Yeoman Chapter 3 - CPPA Flashcards
Define the Official Military Personnel File (OMPF).
The OMPF is the primary document used to record all permanent personnel file information throughout a Sailor’s career, located within the Electronic Military Personnel Records System (EMPRS).
What is the significance of the Navy Personnel Command (NPC) Website for CPPAs?
The NPC Website provides access to all the tools needed to effectively perform the duties of a CPPA.
Identify the types of documents that must be submitted through the Transaction Online Processing System (TOPS).
Documents that must be submitted through TOPS include receipts (gains) packages, loss (transfer) packages, separation documents, and reenlistment documents.
Describe the relationship between the ESR and OMPF.
The ESR interfaces with the OMPF, meaning that information in the ESR is related to and can affect the records maintained in the OMPF.
What is the significance of the ESR Desk Guide?
The ESR Desk Guide explains the policies and procedures for maintaining the ESR, providing essential guidance for personnel management.
How can one access the ESR Desk Guide?
The ESR Desk Guide can be accessed on the NPC website at
What types of information are maintained in the Electronic Service Record (ESR)?
The ESR maintains information such as Training, Education, and Qualification History, and Honors and Awards.
Do the NAVPERS forms have specific designations in the ESR?
Yes, NAVPERS 1070/881 is used for Training, Education, and Qualification History, while NAVPERS 1070/880 is used for Honors and Awards.
Describe the purpose of NAVPERS 1070/602.
NAVPERS 1070/602 is the Dependency Application/Record of Emergency Data.
Define NAVPERS 1070/605.
NAVPERS 1070/605 is the History of Assignments.
What information is contained in NAVPERS 1070/613?
NAVPERS 1070/613 contains Administrative Remarks.
How do Fitness Reports contribute to personnel evaluations in the Navy?
Fitness Reports include information on Officer Fitness Reports, Chief Evaluations, and Enlisted Performance Evaluations.
Explain the significance of Exam Profile Data.
Exam Profile Data contains a history of a service member’s profile sheets and Navy-Wide Advancement Exam scores.
What does the Orders History document?
Orders History contains copies of all permanent change of station (PCS) orders issued to a member from NPC.
Describe the contents of the Member Data Summary.
The Member Data Summary includes a member’s Navy Enlisted Classification inventory, warfare designators, and security clearance information.
How does the CPPA role enhance access to NSIPS?
The CPPA role provides access to create honors and awards, PQSs, and administrative remarks, which are electronically routed for verification.
Define the purpose of NAVPERS 1070/602.
NAVPERS 1070/602 is used to document the dependency of family members for associated allowances and travel entitlements for both officer and enlisted Service members.
How can a CPPA update member information without verification?
A CPPA can update and save member address, phone, and screening data without needing PSD/CSD verification.
Explain the transition of RED information documentation.
RED information will now be captured via DD Form 93, which is generated alongside NAVPERS 1070/602 in NSIPS.
How does the NAVPERS 1070/602 relate to travel entitlements?
NAVPERS 1070/602 documents family member dependency, which is necessary for determining associated allowances and travel entitlements.
What is the purpose of the DD Form 93?
DD Form 93 is used to document the Record of Emergency Data (RED) and is generated in conjunction with NAVPERS 1070/602.
Define the purpose of determining the relationship and dependency of individuals for entitlement.
It is to establish eligibility for individuals approved as dependents to receive dependency entitlements as per DoD Financial Management Regulation and Joint Travel Regulations.
Describe the role of Navy Personnel Command (NAVPERSCOM) in relation to funeral and memorial service travel.
NAVPERSCOM provides authoritative data to facilitate funeral and memorial service travel for the next-of-kin, as authorized by specific MILPERSMAN regulations.
How often must the DD Form 93 be updated?
The DD Form 93 must be updated in various situations, including changes in dependent status, address, service member’s status, rate or grade, and beneficiary designations.
What is the purpose of the Death Gratuity payment?
The Death Gratuity payment of $100,000 is intended to provide immediate financial assistance to beneficiaries of a deceased service member.
Explain the significance of UPPA in the context of a service member’s final payments.
UPPA refers to the final payment of pay and allowances due to a service member that were not paid prior to their death, including unpaid basic pay and accrued leave.
What does PADD stand for and what is its function?
PADD stands for Person Authorized to Direct Disposition, and it serves as the sole point of contact for NAVPERSCOM regarding the preparation, transportation, and final disposition of a service member’s remains.
List the occasions when a service member must verify the accuracy of their DD Form 93.
A service member must verify the accuracy of their DD Form 93 upon reporting to a new duty station, when ordered to temporary additional duty over 30 days, prior to deployment, before permanent change of station orders, and annually.
Define the term ‘beneficiary designation’ in the context of the DD Form 93.
Beneficiary designation refers to the individuals named to receive specific benefits, such as the Death Gratuity or Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance, upon the service member’s death.
What happens if a service member names a beneficiary other than their spouse?
If a service member names a beneficiary other than their spouse, the spouse will still be notified, and the situation is governed by specific MILPERSMAN regulations.
How does the DD Form 93 relate to changes in a service member’s marital status?
The DD Form 93 must be updated in the event of changes in dependent status, such as marriage, divorce, or the birth or death of a child.
Describe how service members can access their current approved NAVPERS 1070/602.
Service members can view or print their current approved NAVPERS 1070/602 via their electronic service record (ESR) in NSIPS by clicking on the ‘RED/DA Inquire’ link or through their official military personnel file (OMPF) on the Bureau of Naval Personnel (BUPERS) Online website.
Define the process for initiating NAVPERS 1070/602.
