Xtrap Traction - Cab And Saloon Equipment Flashcards
Safety equipment inside the cab (6 answers)
First aid kit
Emergency track circuit jumper cable
Red and Green flags
Fire extinguisher
Switch stick
How is the driver’s seat height adjusted?
Electrically using 24v DC switch
What side is the cab electrical equipment mini CB panel located?
What are the three CB’s in the driver cab we need to know?
23Q1 - safety loop positive power supply
23Q2 - safety loop negative power supply
22Q6 - multiple unit relay
Wheel chair ramp locations
Doors 1 and 6
Locked with a tri key
Master controller positions
Emergency brake
Speed threshold for the holding brake
0.5km p/h
Driver aids control panel - what are the three main bypass switches
Safety loop bypass
Auto vigilance bypass
Tachometer bypass
What equipment would be defective when using auto vigilance bypass?
Hand and foot pilot valve
Trip cock device
Can the safety loop bypass be tested?
Tachometer- what equipment functions under what speed?
Under 0.5km
Doors release
Uncouple button
Trip reset
Safety loop reset (during train rescue, caused by BP reduction)
What defective equipment would you use the auto vigilance bypass switch for
Hand PV
Foot PV
Trip cock device
What % is the digital ammeter gauge measures in?
5 - 100%
What bogie does the brake cylinder pressure gauge monitor?
No.1 bogie of the car
Emergency mode switch (EMS), what are the 5 positions?