Year 2 Chapters 10 + 11: Radioactivity Flashcards
What was the alpha scattering/ Rutherford scattering/ gold foil experiment?
Alpha source directed at a thin layer of gold foil in a vacuum with a fluorescent screen around them.
Alpha particles fired at the gold foil and were deflected, most passing straight through but some deflected at angles of less than or more than 90 degrees.
What conclusions were drawn from the Rutherford scattering experiment?
Atom is mostly empty space- most alpha particles passed straight through with no deflection
Positive nucleus- positive alpha particles were deflected off course which was from repulsive force from positive nucleus
Very small and dense nucleus- very small proportion of alpha particles were deflected so nucleus is much smaller than atom (and its empty space). Alpha particles were deflected and did not move the nucleus, so it is heavier than an alpha particle
What were the beliefs about the atom before and after Rutherford’s scattering experiment?
Before- JJ Thomson’s plum pudding model had a cloud of positive charge with negative electrons embedded throughout it
After- Ernest Rutherford’s nuclear model had a small, dense, positively charged nucleus surrounded by negative charge
What is alpha decay and what are some properties?
Emission of an alpha particle, helium nucleus from an unstable nucleus to make it more stable. It is strongly ionising due to 2+ charge and is stopped by a few cm of air or paper.
What is beta decay and what are some properties?
Emission of a beta particle (fast moving electron) when a proton turns into a neutron or vice versa in an unstable nucleus. They are weakly ionising due to 1- charge and are stopped by ~1m of air or a few mm of aluminium.
What is gamma decay and what are some properties?
Emission of gamma rays from an unstable nucleus with too much energy. It is very weakly ionising and has an infinite range in air, obeying inverse square law. Stopped by several m concrete or a few inches lead.
Gamma rays/photons have no charge or mass
What are the steps to identifying the type of radiation emitted by a source?
-Use GM tube and counter to find background count rate
-Place source near GM tube and measure count rate
-Place sheet of paper between source and GM tube and see if count rate significantly drops (alpha)
-Repeat with aluminium sheet and lead to check for beta or gamma radiation too
How can all three radiation types be used in factories?
Can be used to monitor thickness of certain materials during production
Factories producing paper, Al sheets or steel sheets can place an α, β or γ source and a detector either side of the material being produced
If material is too thick or thin, count rate will change accordingly and so process can be adjusted to produce correct thickness
How is gamma radiation used in medicine?
Detector-gamma sources with an appropriate half life can be injected or ingested into a patient and gamma cameras can trace the source to diagnose patients
Sterilisation- can sterilise surgical equipment by killing bacteria
Radiotherapy- gamma radiation can kill cancerous cells in a targeted region but will also kill healthy cells
What is an appropriate half-life for using gamma tracers?
Not too short so that it will be able to be picked up my the gamma cameras for long enough
Not too long so that it will not remain in the patient’s body for too long after the procedure
What is the inverse square law?
The law that governs the intensity of gamma radiation. Intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from its source because it spreads out in all directions equally.
I = k/x^2
How can the inverse square law for gamma radiation be verified?
Using a gamma source and GM tube and counter (required practical), making sure to account for background radiation and taking repeats
What are some dangers of radiation?
Alpha and beta radiation are ionising, and can ionise body tissue. Alpha is particularly dangerous is ingested or inhaled, long exposure to gamma can cause mutations and damage to cells
What are some safety precautions taken when using a radioactive source?
-Using long handled tongs to handle source
-Keep source in appropriate container
-Keep source as far away from everyone as possible, don’t point at people
-Have shielding, ie lead apron
-If dropped check for leak, wash hands after use, etc.
What is background radiation?
Radiation found in small quantities all around us coming from a mixture of natural and man-made sources
What are some sources of background radiation?
Radon gas released by rocks
Cosmic rays from space
Nuclear weapons and breakdowns
Medical sources
Radioactive isotopes in rocks