NAVPERS 1070/602 is initiated via the Service member’s NSIPS self-service. Once it is digitally signed by the Service member and the authorizing official in the ‘RED/DA’ application, it is distributed accordingly.
What should be done if NSIPS Web is not available for executing NAVPERS 1070/602?
If NSIPS Web is not available, a paper copy of NAVPERS 1070/602 must be generated and signed by the Service member and the authorizing official. This paper copy will be kept in a secure location until the ‘RED/DA’ application becomes available.
Explain the distribution process for a wet signature NAVPERS 1070/602.
For a wet signature NAVPERS 1070/602, the supporting PSD, MNCC, or personnel office (PERSOFF) submits the original to NAVPERSCOM for inclusion in the OMPF using the e-submission application on BOL. They also maintain a copy until e-submission receipt is verified, provide one copy to the Service member, and one copy to the supported customer command.
How do afloat ships of DDG-class size and larger process NAVPERS 1070/602?
Afloat ships of DDG-class size and larger continue to process NAVPERS 1070/602 via the wet signature process in the NSIPS Dependency Application until the RED/DA software is implemented in NSIPS Web Afloat.
What is required for the e-submission of NAVPERS 1070/602?
E-submission of the NAVPERS 1070/602 Dependency Application/Record of Emergency Data form to Navy Personnel Command (NAVPERSCOM) is required, and a completed signed copy must be maintained in the administrative or personnel office files.
Describe the responsibility of a Service Member regarding NAVPERS 1070/602.
The Service Member is solely responsible for the accuracy of the information recorded on his or her NAVPERS 1070/602.
Define the role of CPPAs in monitoring RED/DA transactions.
CPPA’s are responsible for daily monitoring of RED/DA individual command transaction metrics and have access to feedback metrics reports via the NSIPS RED/DA command user role.
How do personnel support offices contribute to the monitoring of feedback metrics reports?
MNCC, PSDs, Navy operational support centers, and personnel/administrative offices are responsible for daily monitoring of the feedback metrics report and ensuring Service Members take immediate action on NSIPS RED/DA applications.
Explain the purpose of the Training, Education, and Qualifications History, NAVPERS 1070/881.
The NAVPERS 1070/881 in the ESR replaced the NAVPERS 1070/604 and documents all training and education completed by the member, except for ASVAB scores.
What information is included on the Training Summary page?
The Training Summary page includes information on the member’s education, special qualifications, test scores, off-duty education, vocational training, Navy service schools, military training courses, and other training courses.
Describe the Off-Duty Education Vocational Technical Training section.
This section tracks college courses, College-Level Examination Program exams, and other off-duty-related education, with updates processed by the Navy College Center in conjunction with official transcripts.
Describe the process for updating course completions in the ESR.
Upon completion of a formal military course, the learning facility enters the completion into the Fleet Training Management Planning System (FLTMPS), which then updates the ESR. If the completion does not post or shows ‘Not Verified’, PSDs can input and verify the information locally with a signed course completion certificate.
How are non-formal training courses recorded in the ESR?
Non-formal training courses attended by Navy personnel are recorded in a specific section of the ESR. Additionally, E-learning courses automatically update the ESR upon completion.
Define Personnel Qualification Standard (PQS) and its importance.
PQS are qualifications that demonstrate a service member’s proficiency in specific training areas, such as damage control. Keeping PQSs up-to-date is crucial for maintaining accurate records of a service member’s qualifications.
What is the purpose of Administrative Remarks, NAVPERS 1070/613?
Administrative Remarks, NAVPERS 1070/613, serves as a chronological record of significant miscellaneous entries not covered elsewhere, providing amplifying information as needed.
How does the ESR handle administrative remarks?
The ESR within NSIPS contains a database for administrative remarks, allowing for the storage of templates for routine remarks and the ability to post the same remark in multiple records. Remarks can be designated as permanent or temporary.
Explain the role of PSDs in updating training records.
PSDs are authorized to update training records locally, especially when course completions do not post correctly or when updating PQS completions.
What information can be found in the ESR regarding training courses?
The ESR contains a summary of formal military courses, non-formal training courses, E-learning course completions, and updates on Personnel Qualification Standards.
How does the ESR ensure the retention of administrative remarks?
The identification of administrative remarks in the ESR determines their ultimate disposition and retention, as outlined in MILPERSMAN article 1070-320.
Describe the purpose of NAVPERS 1070/613.
NAVPERS 1070/613 is used for permanent remarks that apply to entries mandated by regulation or correspondence from higher headquarters to be filed in the Official Military Personnel File (OMPF).
Define what types of entries are included in NAVPERS 1070/613.
Entries in NAVPERS 1070/613 include enlisted disciplinary actions and other mandated remarks as specified by regulations.
How does NAVPERS 1070/613 relate to the Official Military Personnel File (OMPF)?
NAVPERS 1070/613 contains entries that are required to be filed in the OMPF, ensuring that important personnel information is documented.
What is the significance of the term ‘permanent service record’ in relation to NAVPERS 1070/613?
The term ‘permanent service record’ refers to older regulations that may still be used to describe the same concept as NAVPERS 1070/613, which is the documentation of permanent remarks in a service member’s record.
Do entries in NAVPERS 1070/613 have to be mandated by higher headquarters?
Yes, entries in NAVPERS 1070/613 must be mandated by regulation or correspondence from higher headquarters.
Describe nonjudicial punishment (NJP) in the military context.
Nonjudicial punishment (NJP), also known as captain’s mast, is a disciplinary action where pay is not affected.
Define civil conviction in relation to military service.
A civil conviction refers to a legal judgment against a service member in a civilian court, which may impact their military status.
