How did the Nazis change tactics after 1926? Flashcards
What changes were made to the Nazi Party after Hitler returned from prison?
-military organisation
-their image
-knew to take a more democratic route to power
When was the Nazi Party ban lifted?
How had Hitler’s attitude changed after being in prison?
-wanted to gain power through the Reichstag but wasn’t happy about it but he knew it was the best way to gain power
-he realised change wasn’t going to happen quickly and he needed to be patient
When was the Bamberg Conference?
What was the Bamberg Conference?
-a special party conference was held in Bamberg which represented a significant shift in approach from the Nazi Party
What did the Bamberg Conference agree to?
-party to be run according to the Fuhrerprinzip (leadership principle)
-25 point programme to remain unchanged
-reorganisation of the party structure into Gaue (regional areas)
-introduction of the Hitler Youth, Nazi Teachers’ Association, Union of Nazi
-Lawyers and the Order of German Women
-the creation of the SS (Hitler’s private bodyguards
What is a Fuhrerprinzip (leadership principle?
-where one party is ruled by an all powerful leader who can’t take the blame for anything
-in the Nazi Party, this was Hitler
-Kershaw - ‘working towards the Fuhrer’->interpreting what Hitler would want
When was the 25 Point Programme?
What were the key points of the 25 Point Programme?
-scrapping the Treaty of Versailles
-expanding German borders
-depriving the Jews of German citizenship
How many regions was the Nazi Party organised into?
Who was the control of each region placed in the hands of?
-a Gauleiter (Gaue leader) who then had the responsibility of creating a district (Kreis) and branch (ort) groups
What party structure was created throughout Germany?
-a vertical party structure which didn’t detract from Hitler’s own position of authority as leader
What did Hitler have in each region of Germany? What was the impact of this?
-Nazi leaders
-crucial change because it spread his power/influence and made it easier for him to promote Nazi messages->became very powerful
What was the SS?
-Schutz Staffel (protection squad)
-Hitlers personal bodyguards and the genetic marketing
When was the SS set up?
What did the SS became known as?
Blackshirts (after their uniform)
What did the SS have to swear to?
obedience to Hitler
What was the SS the embodiment of?
-of what Hitler was trying to create (Social Darwinism)
What was there a strict policy of in the SS?
-strict racial policy (Aryan)
-couldn’t marry a member of the SS unless you had a long Aryan bloodline
What opposition did Hitler face?
-Hitler initially faced a great deal of opposition from opposing parties and fellow Nazis
How did Hitler deal with the opposition?
-he set up the SA in 1921 which was essentially his own private army
What was the SA made up of and what was their reputation?
-violent ex-soldiers
-their reputation grew very quickly with repeated shows of violent at political events
What was a result of the set up of the SA?
-Hitler was able to remove an opposition he faced swiftly and opposition quickly faded away anyway due to the culture of fear the SA had created
What did Hitler recognise when creating the Nazi Emblem?
-he recognised the need for the Nazis to have a memorable emblem and he designed the now infamous flag
What did the flag and the Swastika emblem essentially turn the Nazi Party into?
-from a political party to a household brand
What was a result of the Nazi emblems?
-Hitler propelled the party in the popularity stakes and membership rose quickly
What did Hitler’s charisma and his orator skills to?
-drew huge crowds to his Nazi speeches and rallies
-it increased the Nazi audience and allowed them to convey their ideas to the masses
-no other party at the time had such a ‘hypnotic’ speaker
What was a result of Hitler’s charisma and orator skills?
the support for the party greatly increased
When did Hitler take leadership of the Party?
What did Hitler surround himself with since he became the leader of the party?
-loyal supporters
What did Hitler reward his loyal supporters with?
-positions of power in the party and many went on to becoming top Nazis in later years
What was a result of Hitler surrounding himself with loyal supporters?
-he ensured his own position was safe, whilst being able to delegate most of his ‘dirty’ work to them
-this created competition within the Nazi Party itself, with several prominent supporters vying for power->caused the party to escalate its policies and become more and more extreme
Why did Hitler choose Ernst Rohm and Hermann Goring as his closest advisors?
-they were intimidating
-Rohm->scar-faced bull-necked soldier
-Goring->wealthy hero of the German Air Force
Who was the founder of the Nazi Paper De Sturmer?
-Julius Streicher
Who was Rudolf Hess?
-a wealthy academic who became Hitler’s deputy
What were the Nazis seats like in 1928 and 1932? When did it decrease?
-12 seats in 1928
-230 seats in 1932
-decreased in November 1932 to 196