Y2 Session 6 - Interpreting Epidemiological Findings Flashcards
What is the purpose Bradford-Hill criteria?
Criteria that allow us to infer causation (from association) using both observational and interventional method.
What are the subsections of the Bradford Hill criteria?
- Strength
- Consistency
- Specificity
- Temporality
- Biological gradient
- Plausibility
- Coherence
- Experiment
- Analogy
What is the strength aspect of the Bradford-Hill criteria?
A stronger association increases the confidence that an exposure causes an outcome
What is the consistency aspect of the Bradford-Hill criteria?
Consistent findings across settings tends to rule out errors or fallacies that might befall one or two studies.
What is the specificity aspect of the Bradford-Hill criteria?
Specific diseases affecting specific works supports causality, but its absence doesn’t actually convey much.
What is the temporality aspect of the Bradford-Hill criteria?
An exposure must precede an outcome.
What is the biological gradient aspect of the Bradford-Hill criteria?
A dose-response effect is a compelling argument for causality e.g. more cigarettes smoked, the great the risk of cancer.
What is the (biological) plausibility aspect of the Bradford-Hill criteria?
The relationship should be biological plausible where the science is “understood”
What is the coherence aspect of the Bradford-Hill criteria?
The association ought to be consistent with existing theory and knowledge (similar to plausibility)
What is the experimentation aspect of the Bradford-Hill criteria?
Evidence from experimentation should be supportive of proposed link (difficult to be 100% with ethical practice)
What is the analogy aspect of the Bradford-Hill criteria?
Drawing upon analogous findings, we may make inferences on the relationship.
What is internal validity?
Findings accurately describe the relationship between exposure and outcome in the context of the study e.g. only tested in one hospital so can’t be proven outside of the study
What is external validity/generalisability?
Where an association can be proven to be applicable outside the context of the study
What is bias?
Any trend in collection, analysis, interpretation, publication or review of data that can lead to conclusions that are systematically (key word) different from the truth. Something cannot have validity if there is bias present.
What is the difference between systematic and random error?
Random error over a large sample size can be assumed to cancel one another out.
However, systematic error is consistent error engrained in the study, so the overall results are skewed or just incorrect. It can cause bias, affecting validity.