Year 8 - Topic 4 - Water On The Land Flashcards
What is erosion?
The wearing away of land/rock. This is caused by the power of moving water such as water in a river or by the sea at the coast. Erosion causes the shape of the land to change.
What are the four types of erosion?
Hydraulic Action
What is abrasion?
Rocks carried by water scrape off surfaces, wearing them away
What is attrition?
Rocks carried by the water smash into each other and wear away
What is solution?
Particles of rock can be dissolved by water
What is hydraulic action?
Water forces air and water into existing cracks and weaknesses, causing the cracks to become larger and weaken
What is transportation (of sediment)?
The power of the water carries sediment to different places. This is called transportation. The material that it transports is called the sediment
What is deposition?
As the sediment is moved downstream, some is dropped. This is called deposition
What three sections are rivers divided into?
Upper course
Middle course
Lower course
Is the gradient of the upper course steep, gentle or very gentle?
Steep gradient
Is the gradient of the middle course steep, gentle or very gentle?
Gentle gradient
Is the gradient of the lower course steep, gentle or very gentle?
Very gentle
What shape is the valley of the upper course?
V-shaped valley
What shape is the valley of the middle course?
Wider valley, flat floor
What shape is the valley of the lower course?
Very wide valley and flat
What is the river like in the upper course?
River is narrow, shallow and turbulent
What is the river like in the middle course?
River is wider and deeper
What is the river like in the lower course?
Widest, deepest river