Year 7 - Topic 5 - Ecosystems Flashcards
What are the four biomes?
Tropical Rainforest
Hot Desert
Polar Region
Where are tropical rainforests located?
Along the equator
Where are hot deserts located?
15-30 degrees N/S of the equator
Where are tundra located?
60-70 degrees N of the equator
Where are the polar regions located?
Describe tropical rainforests
Hot, wet, high biodiversity
Describe hot deserts
Hot, dry, low biodiversity
Describe tundra
Cold, windy, dry, low plants
Describe the polar regions
Very cold!
What is an ecosystem?
An environment where living organisms interact with non-living organisms
Examples of living things
Animals, bacteria, plants
Examples of non-living things
Climate, soil, air, water
What is a food chain?
A food chain shows the path of energy from one living thing to another
What is a food web?
When all of the food chains in an ecosystem are joined together, they form a more complex food web
The closer a country is to the equator the _____ it will be. This is because…
The closer a country is to the equator the HOTTER it will be. This is because the sun’s rays are more concentrated at the equator.
The higher up (altitude) you go, the _____ it will be. This is why…
The higher up (altitude) you go, the COLDER it will be. This is why there is snow on the top of mountains at the equator.
Areas further inland (away from the coastline) have a _____ difference between their temperatures between night and day. They are also _____ as there are no winds blowing over water.
Areas further inland (away from the coastline) have a BIGGER difference between their temperatures between night and day. They are also DRIER as there are no winds blowing over water.
Winds that blow over the sea will bring _____ weather, whereas winds that blow over land will bring more _____ weather.
Winds that blow over the sea will bring WET weather, whereas winds that blow over land will bring more DRY weather.
Why are urban areas hotter than rural areas?
Concrete buildings and tarmac roads hold heat so urban areas will be warmer than rural areas
Why are some places 30 degrees N/S from the equator often dry?
Air at the equator rises and cools. Condensation creates clouds then forms rain. The air then moves north and south until it gets to about 30 degrees north and south of the equator where it sinks. The air is dry and no condensation can form, so there is no rain.
Name the structure of the rainforest from the highest point to the lowest
The Emergent Layer
The Canopy
The Understorey
The Forest Floor
What are drip tip leaves?
Heavy rain drips off the leaf and doesn’t damage it
What are lianas?
Long woody winding branches that grow up the trunks to get the most sunlight
What are epiphytes?
Plants that grow on the high branches of trees to get more sunlight
What are buttress roots?
Wide but shallow roots that hold tall trees upright
Explain why humans use rainforests for medical research
Many plants in the rainforest are used for medicine (e.g. quinine can cure malaria). Approximately 7000 medicines are from plants
Explain why humans use rainforests for ecotourism
It makes sure tourists don’t damage the natural environment or local communities. Eco-tourists pay to see a country’s natural beauty
Describe how humans use rainforests for ranching
Large areas of forest are cut down to make space for cattle. Since 1950, 66% of the Amazon has been turned into farms for cows/beef
Explain why humans use rainforests for logging
Wood from trees is used for furniture, flooring, building etc. Trees are cut down to make space for roads
What three things will help us protect rainforests?
International Agreements
Conservation and Education
What are international agreements?
Legally binding agreements between countries
e.g. The Paris Agreement 2015, attended by 195 leaders. All agreed to reduce carbon emissions. 50 of these countries with TRF promised to crack down on illegal deforestation
How will conservation and education help protect rainforests?
There are many conservation groups e.g. Rainforest Alliance. They work with the country’s government and local people to set up national park and reserves where deforestation is banned
What is ecotourism?
Tourism that minimises damage to the environment. Only a small number of people are allowed into an area at one time. Waste and litter is disposed of properly. Locals benefit (e.g. tour guides)
What is a producer?
Usually plants. They produce their own energy through the process of photosynthesis
What is a consumer?
These things eat other animals or plants for energy
What is a decomposer?
Organisms and bacteria which break down dead or rotting matter from dead plants and animals. This process puts nutrients to the soil