How are unauthorized absences treated in military evaluations?
Unauthorized absences are documented and can lead to adverse performance evaluations for service members.
What are the consequences of refusing to sign performance evaluation reports?
Refusing to sign performance evaluation reports results in entries being required in the service member’s record.
Explain the significance of enlisted physical fitness assessment failures.
Failures in enlisted physical fitness assessments indicate performance deficiencies and can affect a service member’s career.
How does the military handle performance or conduct deficiencies?
Performance or conduct deficiencies are documented and can lead to disciplinary actions or nonjudicial punishment.
What is the purpose of temporary remarks in a service member’s record?
Temporary remarks are used for entries that apply only to the current command or enlistment and have a defined expiration date.
Give examples of temporary entries that may be recorded in a service member’s record.
Examples include volunteering for special duty, acknowledging understanding of regulations, and attending briefings on Navy policies.
What does it mean if an ESR displays ‘Not Verified’?
If an ESR displays ‘Not Verified’, it indicates that the information has not been confirmed, but PSDs can verify it locally with proper documentation.
Describe the role of personnel offices in maintaining service member records.
Personnel offices routinely enter temporary entries related to housing allowances, bonuses, special duty pay, and other responsibilities.
Describe the purpose of the Official Military Personnel File (OMPF).
The OMPF serves as the permanent image record of all accepted documents throughout a Sailor’s career.
How can one access the OMPF?
The OMPF is accessible through the BOL website at
Define the primary method of submitting documents to the OMPF.
The primary method of submitting documents to the OMPF is through electronic submission (E-submission), which should be used whenever possible.
What is required on documents submitted for inclusion in the OMPF?
All documents submitted must include a clearly legible, FULL Social Security number (SSN) on a high-quality reproduction of the original citation.
How are documents submitted via mail handled by the Navy Personnel Command (NPC)?
Documents submitted via mail will be reviewed and screened for entry into OMPF records; if accepted, they will be uploaded and the physical document destroyed.
What happens to documents submitted without a full SSN?
Documents without a full SSN will be destroyed with no action taken.
Explain the criteria that documents in a Sailor’s OMPF must meet according to MILPERSMAN 1070-170.
Documents must be permanent, non-duplicative, and not effective for a limited time only.
How can one track the status of document submissions to the OMPF?
The status of document submissions can be tracked using the E-submission application.
What is the protocol for documents received via mail at NPC?
Documents received via mail are subject to a ‘first-come, first-served basis’ protocol, in the order they are received.
What happens to documents that are rejected by NPC?
Rejected documents will be destroyed without updating the OMPF.
Describe the requirements for submitting documents to the OMPF.
Documents must be submitted once from a single submitting authority and must pertain directly to personnel administration, avoiding irrelevant materials.
Define adverse material in the context of OMPF submissions.
Adverse material refers to any negative, substantiated, career-relevant information that meets the requirements set forth within BUPERSINST 1070.27 (Series).
How should commendatory material be characterized for OMPF submissions?
Commendatory material is any positive, substantiated, career-relevant information that conforms to the requirements set forth within BUPERSINST 1070.27 (Series).
What is the purpose of the Navy Personnel Command OMPF - My Record website?
The website provides further guidance regarding the submission of OMPF documents.
Explain the role of SECNAVINST 1650.1 (Series) in the context of awards submissions.
SECNAVINST 1650.1 (Series) establishes policy and procedures concerning awards available for recognizing individuals and units of the Naval Service.
Who is the Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) for implementing the Navy Military Awards Policy?
The Chief of Naval Operations (DNS-13) is the Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) for implementing the Navy Military Awards Policy.
What is the function of BOL NDAWS in the Navy?
BOL NDAWS is the Navy’s authoritative electronic awards system, maintained by PERS-312 in collaboration with DNS-13.
How can members check the status of their awards in BOL NDAWS?
Members can check if the award has been entered into BOL NDAWS at
What should members do if their award is not accurately reflected in BOL NDAWS?
Members should work with their administrative support offices to ensure all valid awards are entered correctly into BOL NDAWS.
Describe the process for filing personal awards in OMPF and ESR.
Personal awards such as the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal and higher are entered into BOL NDAWS by NDAWS Trusted Agents and Authorities, along with the wet-signed certificate. The application electronically files the OPNAV 1650/3 and the wet-signed certificate to the member’s OMPF.
How are awards reflected in the Official Military Personnel File (OMPF)?
Awards will not be ingested into the OMPF if they are not reflected in BOL NDAWS, which is the authoritative source for awards.
Define the role of NDAWS in the awards filing process.
NDAWS serves as the system where awards are entered by Trusted Agents and Authorities, ensuring that the awards are properly documented and reflected in the member’s OMPF.
What must be done for older awards not reflected in BOL NDAWS?
Older awards must be entered into NDAWS by the awarding authority’s administrative department or the member’s current administrative department after validating the authenticity of each award.
How are campaign/service awards issued prior to 2006 filed?
Campaign/service awards issued prior to 2006 were entered on a paper NAVPERS 1070/604 and should be filed in the member’s OMPF.
Describe the filing process for unit awards and campaign/service awards issued after 2006.
For unit awards and campaign/service awards issued after 2006, the awards should be displayed in the Honors and Awards section of the member’s ESR and submitted to the OMPF on a paper NAVPERS 1070/880 Award Record when the member reenlists or separates.
What is the significance of BOL NDAWS in the context of military awards?
BOL NDAWS is the authoritative source for awards, ensuring that all awards are properly documented and reflected in the Official Military Personnel File.
Describe the process for submitting proof of a missing award in the ESR.
If a member has proof that an award is missing, they can submit it to the OMPF with justification.
