Han China.
Chinese dynasty that began to experiment with using paper money.
This Macedonian conquer established an empire that included Grace, Egypt, Persia, in northwestern India and even Afghanistan!
Alexander the great
This Indian war Lord, inspired by the example of Alexander the great, launched a series of conquests that led to the creation of the Mauryan empire.
Chandragupta Maurya
This Mahrian Emperor promoted the concept of dhamma, which encouraged people to be obedient to the natural order, to be tolerant of others, and to have respect for all lifeforms.
This Han emperor was devoted to Taoism and the principle of spontaneous living, which caused him to adopt a “hands off” approach to ruling his vast empire.
Emperor Wu
This minister seized power from the Han but was overthrown himself by a group called the “red eyebrows.”
Wang Mang
The first creed, or statement of belief, for the Christian church was rendered at this important church meeting in Turkey.
Council of Nicaea
Pope urban the second called on Christian warriors in 1083 to join in this set of military campaigns, he’s ultimate aim was to seize the holy land from the Muslims.
This ruler of Mali gained a worldwide reputation after handing out copious amounts of gold on his hajj to Mecca.
Mansa Musa
As a result of this epidemic, Western Europe rallied around traditional Catholic believes about the same time continuing to fragment into autonomous states headed by powerful national monarchies.
Black death
This leader of the red turbans overthrew the Yaun dynasty and establish the new Ming Dynasty.
This Carthaginian general led his forces across the Alps and invaded Italy in the second Punic war.
This mesoamerican group developed a system of writing, hd a religion focused on blood sacrifice, and developed calendars that dictated the performance of religious rituals.
In 750, the Tang were driven from Turkestan by Muslim forces following a defeat at this pivotal battle.
Battle of Atalanta River
This city was the capital of Toltec Empire, which was created by migrants who moved from the North.
During the Ming era, this substance became a big export from China to the West.
The longshan culture, which flourished in this area, was known for making black pottery.
As a result of its victory at the Battle of Megiddo, this empire established a presence in Palestine.
The Chavín culture was located in this part of Latin America.
As a result of the conquests of Alexander the great, trade began to spring up between Europe and this far flung country.
Shi Huangdi, founder of the Qin dynasty, ended the Warring States Period by conquering all his rivals and bringing unity to this country.
This Hellenistic Kingdom was important because it served as a bridge between South Asia and the Greek work of the Mediterranean
In 378, the Goths overwhelmed Roman forces under the command of the Emperor Valens, leading to a shocking defeat for the Romans.
Battle of Adrianople
After the fall of the Roman Empire in the west, the spirit of Rome continued in Byzantium, the eastern half of the old empire headquartered at this city.
The temple known as Angkor War in Cambodia demonstrates the level of influence on Southeast Asia of this country.
While Western Europe turned to Rome for cultural and religious leadership, the Russians turned to this city, the capital on Byzantium.
In 1453, Mehmed the Conqueror transformed the Ottomans into a world power by seizing this city.
Newly-converted Christians, including former Jews and Muslims, were closely monitored by a special church court called the Inquisition in this country.
While the Wei Dynasty ruled northern China, they were really non-Chinese “barbarians” from this region.
This mesoamerican city, famous for its giant ruin, helped transmit the culture of the Olmecs to the Maya.
This country first emerged as an independent entity in 668 under the rule of the Kingdom of Silla
The Vikings were seafaring explorers from these three modern countries who visited North America, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, and the Mediterranean.
The Mississippians built this important trade hub next to the Mississippi River in modern day Illinois.
When the forces of the Mongol commander Hulagu took this city, they captured that last Abbasid caliph, rolled him up in a carpet, then trampled him to death with their horses.
Figure in the Islamic world who holds all Temporel and spiritual power.