Faults - Siemens Flashcards
What 4 things occur when a Siemens is stabled?
Marker lights extinguish
Saloon lights (including EMY) extinguish
PA system inoperative
Saloon doors lock
Key in or out for Siemens stable?
Where is the trailer car fault panel?
Right of door 2
What are the 10 trailer car fault lights?
Brakes bogie 1 & 2
HVAC 1 & 2
Static inverter 1 & 2
Brakes cut out bogie 1 & 2
Park brake bogie 1 & 2
If a fault develops in sub system on the train, what is the first indication?
Flashing general fault light
How do you respond to a flashing general fault light?
Press fault acknowledge button
What indication would you get to know where a fault is located?
1st unit and 2nd unit lights
If both 1st and 2nd unit fault lights are conflicting, what could this indicate?
Fault with coupler
What are the 3 causes of a critical defect?
- Pneumatic friction brake system fault
- loss of auxiliary power supply (both SIVs defective on one unit)
- wheel slip fault affecting sanders
If a critical fault light is illuminated what 3 actions can the driver take
Operate train at low speed
Detrain at first station
Shunt to nearest siding
If a critical fault light is illuminated and it is not possible to move the train, what 2 MCBs can we check?
-Friction brake and monitoring MCB (in all cars)
Static inverter monitoring MCB (in trailer car)
Critical fault found, cannot move train and relevant MCB can’t be reset - what happens?
What does the maintenance fault light indictate?
Service required on that unit (safe operation of train not affected)
What does the reduced performance fault light indicate?
One or more motor cars are failing to deliver traction power
What does traction system fault light Indictate?
‘This car’ is failing to deliver traction power
How do we isolate traction motors?
We don’t, TCU automatically does it for train
How can a driver reset a traction lock caused by traction faults in the system?
Move MC to 0 for a limited time
During a wheel slip event the reduced performance light may illuminate. What can we do to resolve this?
Move MC to 0 for 2 seconds
Then continue to power
If there is an attempt to activate another cab, what two indications would a driver get?
Another cab active light in both cabs
Buzzer sound in cab where attempt is being made
3 steps a driver must take if another cab active light illuminates
-Inspect cleaner key in lead
-Make cab to cab
-Inspect each cab for being active
If unable to deactivate another cab active, what can we do to rectify?
Trip cab/train manned MCB in affected motor (train cannot be driven from this cab)
If CCTV fault light is illuminated, what 2 MCBs can we check?
CCTV central control MCB
DC-DC inverter PA, PI display MCB (if set, reset and trip)
Failure of PID, 2 MCBs we can check
-DC-DC inverter PA, PI display MCB (trip and reset after 30 seconds)
-Passenger info display MCB
If a failure of PA system is found during train preparation, what MCBs can we check?
Trip and reset =
PA system MCB (DMA car)
DC-DC inverter PA, PI display MCB
If PA system is not operational after resetting relevant MCBs, can we stable for fault rectification?
If we have a failure of PA while in running, which of the two relevant MCBs should driver check and reset, and for how long
DC-DC inverter PA, PI display MCB for 2 minutes
What are the 4 panto fault scenarios?
- one panto fails to raise
- all pantos fail to raise when UP button pressed
- all pantos fail to lower when STABLE button pressed
- all pantos fail to lower when DOWN button pressed
If one panto fails to raise after UP button pressed - what 2 MCBs can we check?
Panto Control MCB in local cab
Panto motor MCB in affected cab
If all pantos fail to raise, what MCB can you check?
Panto Control MCB In affected motor
If all pantos fail to raise and you’ve checked the relevant MCB, what do you do?
- Attempt raise from another motor
- If not, stable and wait 1 min
- Trip panto motor MCB
- Raise lead panto with crank handle
- Press panto UP
- Reset panto motor MCB
Pantos fail to lower when STABLE button is pressed, what MCBs do we check? (3)
Trip and reset:
- train stable, HSCB & light control MCB in local driving cab
- shut-down delay MCB in trailer car
- TCU MCB (as TCU may not realise train is stationary)
Pantos fail to lower when STABLE button is pressed and we’ve tripped and reset the relevant CB’s and pantos still fail to lower, what do we do?
Leave them raised and book it
Panto fails to lower when DOWN button is pressed - which CB
-Inspect/reset panto motor In affected car
-attempt to lower again
-if fails, leave them up (train cannot enter service)
How to isolate pantos
Key off and out
Trip panto motor affected car
If required - crank handle to lower
Key in and on
Press panto up
What is another reason all pantos fail to rise?
