YogicPhil/SMTXTBK/PG33 Flashcards
What is Yoga?
-Reach state where jivatman (soul) experiences itself as paramatman (pure consciousness) and not the ever-changing mind.
The aim of yoga is to reach that state in which the individual soul or spirit (jivatman) experiences
itself as pure consciousness (Paramatman) rather than as the ever-changing mind.
What prevents us from experiencing ourselves as pure consciousness?
Identification with body/mind.
Body: I am short. I am tall. I am old. I am young. I am thin. Not who we are. LOOSE A LIMB STILL YOU.
Mind: Quit my job/take new job. Keep my job/turn down new job.
Recite Traditional Vedic Philosophy?
Paragraph 2, PG33
- The body/mind is the VEHICLE of consciousness.
5 Sheaths:
- Physical Sheath (Anamaya Kosha)
- Vital Sheath (Pranamaya Kosha)
- Mental Sheath(Manamaya Kosha)
- Intellectual Sheath (Vij-nan-amaya Kosah)
- Bliss Sheaths (An-and- amaya Kosha)
3 Bodies: Physical, astral and casual:
- Physical
- Astral
- Causal
In traditional Vedic philosophy, the vehicle of consciousness is the body/mind. It is composed
of five sheaths: the physical; vital; mental; intellectual and bliss sheaths, encased in three bodies: the physical; astral and causal bodies.
Pancha in english?
How many sheaths in each body
3 bodies: physical, astral, casual
Explain BODY 1
1) The Physical body – Sthula sharira
Kosha 1/Food Sheath – Annamaya Kosha
Consists of the 5 elements: earth, water, fire, air, ether
Experience: Birth, growth, change, decay, death
SJ ADD: Nadi’s/Chakras
Explain BODY 2
2) The Astral body – Sukshma (Linga) sharira
Kosha 2/ Vital Sheath – Pranamaya kosha
Consists of:
5 Pranas/Prana Vayus (prana, apana, samana, udana and vyana)
5 ORGANS OF ACTION (mouth, hands, feet, and the organs of evacuation and generation) Experience: Hunger, thirst, heat, cold
Kosha 3/ Mental/Emotional Sheath – Manomaya Kosha
Consists of:
5 senses, subconscious mind* and conscious mind}
Experience: Thinking, doubting, anger, lust, exhilaration, depression, delusion
Kosha 4/Intellectual sheath – Vijnanamaya kosha
Consists of ego and intellect*}
Experience: Discrimination and decision making
Explain BODY 3
3) The Causal body – Karana sharira
V. Bliss sheath – Anandamaya kosha
Consists of samskaras (impressions), karma
Experience: Happiness, joy *Antahkarana – Inner instrument
Yoga in Sanskrit is?
The word yolk means to join
Yoga means yoke
So Yoga means to join
Are we confined to this body and mind according to yoga?
Yoga says that you are not confined to this body and not confined to the mind that you are absolute consciousness (QUIZ Q)
What is the philosophy of yoga?
The philosophy of yoga says that there is in fact only one consciousness.
So the Jiva-Atman (self sould spirit) and Paramatman (supreme self supreme soul supreme spirit) are in fact one M14.15. There is only one
Q in Vid 1
First we identify with our physical body -
What are the tools and techniques the master yogis gave us to balance and transcend (forget) the sheaths?
The tools and techniques the master yogis gave are four paths of yoga:
- Raja Yoga - mind control - scientific approach. Method of self enquiry.
- Karma Yoga - Yoga of action. Path of selfless service. Mind is most quickly purified.
- Bhaki Yoga - Yoga of devotion. Direct way to self-realisation. Approach of pure love.
- Jnana Yoga - Yoga of knowledge. Philosophical approach. Mind examines its own nature through enquiry and analysis.
What is astral body?
ASTRAL BODY - LIKELY FOR QUIZ - Astral is 4 parts mind (2 in each sheath) and 1 part energy (5 prana vayu)
- Vital Sheath
- Mental emotions Sheath- which is 2 parts mind subconscioous and consious
- Intellect Sheath - 2 parts of mind ego and intellect
In addition to ASHTANGA YOGA what else is in Raja Yoga Practice?
Raja Yoga Practice
- ASHTANGA - 8 limbs - Yoga Sutras - by Patanjali
- Kundalini Yoga: Nadis (prana channels/main roads) and chakras (energy centers/round abouts) are purified.
Kundalini describes: psychic system and techniques to master prana to control the mind. - ## Hatha Yoga: Asana, pranayama, mudras, bandhas adn kriyas ephasised for beginner student To gain control of prana amd ,omd