Year 9 - Topic 2 - Global World Flashcards
What is globalisation?
Globalisation is the growing connections between countries
What five factors make the world more interconnected?
Technology Transport Communication Trade Culture
How does technology boost globalisation?
Computers allow transactions to take place around the world e.g. banking, ordering off the internet
How does transport boost globalisation?
Developments in air travel (and budget airlines e.g. EasyJet) has meant more people can travel on holiday. Before this, the development of the containership meant products could be shipped around the world
How does communication boost globalisation?
The internet, smartphone technology and social media means people can contact each other within an instant. This allows businesses to easily work with businesses elsewhere
How does trade boost globalisation?
Improved technology and transport has meant goods can be exported all over the world
How does culture boost globalisation?
Popular music, foods and films are now shared globally via social media and the internet
What are TNCs?
TNCs are Transnational Corporations.
They are companies who have set up factories in Asia to make products (e.g. iPhones), which are sold to other countries.
They operate over two or more countries and tend to have their headquarters in a developed country and then outsource their manufacturing to poorer countries
Why have TNCs invested in Asia? (human factors)
Large population to be workers
Well educated people
Government supports investment from other countries
English speaking
Why have TNCs invested in Asia? (physical factors)
Close to other countries to trade
Close to coast - easy to transport goods via ship
Limited natural hazards
What are NEEs?
They are Newly Emerging Economies and they are countries that start to develop quickly and often have a large amount of manufacturing industries
What are the ‘tiger’ economies?
As NEEs develop, their economies grow meaning they become richer - the countries in East Asia have seen the largest growth. These countries include Japan, Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia
Why do some TNCs (such as Nike) locate their factories in South East Asia?
Labour costs are low and limited workers’ rights
There’s access to raw materials to make products
Workers can work for long hours
Who is employed in Nike factories?
Usually women, under the age of 25 (sometimes children). Many are from the countryside, working in factories to escape poverty
What are the issues of TNC factories in Asia?
High levels of maltreatment: verbal abuse, working long hours, low pay
Workers at nine plants in Indonesia have suffered verbal abuse, lack of medical attention and compulsory overtime
What are advantages of TNCs for people?
Job opportunities for developing countries
Helps country develop
TNCs may invest in health facilities that improve people’s lives
What are disadvantages of TNCs for people?
Sometimes poor working conditions
There may be accidents as health and safety laws are not as good (e.g. Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh)
What are advantages of TNCs for the environment?
TNCs might improve natural environment
Companies may improve transport links which improves the built environment
What are disadvantages of TNCs for the environment?
Shipping produce oversea increases CO₂
Potential for conflict over resources such as water
What are advantages of TNCs for Asia?
Improved standards of living
Job opportunities in new industries
TNCs invest in infrastructure
What are disadvantages of TNCs for Asia?
Loss of individual culture
Exploitation of workers and environment
Overreliance on TNCs - if they leave, country suffers
What are advantages of TNCs for the rest of the world?
Range of cheap goods available
Improved international relations between countries
What are disadvantages of TNCs for the rest of the world?
Job losses in developed countries
Increased climate change from transporting goods worldwide
What is exploitation?
To take advantage of or mistreat someone or something