NAVPERS 1555D - Article 2 Flashcards
Describe the eligibility criteria for at sea disposition of remains.
The eligibility criteria include members of the uniformed services, retired members, former members honorably discharged, U.S. Civilian Marine Personnel of the Military Sealift Command, dependents of members and former members, and other U.S. citizens determined eligible by notable service or contributions.
How should requests for at sea disposition be submitted?
Requests should be referred by the CACO for active duty members or by the commanding officer to the Military Medical Support Office (MMSO) listed in Appendix H.
Define the role of the Military Medical Support Office (MMSO) in the at sea disposition process.
The MMSO notifies the next of kin about the acceptance of remains, coordinates the scheduling of the committal, and advises of any changes that may delay the disposition.
What happens once the remains are received by the shore facility?
The next of kin will be notified when a ship has been designated and an approximate sailing date is determined.
How are changes in the disposition schedule communicated?
Any changes that would cause a delay exceeding the 10 weeks disposition date should be communicated by the MMSO to the next of kin and the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED).
Do civilian personnel have authorization to attend services aboard naval ships at sea?
No, civilian personnel are not authorized to attend services aboard naval ships at sea or aboard a naval aircraft.
Describe the requirements for a request to the MMSO regarding disposition of remains.
A signed and properly witnessed request and authorization from the primary next of kin or designated person is required, along with Appendix I for PNOK use.
Define the necessary permits for the disposition of remains at sea.
A transit/interment permit issued by responsible civil authorities or a certificate of cremation is necessary.
How is a death certificate related to the disposition of remains?
A certified copy of the certificate of death is required, and if applicable, a burial at sea certificate issued by the state medical examiner.
What should be done in cases of death from a communicable disease regarding cremains?
It may be necessary to contact the State Board of Health for guidance on at sea disposition of such cremains.
Explain the location requirements for committal at sea of remains.
Committal at sea must occur outside the 3-mile limit, off the continental shelf, and at a depth greater than 100 fathoms (600 feet).
How should cremains be dispersed at sea from an aircraft?
Dispersion of cremains from an aircraft must occur at least 3 miles from the nearest land.
What is the role of the naval activity in the consignment of remains for active duty personnel?
The naval activity is responsible for transportation arrangements and must coordinate with the MMSO to consign the casketed remains to a mortuary near the designated port.
What expenses are considered part of private arrangements for active duty personnel’s remains?
Expenses incurred at the consignee funeral home are considered part of private arrangements and are reimbursable with limitations.
How are inurned cremated remains handled for active duty personnel?
Inurned cremated remains must be consigned in coordination with the MMSO to a naval activity near the final disposition location.
What is the responsibility of the MMSO regarding casketed remains?
The MMSO must ensure that the casketed remains are properly prepared in a metal casket.
What action should be taken if a casketed remains does not submerge upon impact with water?
The commanding officer shall initiate action to retrieve the casket for additional weighing and drilling.
Who bears the expenses for the preparation and delivery of remains for retired or former members?
The estate of the deceased must bear any expenses for preparation and delivery of the casketed remains or inurned cremains.
Describe the attire required for personnel attending the at sea disposition services.
Personnel must wear the Uniform of the Day.
How should the ship be positioned during the committal service if practical?
The ship should be stopped, and colors displayed at half mast.
Define the role of the chaplain during the at sea disposition services.
The chaplain of appropriate faith conducts the service; if unavailable, the commanding officer or a designated officer may read the service.
What is the first step in the committal service procedure?
The first step is have the station firing detail, body bearers, and bugler in place.
Explain the significance of the phrase ‘All hands bury the dead.’
It is an announcement made during the officer’s call to gather personnel for the burial service.
How is the burial service conducted in terms of formation?
The massed formation is brought to PARADE REST before the burial service begins.
What actions are taken during the committal part of the service?
During the committal, personnel are at ATTENTION and give a HAND SALUTE.
What follows the firing of three volleys during the service?
TAPS is played after the firing of three volleys.
What is done with the colors after TAPS is played?
The colors are closed up, and the ship resumes course and speed at the last note of TAPS.
What is the final step in the ceremonial procedure after the service?
The final step is RETREAT, after which personnel resume normal duties.
What is the significance of wearing a mourning band during the funeral procession?