How many days of leave do active duty members earn per year?
Active duty members earn 30 days of leave per year.
Define the purpose of leave authorization.
Leave authorizes an individual to be absent from the place of duty.
What is the minimum opportunity for leave that personnel must be provided annually?
Personnel must be provided the opportunity to take leave annually, with at least one period of about 14 consecutive days.
How does the e-leave request process work in the NSIPS ESR application?
The e-leave request electronically routes through the chain of command for approval, streamlining the request process and eliminating delays.
Explain the significance of MILPERSMAN 1050-010 and DoD Instruction 1327.06.
These documents state leave authorization in detail.
What is the importance of establishing access to the ESR for Sailors?
It is imperative for each Sailor to establish access and routinely view the ESR to become comfortable with the look and feel of the program.
How has the leave request process changed with the introduction of the e-leave system?
The e-leave system has removed the paper trail and eliminated delays due to misrouting of the paper copy.
What does the command’s leave control log being automated imply?
It implies that the management of leave requests is more efficient and organized.
Describe the process for handling leave requests in conjunction with separation or retirement from the Service.
As a YN/CPPA, you may handle requests for leave by forwarding printed copies of the leave requests via T OPS to the servicing PSD.
Define the role of the Command Leave Administrator (CLA) in NSIPS.
The CLA may assign a YN to manage the leave approver and reviewer roles and personnel assignment for leave purposes within the command in NSIPS.
How is leave earned for personnel on active duty in the Navy?
Leave is earned at the rate of 2.5 days per month for all personnel on active duty, with exceptions for certain periods such as active duty of less than 30 consecutive days.
What guidelines does MILPERSMAN article 1050-090 provide regarding leave?
It provides guidelines concerning the granting of leave and determining if a day is counted as leave against the member’s account.
Explain when a member can commence leave without it counting as a leave day.
A member can commence leave at any hour on a day with no regular duties, such as a weekend, and that day will not be counted as a day of leave.
What is the significance of the day of return from leave?
The day of return from leave is counted as a day of leave unless the return is made at or before the commencement of the member’s normal working hours.
How can personnel determine their accrued leave balance?
Personnel can determine their accrued leave balance using their monthly Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) from DFAS-CL, which shows the total balance of accrued leave and days used.
Where can personnel find their leave information online?
Personnel can find their leave information at the myPay website,
What happens to leave entitlements during periods of non-pay status?
Leave is not earned during periods of excess leave or other periods in a non-pay status.
How often are Leave and Earnings Statements (LES) generated?
LESs are generated monthly.
Define earned leave.
Earned leave is the leave accrued to a member as of any given date, which can be negative (referred to as ‘in the hole’) but must not exceed the amount that would normally be earned during the remaining period of obligated service.
Describe advance leave.
Advance leave is leave granted prior to its accrual based on a reasonable expectation that the member will earn it during the remaining period of obligated active duty.
How is annual leave different from emergency leave?
Annual leave is granted in execution of a command’s leave program and is chargeable to the member’s leave account, while emergency leave is a different category of leave.
What is environmental morale leave?
Environmental morale leave is granted to service members assigned to overseas duty locations with extraordinarily difficult living conditions, and it is chargeable to the service member’s leave account.
Explain convalescent leave.
Convalescent leave is a period of authorized absence granted to individuals under medical care, part of their recuperation or convalescence, and it is not chargeable to the member’s leave account.
What does R&R leave entail?
Rest and recuperation (R&R) leave is granted to service members who qualify under designated conditions, including government-funded transportation, and is chargeable to the service member’s leave account.
Define maternity leave for Navy members post-March 2016.
Navy members who become pregnant after March 3, 2016, are entitled to 84 total days of non-chargeable maternity leave, which must be taken in a single block immediately following a birth event.
How is additional maternity leave calculated?
Additional maternity leave (AML) is calculated based on work days and can be taken in multiple blocks as allowed by NAVADMIN 182/15.
What happens to unused maternity leave?
Unused maternity leave must be taken within a year of the child’s birth, or it will be lost.
Describe the concept of graduation leave.
Graduation leave is a type of leave granted to service members upon their graduation, although specific details are not provided in the content.
Describe emergency leave in the context of military service.
Emergency leave is a period of authorized absence granted to a Sailor for an emergency situation, based on the judgment of the Commanding Officer or officer in charge and the member’s desire.
Define adoption leave and its duration.
Adoption leave is a period of authorized absence up to 42 days granted to a service member who adopts a child under a qualifying adoption, and it is not chargeable to the member’s leave account.
How is paternity leave defined in military service?
Paternity leave is a period of authorized absence up to 10 days granted to a married service member whose wife gives birth to a child, and it must be taken within 365 days of the birth.
What is excess leave and when is it granted?
Excess leave is granted in excess of earned leave and advance leave, during which the member is not entitled to pay and allowances, typically resulting from a negative leave balance due to various situations such as discharge or separation.
Explain the consequences of taking excess leave.
While on excess leave, a member does not receive pay and allowances, and any amounts received will be deducted upon the member’s return from such leave.
List the three types of pay in military service.
The three types of pay in military service are basic pay, special pay, and incentive pay.
How can the amount of military pay change?
The actual amount of military pay may change from year to year depending on congressional budgetary actions.
Where can current pay amounts for military service be found?
Current pay amounts for military service can be found on the DFAS website at
Define basic pay in the context of military personnel.
Basic pay is a monthly salary earned by all personnel on active duty, determined by their paygrade and years of service.
Describe the factors that influence the calculation of basic pay.
Basic pay is influenced by the paygrade of the personnel and the number of years of service, including both active and inactive service for certain military organizations.
