Chapter 2 Flashcards
Highly populated concentration of economics, religious, and political power. The first cities appeared in river basins, which could produce a surplus of agriculture. The abundance of food freed most city inhabitants from the need to produce their own food, which allowed them to work in specialized professions.
Political organization based on the authority of a single, large city that controls outlying territories.
Area drained by a river, including all its tributaries. River basins were rich in fertile soil, water for irrigation, and plant and animal life, which made them attractive for human habilitation. Cultivators were able to produce surplus agriculture to support the first cities.
River basin
Those who wield writing tools; from the very beginning they were at the top of the social ladder, under the major power brokers.
Distinctions between the privileged and the less privileged
Social hierarchies
Political forum the cities of Mesopotamia, which was overwhelmed by the displacement of nomadic peoples. The states for kingdoms organized around charismatic rulers who had a large each had a defined physical border.
Territorial state
Division between those living in cities in those living in rural areas. One of histories most durable worldwide distinctions, urban rural divide eventually and encompassed the globe. We’re cities arose, communities adopted lifestyles based on the mass production of goods and on specialized labor. Those living in the countryside remained close to nature, cultivating the land or attending livestock. They diversified their labor and exchange the grains and animal products for necessities available and urban centers.
Urban rural divide
Alloy of copper and tin brought into Europe from Anatolia; used to make hard-edged weapons.
Who were the first to build cities?
Where was the first city built?
What are the advantages of living near water or on river basins?
Water for drinking, water for irrigation of crops, water for travel, and for food resources.
What replaced stone as a tool?
Who spread ideas and traded metals?
Large step side buildings used as temples
What was the first poem of the scribes?
The epic of Gilgamesh
Who were considered the Kings after the priest were taken from the throne?
What three cities was the first Ziggarat in the middle of?
Where is Mesopotamia located?
These people were experts in control and water in the irrigation
Cities depended on this
Specialized labor
Country folks depended on this
Hunting and gathering and trading crops
The first metal used
What did wealthiest cities of the Samaritans compete for?
The Hitterlands?
What ended the samaritans?
Civil War
Who prevailed over the samaritans and created the first territorial State and turned into his empire?
Sargon the Great
Who eventually ruled Mesopotamia after Sargon the Great?
What Rivers was Mesopotamia between?
Tigers and Euphrates
Egyptians lived by what river?
The Nile River
Egyptians measured their cities in what? And they could develop into what?
In the old Kingdom who was the absolute monarch?
What did pharaohs claim to be?
Gods in human form
Pharaohs had these built I was there tombs
The Egyptians follow what kind of religion?
Term used in ancient Egypt to referred to stability order, the achievement of which was the primary task of Egypt’s ruling Kings, the pharaohs
Who believed that once you died, you were taken to the underworld and put in a birds body?
Who is supposedly the scorpion King?
Egyptians had these two types of writing
Hieroglyphics and demotic
Egyptian writing used for every day things such as banknotes.
Egyptian writing used for important documents and religious documents.
Egypt I had a Civil War due to what
Raised taxes that led to starvation citizens
What civilizations language is still unknown to us to this day
Indus Valley civilization
First to grow cotton, wove it into clothing, and trad it
Indus Valley civilization
Because of the Indus Valley civilizations city structure believing to be preplanned, scientist believed that the Indus had this.
A strong central government
What led to the downfall of the Indus civilization
The first Chinese civilization was located between what Rivers?
Yellow and Yangzi rivers
The Chinese civilization had what two cultures
Yangshou and Longshan
What was the first dynasty in China
Shae Dynasty
Because this civilization was isolated from trade, their development was slow
This part of China’s culture used the slash and burn method of farming, had a brutal life, and beautiful painted pottery
Yangshao Culture
This part of China’s culture practiced permanent settlement and painted plain black pottery.
Longshan Culture
The first Europeans lived here
Europe, Aegean, and Anatolia
The Europeans lived it what kind of lifestyle
What did the Europeans do on your free time?
Fight, mind, and build megaliths.
Literally, great stone. The word is used when describing structures such as Stonehenge. These massive structures of the result of planning and work.
What was practiced in the Americas?
Maize farming
What did the civilizations in Sub-Saharan Africa use as crops?
Millet and sorghum
People living among the Tigris and Euphrates river control flood waters and refine irrigation techniques
Establish the world’s first large cities, featuring powerful rulers, social heresies, and monumental architecture.
Birthplace of writing.
Peoples year use Nile River waters to irrigate their lands and create a bountiful agriculture
Rollers here known as pharaohs to unify their territory, establish a powerful state, and develop a vibrant economy.
Egypt Egypt
These people don’t magnificent burial chambers and worship A pantheon of gods
South Asian people’s harnessed the Indus River and created cities like Harappa and Mohenjo Daro
Indus Valley
Peoples dwelling in the basin of the yellow river the Yangzi river control the water and expand agriculture.
East Asia
These people develop elaborate cultures, which scholars later label Yongshao and Longshan, respectively.
East Asia