The Nazi approach to those deemed 'Untermenschen' Flashcards
Who were ideological opponents?
-ideological opponents were communists
What happened to ideological opponents?
-sent to concentration camps
What happened to people considered biologically inferior?
-they wanted a pure Aryan race so would remove any ‘inferior’ blood
-the Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring->enforced compulsory sterilisation
-in 1938 Hitler initiated ‘Mercy Deaths’->killed disabled people due to believing they were doing them a favour in doing so
Who were considered biologically inferior?
-gypsies, Jews and mentally/physically disabled
Who were considered asocials?
What happened to asocials?
-sent to concentration camps
What was the law for the Prevention of Hereditary and Defective Offspring? When was it?
-forced sterilisation of Gypsies, disabled, black people and others considered ‘inferior’ or ‘unfit’
When was the April Boycott of shots? What was it?
-for one day all Germans couldn’t buy from Jewish shops
-led by the SS->SA intimidated people which shows how it wasn’t widely supported
What job were Jews forced out of in 1934?
-jobs in the theatre
What were the Nuremberg Laws and when were they?
-legal discrimination begins
-Jews were no longer citizens of Germany and they lost the right to vote
-Jews were no longer allowed to marry or have sexual relations with ‘Aryans’->if they did they would be imprisoned for breaking the law
What were Gypsies and Jews forced to do during the Olympic games?
-camp outside the city
What were Jews no longer allowed to own by 1936?
-electrical and optical equipment, bicycles, typewriters, or records and were ordered to have them over to authorities
What job were Jews not allowed to be by 1937?
What was the campaign to ‘fight the Gypsy Menace’? When was it?
-all German Gypsies were photographed, fingerprinted and registered as part of the Nazi campaign
When was the November Pogrom (Kristallnacht) and what was a result of it?
-91 Jews murdered
-20,000 Jewish men were sent to concentration camps
When were Jewish children banned from German schools?
What happened to Jews with housing in 1939?
-Jews could be evicted from their homes without reason and without notice
-they were not allowed to leave their homes after 8pm
What happened to disabled people?
-Gas chambers first used on the disabled alongside lethal injection and starving to death
-Experiments conducted on disabled as they were seen as ‘useless’ and not contributing to the Volk
-1941: Hitler ordered the gassing of disabled people->dress rehearsal for Final Solution
What happened to Jews?
-Final Solution 1942
-SS Doctors were assigned to death camps in Poland, as code name of T4-> their presence to legitimise the Nazis activities here
-Used as slave labour->died of exhaustion, disease or starvation
-Children under 12 sent straight to gas chambers
What happened to asocials?
-Sterilisation medical experiments to reduce fertility of non Aryans trialled
-Josef Mengele->medical experiments in block 10 at Auschwitz->wanted to increase Aryan German fertility
-Didn’t know about genetics at this point->results were inaccurate
-When the Soviets got close to Auschwitz medical documents were destroyed to hide evidence
What happened to ‘asocials’?
-Homosexuals - imprisoned, sent to concentration camps.
-Mentally ill - Law for Protection of the Hereditary Health of the German Nation in 1935 (prevented marriage)
-Asocials - Sent to compulsory labour force, imprisoned, sterilised, experimented on.
-Gypsies - Imprisoned, forced labour, sterilisation, experimented on.
Disabled - Euthanasia campaign, ‘mercy death’, Operation T4.