How is creditable service for basic pay purposes determined?
Creditable service for basic pay purposes is determined by the Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation (DODFMR), which lists the types of service that count.
What are special pays in the military?
Special pays are additional compensations linked to a member’s status, professional qualifications, or duty assignment, such as Special Duty Assignment Pay and bonuses.
Explain the relationship between special pays and military duty assignments.
Entitlement to special pays is linked to the member’s status, professional qualifications, or specific duty assignments.
How are special pays categorized in military regulations?
Special pays are categorized and detailed in the Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation (DODFMR).
What types of special pays are mentioned in the content?
The types of special pays mentioned include Special Duty Assignment Pay (SDAP), Enlistment, Reenlistment bonuses, and Career Sea Pay (CSP).
Describe incentive pay and its alternative name.
Incentive pay, also referred to as hazardous duty pay, is compensation given to members whose duties expose them to abnormal hazards.
Define allowances in the context of military pay.
Allowances are amounts of money paid to members to cover facilities, services, or goods not provided by the Navy, or to offset additional living expenses due to service-related duties.
How does Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) eligibility work?
BAH entitlement can be earned by claiming various types of dependents or, for single members, based on their duty station.
List some types of allowances found in the DODFMR and JTR.
Types of allowances include Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS), Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH), Family Separation Allowance (FSA), Clothing Monetary Allowances, Officers’ Uniform and Equipment Allowance, and Personal Money Allowance.
Explain the circumstances under which a member may receive miscellaneous payments.
A member may receive miscellaneous payments for reasons such as advance pay before earning it, allowances ahead of entitlement, or if they are mentally incompetent or physically unavailable.
What are the three categories of Family Separation Allowance (FSA) payments?
The three categories of FSA payments depend on the circumstances of the separation, which should be studied carefully in the DODFMR.
How can members separate from the service receive additional payments?
Members separating from the service may be entitled to payments for unused leave and other entitlements as outlined in the DODFMR.
Describe the purpose of the DODFMR in relation to military pay.
The DODFMR provides guidelines and information on various types of pay, allowances, and miscellaneous payments for military members.
What is the significance of advance basic pay in connection with a PCS?
Advance basic pay allows a member to receive pay before earning it, which can be crucial during a Permanent Change of Station (PCS) move.
Describe the importance of maintaining accountability for personnel in a command.
Maintaining accountability for personnel is crucial as it reflects the command’s customer service attitude, which can set the tone for the command climate and influence how personnel are treated.
How does the treatment of newly reporting personnel affect a command’s reputation?
The way newly reporting personnel are treated directly impacts the overall perception of how the command treats its personnel, affecting its reputation Navy wide.
Define BUPERS orders and their role in personnel transfers.
BUPERS orders are orders that initiate Permanent Change of Station (PCS) transfers and are delivered to a member’s command from the order writing community.
What are field orders in the context of personnel transfers?
Field orders are delivered to a member under the authority of the Commanding Officer and include accessions, separations, and changes of Permanent Duty Station.
How do sea/shore tour lengths get developed for personnel?
Sea/shore tour lengths are developed using projected authorizations, personnel inventory projections, and historical data.
Explain the factors that influence rotation among sea, shore, and overseas activities.
Rotation is influenced by the number of personnel available for assignment, billets authorized, individual qualifications, time-on-station, and PCS funding.
What should you refer to for a comprehensive checklist of reporting and detaching responsibilities?
For a comprehensive checklist of reporting and detaching responsibilities, refer to the Pay and Personnel Administrative Support System (PASS) Management Manual, also known as PASSMAN.
How does obligated service enhance stability in personnel assignments?
Requiring obligated service to complete prescribed tours enhances stability by ensuring personnel fulfill their commitments before transferring.
What types of personnel are included in accessions and separations under field orders?
Accessions and separations under field orders include enlisted members, midshipmen, officer candidates, and nuclear petty officer candidates.
What is the significance of the customer service attitude in personnel transfers?
The customer service attitude adopted during personnel transfers can significantly influence the command’s climate and reputation, affecting how personnel feel about their command.
Define the term ‘separation’ as used in the MILPERSMAN.
Separation is a general term that includes discharge, release from active duty, release from custody and control of the Naval Service, transfer to the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR), and similar changes to active or Reserve status.
Describe the responsibilities of a YN/CPPA regarding separation paperwork.
A YN/CPPA is responsible for ensuring that paperwork for the separation of command members is properly prepared and sent via TOPS to the servicing PSD.
How does the MILPERSMAN 1910 series relate to separations?
The MILPERSMAN 1910 series provides information on all forms of separation.
What does OPNAVINST 1000.23 outline?
OPNAVINST 1000.23 outlines procedures for effecting separation of command members.
Explain the purpose of a separation checklist.
A separation checklist is used to ensure that all necessary steps and paperwork are completed for the separation process.
Identify the document that includes an example of a separation checklist.
An example of a separation checklist is shown in Figure 3-7.
Describe the role of the Secretary of the Navy in officer and enlisted separations.
The Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV), acting for the President, establishes criteria for voluntary officer and enlisted separations to maintain a sound officer corps and enlisted community.
Define the primary reasons for officer and enlisted separations in the Navy and Marine Corps.
The majority of officer and enlisted separations are due to retirement or release from active duty.
How does the Navy and Marine Corps ensure a sound officer corps during separations?
The Navy and Marine Corps follow criteria established by the Secretary of the Navy to allow voluntary separations while maintaining a sound officer corps and enlisted community.
What is the significance of Chapter 3-23 in the context of separations?
Chapter 3-23 may refer to specific guidelines or procedures related to the separation of officers and enlisted members from active duty.
