W7YogicPhil/RAJA1of4 Flashcards
What is Raja Yoga?
The royal path of mind control
Raja Yoga is the most comprehensive and scientific
approach to Self-Realisation/Self Inquiry. 8 Steps/Limbs.
Recite The: 8 Limbs/Royal Path?
- Yama – Restraints (Purifying Self-Restraint)
- Ahimsa Non-injury
- Satya Truthfulness
- Asteya Non-stealing
- Brahmacharya Continence
- Aparigraha Non-acquisitiveness
- Niyama – Observances
- Saucha Cleanliness
- Santosha Contentment
- Tapas Austerity (Self-Discipline)
- Swadhyaya Self-study
- Ishwarapranidhana Self-surrender
- Asana – Postures
Asana is posture. Posture is part of the whole subdivision of
Raja Yoga known as Hatha Yoga, which works directly with prana and kundalini, the subtle energy currents of the body. - Pranayama – Control of prana/energy/life force/breath
- This includes specific breathing exercises for heating and cooling the body, raising its energy levels or relaxation. - Pratyahara – Sense withdrawal
In pratyahara whatever objects are agitating to the senses are eliminated from sensory contact. - Dharana – Concentration
Dharana is fixing the mind on one object. - Dhyana – Meditation
Dhyana is the unbroken flow of perception between the mind and the object of meditation. - Samadhi – Superconsciousness
Samadhi is a merging of the mind into the essence of the object of meditation. It is either samprajnata (with object) orasamprajnata (without object). In samprajnata samadhithere is full concentration and the experience of bliss, but duality still exists. It has four levels
Samadhi – Superconsciousness has four levels, recite them?
Samadhi – Superconsciousness
Samadhi is a merging of the mind into the essence of the object of meditation. It is either samprajnata (with object) orasamprajnata (without object). In samprajnata samadhithere is full concentration and the experience of bliss, but duality still exists. It has four levels:
- Savitarka is samadhi with reasoning. It is attained
when the mind fixes on a gross external object and
meditates on it: e.g. scientific inquiry. - Nirvitaka is samadhi that is reached when
meditation is on elements which are outside of time
and space: e.g. meditation on the chakras. - Sananda. In sananda the elelments have all been
progressively merged in the mind, which rests in a
state of bliss. - Sasmita. In sasmita only the awareness of the
unqualified ego, the Self remains.
Asamprajnata samadhi is the highest state of consciousness in which there is no duality and the meditator is completely merged with Purusha, the Supreme Consciousness.
Samadhi – Superconsciousness has four levels, recite the abbreviated list?
Samadhi – Superconsciousness
- Savitarka samadhi
Mind fixes on a gross external object and meditates on it: e.g. scientific inquiry. - Nirvitaka samadhi that
Meditation on elements which are outside of time
and space: e.g. meditation on the chakras. - Sananda. In sananda the elelments have all been
progressively merged in the mind, which rests in a
state of bliss. - Sasmita. In sasmita only the awareness of the
unqualified ego, the Self remains.
Asamprajnata samadhi is the highest state of consciousness in which there is no duality and the meditator is completely merged with Purusha, the Supreme Consciousness.