The mourning band is worn on the left arm by officers in the funeral procession and body bearers to signify respect and mourning.
Describe the two component parts of the ceremony of at sea disposition.
The two component parts are the religious part, which includes the reading of scripture, prayers, the committal, and the benediction, and the military part, which involves other military personnel performing various aspects of the ceremony.
How are casketed remains covered during at sea disposition?
Casketed remains are covered with the national ensign, with the union placed at the head and over the left shoulder.
Define the role of body bearers during the at sea disposition ceremony.
Body bearers are responsible for carrying the casketed remains, forming according to height on both sides of the casket, and remaining uncovered below decks. They always carry the casket feet first.
What is the procedure for the committal of casketed remains on a naval ship?
The selected place for committal is cleared and rigged to securely place the casket on a stand, with feet outboard at right angles to the side for launching.
How is attention signaled during the at sea disposition ceremony?
Attention is sounded on the bugle or passed by word of mouth as the body bearers execute the HAND SALUTE while the cortege passes to the committal place.
What happens after the remains are placed for committal during the ceremony?
The HAND SALUTE is terminated by those in view, and a sentry is posted unless the burial service is to follow immediately.
Who is responsible for the firing detail during the at sea disposition ceremony?
A chief petty officer is designated to take charge of the firing detail of seven persons.
What is the role of the chief master-at-arms during the at sea disposition service?
The chief master-at-arms directs the body bearers during the service until the flag is encased and delivered to the commanding officer.
How should the urn containing cremains be handled during the at sea disposition?
If the urn is to be opened and the cremains scattered, a small table or stand should be securely rigged beforehand at the selected place for the committal, where the urn will be placed during the service.
What should be placed beside the cremains during the at sea disposition service?
The folded flag should be placed on the stand beside the cremains.
What is the purpose of floral tributes during the committal ceremony?
Floral tributes may surround the receptacle and cover the platform or table during the service, and they can be tossed into the sea after the cremains have been scattered.
How many enlisted members are designated as flag bearers and what additional role do they serve?
Four enlisted members are designated as flag bearers and also serve as urn bearers during the ceremony.
What is the procedure for the flag during the committal ceremony?
The leading flag bearer carries the folded flag on the right, places it beside the cremains, and holds it until the completion of TAPS, after which it is presented to the commanding officer.
Describe the initial steps of the burial service for casketed remains.
The honor platoon assembles in massed formation, is brought to parade rest, and the burial service is read through to the end of the prayers, with the assemblage remaining covered with bowed heads.
What command is given to signal the start of the committal reading?
The command ‘Firing Detail, PRESENT ARMS’ is given, followed by the honor platoon performing a hand salute.
What happens when the indicated word of the committal is read?
The body bearers tilt the casket as part of the committal process.
Describe the commands given during the firing detail ceremony.
The commands include ‘Firing Detail, ORDER ARMS, PARADE REST,’ followed by ‘Firing Detail, ATTENTION. Fire three volleys.’ After the volleys, the honor platoon salutes until the last note of TAPS.
How is the national ensign folded after the ceremony?
The national ensign is folded twice along the long axis, keeping the blue field to the outside, starting at the fly end with only the blue field showing.
Define the role of the chief master-at-arms in the ceremony.
The chief master-at-arms presents the folded flag to the commanding officer after the flag has been encased by the body bearers.
What happens after the commanding officer receives the flag?
After receiving the flag, the command PARADE REST is given, and once all have assumed it, the details are brought to ATTENTION and marched away.
How long does it typically take to accomplish disposition at sea after a request is made?
Disposition at sea is normally accomplished within 8 to 10 weeks from the time the responsible Fleet Commander-in-Chief is notified.
What information is provided to the next of kin after committal services?
The next of kin receives a personal letter from the commanding officer detailing the date and time of committal, along with photographs or video tape of the ceremony, the commemorative flag, and a chart showing the burial location.
What should be done prior to forwarding a request for cremains dispersion from an aircraft?
Private memorial services and/or honors should be accomplished prior to forwarding the request for cremains dispersion.
How is the next of kin informed about the cremains dispersion?
The next of kin is informed by a letter from the commanding officer or chaplain, advising when and where the dispersion was accomplished, including grid coordinates.