Describe the difference between retirement and total separation in the naval service.
Retirement or release from active duty allows officers and enlisted members to remain under naval jurisdiction, while total separation signifies a complete disconnection from naval service.
How is the legal status of a naval officer established and terminated?
A naval officer’s legal status is established upon accepting a commission and executing the oath of office, and it can only be terminated through a specific legally authorized process.
Define the role of SECNAV in the termination of an officer’s commission.
SECNAV prescribes criteria for the voluntary termination of an officer’s commission as necessary for maintaining a sound corps, acting on behalf of the President.
List the six types of termination authorized by law for naval officers.
The six types of termination are: acceptance of resignation (unqualified or qualified), separation for cause, revocation of commission, dropping from rolls, dismissal, and termination of commission.
Do officers of the Regular Navy and Navy Reserve have established terminal dates for their commissions?
No, officers of the Regular Navy and Navy Reserve retain their commissions at the pleasure of the President, and no terminal dates are established.
Explain the presumption regarding an officer’s status in the naval service.
Once a person becomes an officer under a commission or warrant, they are presumed to remain in that office until their status is legally terminated by a governmental authority.
What is required for separations of officers from the naval service?
Separations of officers from the naval service must be approved by SECNAV.
How does naval jurisdiction apply to officers upon retirement or release from active duty?
Upon retirement or release from active duty, officers continue to be fully subjected to naval jurisdiction and orders, except where specifically limited by statute.
Describe the authority responsible for issuing separation orders for officers in the Navy.
Separation orders for officers are final orders and are issued only by the Chief of Naval Personnel (CHNAVPERS) or SECNAV.
Define the primary purpose of maintaining high standards of conduct and performance in the Navy.
The primary purpose is to promote readiness by ensuring that the Navy is served by individuals capable of meeting required standards of duty, performance, and discipline.
How does the Navy ensure orderly and expeditious administrative separation of personnel?
The Navy provides for administrative separation to maintain high standards of conduct and performance, emphasizing honorable military service.
What are some formal reasons for the separation of enlisted personnel in the Navy?
Formal reasons include defective enlistments, entry-level performance issues, unsatisfactory performance, misconduct, drug abuse, and alcohol abuse.
Describe the role of CHNAVPERS in relation to changes in service obligation for enlisted personnel.
CHNAVPERS may authorize or direct the separation of enlisted personnel due to selected changes in service obligation, such as general demobilization or acceptance into active duty commissions.
How might changes in service obligation affect enlisted personnel in the Navy?
Changes might involve general demobilization, reduction in authorized strength, or acceptance into programs leading to active duty commissions.
What is emphasized through the characterization of service during separations in the Navy?
The characterization of service emphasizes the traditional concept of honorable military service.
Explain the significance of maintaining authorized force levels and grade distributions in the Navy.
Maintaining authorized force levels and grade distributions is crucial for ensuring that the Navy operates effectively and meets its operational requirements.
Describe the circumstances under which enlisted members of the Navy are separated from service.
Enlisted members of the Regular Navy or Navy Reserve are separated upon the normal date of expiration of enlistment, fulfillment of service obligation, completion of active obligated service, or within 30 days of these dates, unless retained beyond their term of service.
Define the term ‘service obligation’ in the context of military enlistment.
Service obligation refers to the period during which a member is required to serve in the military, which may be acquired under provisions such as the Military Selective Service Act.
How can a member request a hardship discharge from the Navy?
A member can request a hardship discharge by submitting a written request to the appropriate Special Court-Martial Convening Authority (SPCMCA), accompanied by affidavits substantiating the hardship claim.
What is the role of CHNAVPERS regarding the separation of enlisted members?
CHNAVPERS may authorize or direct the separation of enlisted members before the expiration of their enlistment for certain reasons, including genuine hardships faced by the member or their family.
Explain the process for submitting a request for a hardship discharge.
The request for a hardship discharge should be addressed to the appropriate SPCMCA, and if the member is on authorized leave, the nearest naval activity should submit the request with the assisting command’s synopsis included.
What documentation is required to support a request for hardship discharge?
Requests for hardship discharge must be accompanied by affidavits substantiating the hardship claim, ideally including one affidavit from the family member(s) concerned.
When can enlisted members be separated within 30 days of their service expiration?
Enlisted members can be separated within 30 days of their normal date of expiration of enlistment, extension of enlistment, fulfillment of service obligation, or completion of active obligated service.
What happens if a member has an additional service obligation at the time of expiration of enlistment?
If a member has an additional service obligation, they will not be separated upon the normal date of expiration of enlistment, extension, or period of induction.
Identify the types of hardships that may qualify a member for early separation.
Hardships that may qualify a member for early separation include genuine personal or family difficulties that can be substantiated through affidavits.
What is the significance of the MILPERSMAN in the context of military service separation?
The MILPERSMAN provides the criteria and format for requests for hardship discharge and outlines the directives for service separation.
Describe the circumstances under which a member may be separated from service due to inability to perform duties.
A member may be separated if they are unable to perform assigned duties, are repetitively absent, or are deemed unsuitable for worldwide assignment or deployment due to parenthood.
How can a member attend higher education while serving?
A member may be separated within three months of their enlistment expiration to attend higher education, such as college, university, vocational, or technical school.
Who is the separation approving authority for members in the Navy?
The Deputy CHNAVPERS is the separation approving authority, not the member’s commanding officer (CO).
What are the conditions under which a member cannot be separated due to pregnancy or childbirth?
A member cannot be separated based on pregnancy or childbirth unless it is determined to be in the best interest of the service member or if they demonstrate compelling personal need for separation.
