Youth groups in Nazi Germany Flashcards
What was the name of the main Nazi youth group for boys (aged 14-18)?
The Hitler Youth
What was the name of the main Nazi youth group for girls (aged 14-18)?
The League of German Maidens
What did the Hitler Youth aim to prepare young boys to join?
The army or the Reich Labour Service
Give FIVE aims the Nazis had for both boys and girls
1) Be obedient
2) Idolise Hitler
3) Be physically fit
4) Sacrifice themselves for the national good
5) Strengthen the racial purity of the German nation
How many children were part of Nazi youth groups in 1932? How did this compare to Protestant youth groups?
100,000 in Nazi Party youth groups
6 times less than the Protestant youth groups (600,000)
Which youth groups were NOT banned by Hitler when he became Chancellor in 1933?
Nazi groups and Catholic groups (protected by the Concordat)
What did the Hitler Youth take over by 1936?
All sports facilities for young people
When was it made compulsory for young Germans to join Nazi youth groups?
March 1939
Give TWO examples of political activities members of the Hitler Youth did
1) Swearing an oath of allegiance to Hitler
2) Attending residential courses where they were told about Nazi ideas
Give THREE examples of lesson titles for members of the Hitler Youth
1) “German heroes”
2) “Adolf Hitler and his fellow-fighters”
3) “The evil of the Jews”
Who were Hitler Youth members expected to report to the party?
Anyone who was disloyal to the Nazis (including their teachers and parents)
Give TWO activities the Hitler Youth did to make young Germans as fit and healthy as possible
1) Regular camping and hiking expeditions
2) Regional and national sports competitions
Give THREE examples of military training in the Hitler Youth
1) Map-reading
2) Signalling
3) Small-arms shooting
Give THREE examples of separate military divisions of the Hitler Youth for specialist training, and the number of members in each
Naval Hitler Youth (45,000)
Motor Hitler Youth (60,000)
Flying Hitler Youth (74,000)
Give the exact oath members of the Jungvolk (boys aged 10-14) would swear
“I devote all my energies and strength to the Saviour of our country, Adolf Hitler. I am willing and ready to give up my life for him, so help me God.”
Give THREE examples of character training for members of the Hitler Youth
1) Plunged into ice-cold water
2) Lengthy exercise in wintry weather
3) Harsh punishments for errors or disobeying orders
What was the purpose of the character training in the Hitler Youth?
To build young Germans who obeyed orders
Give TWO political activities for members of the League of German Maidens
1) Rallies
2) Oaths of allegiance
Give TWO examples of physical activities for members of the League of German Maidens
1) Camping
2) Marching
What training did members of the League of German Maidens receive that the Hitler Youth did not?
How to be a housewife: cooking, ironing, making beds and sewing
Who were the Edelweiss Pirates?
Working-class young Germans in big German cities
Why did the Edelweiss Pirates oppose the Nazis?
They hated the military discipline of the Nazi youth groups and the general lack of freedom in Nazi Germany
What fashions did the Edelweiss Pirates adopt?
Long hair and American-style clothing (white/checked shirts and white socks)
What would the Edelweiss Pirates do if they came across Hitler Youth members?
Taunt or even attack them
How did the Edelweiss Pirates break away from Nazi restrictions?
By going on long hikes in the countryside
What was the main limitation of opposition from the Edelweiss Pirates?
It was cultural (clothes, music and behaviour) rather than political
How many members of the Edelweiss Pirates were there by 1939?
Only 2,000
Who were the Swing Youth?
Teenagers from wealthy, middle-class German families in big towns
What culture did the Swing Youth admire?
American culture
Give an example of a swing band whose music the Swing Youth listened to
The Glen Miller Orchestra
What was the favourite dance of the Swing Youth?
How many people attended the Swing Youth’s illegal dances?
Up to 6,000
What did Himmler say about any young people who listened to jazz music (like the Jazz Youth)?
They should be “beaten, given the severest exercise and then put to hard labour”