(yellow ) Amines and Amides Flashcards
(yellow ) Amines and Amides
info card read and recite
Amines can be considered as compounds related to ammonia, NH3, with one, two or three of the hydrogen atoms substituted by an alkyl or an aryl group, R. If the amine is not the principal group, the prefix -amino (-NH2) is used.
Physical properties
Draw out the structure of methylamine to show the polarity of the NH2 group and the lone pair on the N atom. Identify the intermolecular bonds.
should have two methylamine one hydrogen is bonded to the lone pair of the other methylamine through a hydrogen bond
describe the strength of amines hydrogen bonding
Shorter chain amines are gases at room temperature as this bonding is not as strong as it is in alcohols.
Would you expect short chain primary amines to be soluble in water?
Explain your answer
H-bonds are possible between the amine d+H attached to the electronegative N atom and lone pair on H2O also between RNH2 and d+H2O
what is the definition of a ligand
A Ligand is a molecule or ion with a lone pair of electrons which can make a dative covalent bond with a metal cation forming a complex ion. (see transition metals)
Would you expect an amine to behave as a base?
a nucleophile?
a ligand?
Explain your answer.
Lone pair of e- can bond with H+ or attack a d+C or enter a metal cation orbital
info card read and recite
Amines are found in nature in putrefying and decaying flesh when proteins decompose. They are associated with ammoniacal, fishy smells.
Are the amines more soluble in hydrochloric acid than in water?
Yes much more soluble
Carefully place 0.2 cm3 of ethanoyl chloride (take care) and 0.2 cm3 of the amine in separate test tubes, in a fume cupboard, and then mix. A solid compound should be obtained, whose melting temperature is characteristic of the original amine.
Describe the reaction
Which electrophilic centre is attacked?
Which bond breaks?
V vigorous, exothermic , HCl produced à white smoke with NH3
what is the definition of a base
We define a base as a proton acceptor. It has a lone pair which it can use to form a dative covalent bond with a proton, which in chemistry is a H+ ion.
how do you determin the basisity of an amine
Basic properties of the amine
All amines, like ammonia are basic. However their ability to act as bases is determined by
the availability of the lone pair on the nitrogen to accept a proton.
Why is Butylamine a stronger base than ammonia
The Alkyl group is weakly electron donating, so can donate electrons to the lone pair on the Nitrogen, increasing it’s electron density. Making the lone pair more readily available to H+ ions
Why is phenylamine a weaker base than ammonia
The lone pair on the Nitrogen overlaps with the π delocalised ring of the benzene group. This increases the electron density of the ring, but reduces the electron density of the nitrogens lone pair making it less able to accept a H+ ions
What type of reactions do halogenoalkanes frequently undergo?
Nucleophilic substitution
Why can ammonia act as a nucleophile?
Lone pair of electrons on NH3
Reaction of a halogenoalkane with ammonia
give the equation and mechanisum
Mechanism for the reaction of 1-chlorobutane with limited ammonia:
the mechanism to show how the amine is released by treatment with dil. NaOH
Reagents: halogenoalkane
excess conc. ammonia dissolved in ethanol
Conditions: heat in a sealed tube
Mechanism for the reaction of 1-chlorobutane with limited ammonia: -
ammonia substatutes with chlorine in an nucleophilic substatution
the mechanism to show how the amine is released by treatment with dil. NaOH
OH- pulls ahydrogen off the amine this gives an electron to the amine
C4H9NH3 +NaOH —-> C4H9NH2 + H2O + NaCl
Reaction of excess chloromethane with ammonia results in successive substitution reactions:-
Complete the equations:-
this has three steps
why is it hard to seperate these products
1) · CH3Cl + NH3 —> H3CNH2 + HCl (methylamine)
2) CH3Cl + CH3NH2 —> (H3C)2NH + HCl (dimethylamine)
3) CH3Cl + (H3C)2NH —> (H3C)3N + HCl (trimethylamine)
It is difficult to separate these products even by fractional distillation as their boiling points are similar.
The Preparation of amines From Halogenoalkanes
Aliphatic amines are produced by heating the corresponding halogenoalkane in a sealed tube with excess ammonia in ethanol
During the first step of the reaction the ammonia acts as a nucleophile and then in the second step it acts as a base releasing the free amine
Draw out the mechanism using 1-bromobutane and ammonia.
ammonia attacks the carbon delta positive this then kicks off the bromine with heat and conc NH3 in ethanol
then addmore ammonia then then pushes the electron off one of the hydrogens from the ammonia on the amine
this makes C4H9NH2 + NH4Br
The Preparation of amines From From Nitrile
Reduction of nitriles can also produce amines. Unlike the above reaction there is no chance of further substitutions, however if using LiAlH4 care needs to be taken as the LiAlH4 is highly flammable
Reduction can be achieved via two methods
1) Reduction using hydrogen gas and a nickel catalyst
2) Reduction using LiAlH4 in epoxyethane (dry ether), followed by dilute acid.
1) CH3CH2CH2CN + 2H2 —-> CH3CH2CH2CH2NH2
2)CH3CH2CH2CN + 4[H] —> CH3CH2CH2CH2NH2
The reduction of nitrobenzene to phenylamine
give the two steps
Step 1
· Reducing agent: Tin and concentrated hydrochloric acid.
· Add tin to nitrobenzene, then add concentrated hydrochloric acid with cooling.
· Heat on a boiling water bath to complete the reduction. Phenylammonium chloride is formed (write the name in the equation)
Step 2
· Sodium hydroxide solution is added to liberate the phenylamine.
· Collect the phenylamine by steam distillation. (see apparatus below) Distil until no more oily drops of phenylamine distil over. Separate the oily organic layer.
· Shake with NaCl(s) to reduce the solubility of phenylamine in water.
· Separate the organic layer and dry with K2CO3(s)
· Redistil using an air condenser.
draw out these structurs and then check them online
N - methylethanamide
Acid amides are organic compounds which have relatively high melting points and boiling points. Methanamide is a liquid but all other acid amides are white crystalline solids.
Identify the intermolecular bonding present
hydrogen bonding
it should be between the C=O and the H-N of the two same compounds
Comment on the solubility of amides in water
Soluble in water due to ability to make and receive hydrogen bonds with water.
What is the N-C-C bond angle in ethanamide? Justify your answer.
Approx 120o as there are 3 groups of bonding electrons around the C atom, these repel and move to a position of minimum repulsion.
info card read and recite
The lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom is delocalised through the p bond system.This reduces the electron density on the nitrogen atom making it less basic than expected.
does ammonia act as a nucliophile or electro phile