Define the term ‘physical disability’ in the context of military service.
A physical disability refers to a condition that renders a member unable to perform the duties of their rate in a manner that fulfills the purpose of their employment on active duty.
What happens to members on inactive duty who are found physically unqualified?
Members on inactive duty may be separated due to physical disability if they are determined not physically qualified to perform their duties on active duty in the Navy Reserve.
How are members retained if their physical status is unresolved before enlistment expiration?
Members may be administratively retained in service beyond their enlistment expiration with their consent if their physical status is unresolved.
What occurs if a member does not consent to retention beyond enlistment expiration?
If a member does not consent to retention, their discharge is executed normally, and an entry is made on the Administrative Remarks page of their service record indicating their desire to be discharged.
List additional reasons for separation mentioned in the MILPERSMAN.
Additional reasons for separation include conscientious objection, surviving son or daughter status, failure to meet physical readiness standards, and other designated physical or mental conditions.
Describe the conditions under which a member may be separated in lieu of trial by court-martial.
A member may be separated in lieu of trial by court-martial upon request if charges have been preferred for an offense that allows for punitive discharge, and the member’s commanding officer determines the member is unqualified for further naval service.
How does a request for administrative separation affect disciplinary proceedings?
A request for administrative separation under other than honorable conditions does not prevent or suspend disciplinary proceedings, and whether such proceedings will be held in abeyance is determined by the officer exercising general court-martial jurisdiction.
Define the requirement for members in paygrade E4 or above requesting separation in lieu of trial by court-martial.
Members in paygrade E4 or above must request an administrative reduction to paygrade E3 as a condition precedent to the approval of their request for separation in lieu of trial by court-martial.
What is the Navy’s perspective on early separation from service?
The Navy views early separation for failure to meet performance or discipline standards as a violation of the commitment made upon enlistment, representing a loss of investment in training and resources.
How does retaining individuals who do not conform to Navy standards impact the service?
Retaining individuals who cannot conform to Navy standards leads to high costs in pay, administrative efforts, degradation of morale, and substandard mission performance, representing an inefficient use of defense resources.
Explain the significance of the Navy separation policy.
The Navy separation policy emphasizes that military service is a unique calling, distinct from civilian occupations, and underscores the commitment to the United States and fellow service members.
What happens upon approval of a request for separation in lieu of trial by court-martial?
Upon approval, the member will be reduced to paygrade E3 as per their request.
Describe the implications of separation before completing a period of obligated service.
Separation before completing the obligated service period represents a loss of the Navy’s investment in training and resources, while also necessitating increased accessions.
Describe the types of discharge certificates entitled to Navy personnel after separation.
Navy personnel who have been totally separated from the naval service are entitled to one of the following types of discharge certificates: Honorable, General, and Discharge Under Conditions Other Than Honorable.
Define the separation document for officers dismissed by general court-martial.
Officers separated from the service by dismissal pursuant to sentence of general court-martial receive a letter signed by SECNAV or an authorized delegate, detailing their trial, conviction, sentence, and dismissal, which is equivalent to a Dishonorable Discharge.
How does the Navy Department issue discharge certificates?
The Navy Department is the only authority that issues discharge certificates; no ship or station may issue any form of discharge certificate to a member separated from the service as a warrant or commissioned officer.
What is the Fleet Reserve composed of?
The Fleet Reserve is composed of enlisted members who have served in the Regular Navy and the Navy Reserve, who may be recalled to active duty during a national emergency or war.
How can personnel transfer to the Fleet Reserve?
Personnel who have completed 20 years of active service may submit a NAVPERS 1336/3 request through the chain of command for approval to transfer to the Fleet Reserve.
What is the time frame for transferring to the Fleet Reserve?
Transfer to the Fleet Reserve cannot be less than six months and not more than one year from the member’s Enlisted Active Obligated Service, with E7 and above allowed up to two years before the desired transfer date.
When are Fleet Reserve transfers effective?
All Fleet Reserve transfers are effective on the last day of the month.
Describe the circumstances under which an effective date of transfer to the Fleet Reserve may be held in abeyance.
An effective date of transfer to the Fleet Reserve may be held in abeyance if the member is in disciplinary status, serving a sentence of court-martial, awaiting civil action, awaiting an administrative discharge, awaiting resolution of unresolved family advocacy issues, or awaiting results of a disability evaluation.
How does being in a limited duty (LIMDU) capacity affect a member’s transfer to the Fleet Reserve?
Members in a limited duty (LIMDU) capacity are not considered to be in the disability evaluation process and will be processed as a regular Fleet Reserve request.
Define the role of NAVPERSCOM in the approval of LIMDU for members exceeding 20 years of service.
NAVPERSCOM, specifically the Disability/Retirement/LIMDU Branch (PERS-82), is responsible for approving LIMDU for members who will exceed 20 years of active service.
What must members do before submitting a Fleet Reserve request if they have hardcopy PCS orders?
Members must first execute any PCS orders in hand before submitting a Fleet Reserve request.
How long can COs defer transfer to the Fleet Reserve, and under what conditions?
COs may defer transfer to the Fleet Reserve up to 30 days beyond the authorized date only when urgent operational commitments demand the member’s continued service.
What is required from the Administrative Office once COMNAVPERSCOM issues the MOI to approve the Fleet Reserve request?
The YN/CPPA must ensure that all responsibilities outlined in Chapter 3-30 are fulfilled following the issuance of the MOI.
Explain the implications of possessing both PCS orders and a Fleet Reserve message of intent (MOI).
Possessing both PCS orders and a Fleet Reserve message of intent (MOI) is not authorized, as both have PCS entitlements tied to them.
