Opposition to the Nazi party Flashcards
How was there opposition to the Nazi Party in the Churches?
-Confessional church more concerned with protecting itself than destabilising the Nazi regime
-The Catholic church initially co-operated, then became more critical e.g. euthanasia programme
-The Church did represent an obstacle to the totalitarian regime
What was a result of opposition in the Churches?
-Imprisonment of priests
-Pastor Dietrich Bonhoffer criticised Nazism->he tried to get help for resistance abroad->executed April 1945
What opposition did the Nazi Party face from the Youth?
-Swing youth and edelweiss pirates.
-White rose group from 1941-43 ->leaflets dropped at universities about Euthanasia Programme and atrocities on the eastern front
What was a result of opposition to the Nazi Party in the Youth?
-Leaders of the White Rose killed
-many executed
What opposition to the Nazi Party was in the army?
-aristocratic leaders were suspicious of Hitler and the Nazis
-Initially cooperated but became increasingly alarmed by extreme foreign policy.
-several officers involved in assassination attempts
-opposition in the German Military intelligence organisation->1935 headed by Admiral Canaris who tolerated resistance activities and helped Jews escape Germany
-1944 this was absorbed into SS and the opposition was shut down
What individual members in the army opposed the Nazi Party?
-General Ludwig Beck - opposed Hitler’s invasion of Czechoslovakia-> was involved in the July Bomb plot-> shot 1944
-Colonel Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg->attempted to assassinate Hitler 1944 - only injured
-General Hans Oster->advised the British government to stand against Hitler->he sent Britain some of Germany’s military plans->died in a concentration camp
What opposition to the Nazi Party in the government and the Civil Service?
-initially some opposition in government - June 1954 Von Papen speech pleaded for greater freedom.
-Aug 1935 Schat spoke out against anti-semitic violence. Some government officials maintained contact with opponents
What was a result of opposition in the government and the Civil Service?
-Julius Leber->leader of the SPD Arrested 1933->sent to a concentration camp until 1937->Joined the Kreisau Circle->betrayed by a German spy and hanged in 1945
What opposition to the Nazi Party was in the Judiciary?
-some judges tried to keep proper standards of justice despite growing intervention of SS and special courts
What was a result of opposition in the Judiciary?
-Judges were ‘co-ordinated’ and obliged to join the Nazi Lawyers’ Association and make oaths of loyalty to Hitler
What opposition to the Nazi Party was there in the workers?
-1933-35->400 workers strikes
-some workers maintained links with illegal political parties
What was a result of opposition in the workers?
-May 1933->the German Labour Front (DAF) was announced as the new nationwide labour organisation to replace the unions->no legal organisations that could be used for opposition
What opposition was there in opposition parties?
-Left wing parties continued some illegal activities
-The SPD in exile was based in Prague and organised underground groups who distributed leaflets and propaganda campaigns e.g. Berlin Red Patrol
What was a result in opposition in oppositional parties?
-July 1935 all political parties were banned
-KPD formed underground cells->2/3rds of their members were arrested
What opposition to the Nazi Party was there in the traditional elites?
-Discussion to replace Hitler e.g. the Kreisau circle->this group of officers came together in 1933 to oppose Hitler->1943 they drew up a plan for a new Germany called the Basic Principles for a New Order
What was a result of opposition in the traditional elites?
-the mass round up of suspects after the July 1944 Bomb Plot and the subsequent torture of these suspects led to the Gestapo gaining the names of many plotters or supposed plotters->including men in the Kreisau Circle
-Yorck von Wartenburg was arrested as part of the July Bomb Plot, tried, found guilty and executed in August 1944
-Von Moltke had already been arrested (January 1944) and tried before the People’s Court. Found guilty of treason, he was executed in January 1945