Youth Flashcards
When was the Hitler Youth set up?
Why did the Nazis specifically target the youth?
-the Thousand Year Reich would carry on through the youth
-would be easy to influence
What did membership increase from from 1933-1934? Why?
-1934=4 million
-membership became compulsory under the 3 Hitler Youth Laws
What groups were available for girls and what ages were they for?
-Jung Madel (JM) - Young Girls (10-14)
-Bund Deutscher Madel (BDM) - League of German Girls (14-18)
-Glaube und Schonheit - Faith and Beauty (18-21)
What groups were available for boys and what ages were they for?
-Pimpfen - Cubs (6-10)
-Deutsches Jungvolk - Young German Boys (10-14)
-Hitlerjugend (HJ) - Hitler Youth (14-18)
What groups were available for women and what ages were they for?
-NS Frauenwerk (NSF) - National Socialist Women’s Organisation
What groups were available for men and what ages were they for?
-Reich Labour Service (RAD)
-Wehrmacht (Army)
What groups were available for both genders and what ages were they for?
-German Labour Force (DAF)
-NSDAP (Nazi Party)
-German Student’s League (overwhelmingly male)
Which 2 major institutions did the Nazis use to achieve their aims with the youth?
-school systems
-youth systems
What happened once youngsters left education and youth movements?
-they would join other Nazi organisations such as the DAF to ensure they did not escape control
How did the Third Reich intend to indoctrinate it’s youth completely?
-in the principles and ethos of National Socialism, so that the long term survival of the ‘New Order’ would never be brought into question (Thousand Year Reich)
What was evidence of success within the Hitler Youth?
-Hitler Youth membership was 100,000 members in 1933 but grew to 4 million members in 1934
How did membership of the Hitler Youth become mandatory?
-the 3 Hitler Youth Laws
What was the First Hitler Youth Law and when was it?
-December 1936
-to make the membership of the Hitler Youth mandatory
What was the Second Hitler Youth Law and when was it?
-March 1939
-German children must join the Hitler Youth at 10 until they are 18->penalties to guardians if not