What happens if a member desires to transfer to the Fleet Reserve instead of continuing disability processing?
Members desiring transfer to the Fleet Reserve instead of continuing disability processing may waive treatment and/or disability evaluation processing.
What must be included in the report when deferment of transfer to the Fleet Reserve is effected due to urgent operational commitments?
A full report of the circumstances must be forwarded via message traffic to CHNAVPERS, with an information copy to the appropriate type commander.
Describe the process for a member to reach their authorized Fleet Reserve date.
A member must have sufficient obligated service (OBLISERV) and receive Fleet Reserve authorization at least 120 days prior to the requested date. If conditional reenlistment is needed, the MOI serves as approval per MILPERSMAN 1160-030.
How should a member handle Fleet Reserve authorization if it is not received in time?
If Fleet Reserve authorization is not received 120 days in advance, the member should contact COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-8354) immediately for assistance.
Define the role of the First Endorsement in the Fleet Reserve process.
The First Endorsement is issued to the Fleet Reserve authorization message using the format in MILPERSMAN and must include accounting data, issued no earlier than six months prior to the Fleet Reserve date without NAVPERSCOM approval.
What documents need to be prepared and forwarded before a member’s departure from command?
The DD 214 and Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty must be prepared and forwarded with the transfer authorization and First Endorsement to the appropriate disbursing office no later than 30 days prior to the member’s departure.
Where should a member’s service record be sent after closing?
The member’s service record should be forwarded to Commander, Navy Personnel Command (PERS-912), 5722 Integrity Drive, Millington, TN 38055-3200.
How often do personnel eligible for paygrades E4 through E6 take advancement exams?
Personnel eligible for paygrades E4 through E6 take an advancement exam twice a year, in March and September.
When do E6s eligible for the E7 examination take their exam?
E6s eligible for the E7 examination take it once a year in January.
Describe the responsibilities of personnel preparing worksheets and ESR entries for advancement in the U.S. Navy.
They must read and comply with all aspects of the Advancement Manual for Enlisted Personnel of the U.S. Navy and U.S. Navy Reserve, BUPERSINST 1430.16 (Series).
How are Commanding Officers (COs) and Officers in Charge (OICs) involved in the advancement process?
They are responsible for ensuring that the requirements for signing worksheets are disseminated throughout the command.
Define the method for accessing worksheets related to advancement in the U.S. Navy.
Worksheets are available utilizing NSIPS with a CAC login.
What is the significance of the NETPDC 1430/3 form in the advancement process?
It is an example of a worksheet used for advancement, as referenced in the Advancement Manual.
Explain the importance of the Advancement Manual for Enlisted Personnel in the U.S. Navy.
It provides guidelines and requirements that personnel must follow for advancement-related documentation.
How does the U.S. Navy ensure compliance with advancement worksheet requirements?
By having COs/OICs disseminate the signing requirements throughout the command.
Describe the role of YNs in the Navy advancement cycle.
YNs work closely with the Educational Services Officer (ESO) to prepare worksheets for candidates participating in the Navy-wide advancement cycle (E-4 through E-7), including Limited Duty Officer (LDO) Program candidates.
How do candidates verify their worksheets before the examination?
Candidates must verify and sign the worksheets prior to taking the examination as stipulated by the ESO.
Define the responsibilities of the Educational Services Officer (ESO) regarding worksheets.
The ESO prepares worksheets for eligible candidates, reviews them for accuracy with the YN, and holds them in a suspense file pending examination results.
What is the significance of the worksheet in the examination process?
The worksheet serves as a checkoff sheet and is used by candidates to transfer information to the answer sheet during the examination.
How long before the examination does the ESO prepare the worksheets?
The ESO prepares worksheets for eligible candidates at least one month prior to the scheduled examination.
What happens to the answer sheets after the examination?
Completed answer sheets are turned over to the designated person for preparing the transmittal letter for forwarding to NETPDC.
Who is allowed to handle the answer sheets until they are mailed?
Only officers, designated E-7/8/9, or designated civilian employees may handle the answer sheets until they are deposited as Registered Mail.
What does ‘frocked’ mean in the context of Navy advancement?
‘Frocked’ refers to being administratively advanced by the CO to the next paygrade without receiving pay for that grade until officially advanced by BUPERS.
What are the eligibility requirements for frocking?
Only personnel currently meeting physical fitness standards are eligible to be frocked.
How are completed answer sheets treated in terms of handling and stowage?
Completed answer sheets should be given the same handling and stowage as documents marked FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.
What does BUPERSINST 1430.16 (Series) address?
BUPERSINST 1430.16 (Series) addresses required administrative procedures and information for the advancement of enlisted personnel.
When do candidates transfer worksheet information to answer sheets?
Candidates transfer the worksheet information to answer sheets during the examination at the examination site.
What is the process for reviewing worksheets before the examination?
Approximately 10 days prior to the examination, the ESO reviews the worksheet for each candidate per BUPERSINST 1430.16 (Series).
Describe the importance of verifying information before responding.
It is crucial to ensure accuracy in responses; if uncertain, one should seek assistance from a supervisor to obtain the correct information.
How should one handle uncertainty in providing answers?
If uncertain about the correct answer or unable to find it in writing, one should ask a supervisor for help.
Define the purpose of the information provided in Chapter 3-35.
The information in Chapter 3-35 is intended to give an overview of specific topics.
What should be done for additional information beyond the chapter’s scope?
For additional information beyond the chapter’s scope, refer to the governing directive or article related to the specific subject.
Do you need to consult a supervisor for every question?
Consult a supervisor specifically when you are uncertain of the correct answer or cannot find it in writing.