Low batteries
What is lost if one SIV goes out
50% HVAC
What equipment is lost if both SIVs go out?
Battery charger
Air compressors
Emergency lighting only available
Half driver cab fluoro
What voltage can SIVs not be started up
82v DC
If train is under 82v how do we raise pantos (manual start)
Trip panto motor
Raise local panto via crank handle
Tri key on SIV box
Press white self excite button
Activate cab
Push panto up button
Reset panto motor
Can DCU isolate doors?
If DCU has isolated a door, what fault light will flash?
Door systems
Are trailing cab doors part of the door loop system?
What will happen to the door close light if a cab door is open in a non active cab?
How many times can we attempt to reset a saloon door CB?
What are the door CBs fitted to DM and T cars?
Door control train lines (DM)
Closed and locked loop (DM)
Door control T Car (T)
Door control power supply 1 (both)
Door control power supply 2 (both)
Door control power supply 3 (both)
Door control power supply 4 (both)
If you get FDCL what CB can you trip and reset?
Door control train lines
When locating a faulty door, after hiw many seconds will door tones no longer be available?
30 seconds
If you’ve found defective door, how do we first attempt to close it?
Button button
If thus doesn’t work manually close it
How do we manually close a faulty door
-Trip applicable door control power supply MCB
-manually close door
-set applicable door control power supply MCB
- Tri key to lock
How to close a DER that’s been open
Press door close button
When master control key is on the trip will lower but trip light won’t illuminate until you do what?
MC to 0 (reset safety loop)
What to do if trip fails to reset
Trip cock bypass
Run on secondary circuit pressing MAD button
Trip fails due to mechanical defect?
Trip cock bypass
Isolate trip MCB behind extinguisher
Run onn secondary circuit pressing MAD button
When running on secondary circuit, after what time will MAD need to be pressed and time when emergency brakes will apply
Goes off every 45 seconds
Additional 10 seconds not pressed the EMY brakes will come on
Is VICERS automatically isolated when we bypass the trip and/or safety loop?
If we find the master controller inoperative while in running what 4 things can we do?
MC to EMY position
ESB (Emy stop button)
Park brakes on
Key to off position
If headlights fail to operate, what 3 MCBs can we check
(All have lights in name)
External lights control MCB
DCDC inverter, front light, wiper MCB
External light supply MCB
If there is a fire on board what do we do?
Turn off HVACs
What fault lamp indication do we get when ED brake is Inhibited?
Yellow brake inhibit button
And brakes on status light
How to isolate a bogie
Locate brake module
Turn bogie iso cock
How to know if a park brake has failed to release on a bogie
Park brake switch light remains illuminated
If park brakes are failing to release, what initial 3 steps can a driver take?
Attempt to release via PB switch
Check cab/train manned MCB
Power against PB
What speed will open the safety loop if train is powering with park brakes on?
How to manually release park brake
-Brake module
-Turn bogie iso
-Unlock/remove pin from park brake releases device
-pull release device outwards
-replace pin
-turn bogie iso back
Do you need to manually release park brakes on both sides of bogie?
Can the park brakes still apply after you’ve manually released them?
Yes. They are not isolated, just manually released
At what MR pressure will the safety loop open?
What fault light flashes when MR is below operating range?
Uncouple button
If MR pressure above 600 and below 850, how do we run the train?
Operate train as per normal and continue to monitor MR
If air suspension is leaking and we need to isolate, what extra step do we take after isolating one bogie?
Isolate other bogie too
If a Siemens air bag is deflated, what speed must train not exceed?
If a suspension spring is found defective, what happens to train?
Removed from service
If MR pressure drops to 700kpa, what could be the possible cause?
towing cock in rescued position
MR leak on cars 1,2,5,6 - can we drive?
No. Disabled.
MR leak on cars 3 or 4 - what do we do?
Close end cocks
Manually release PB’s
Safety loop bypass
Continue driving under isolated equipment restrictions
If MR drops below 600 due to a compressor fault, what two fault lights will we get?
Compressor fault light
Safety loop fault light
If safety loop opens due to compressor fault, what can train Control get us to do?
If compressor fault light is still illuminated after stabling, what can we isolate?
Compressor pressure switch (t car)
If compressor pressure switch is isolated, how will the compressors operate?
Run continuously
What 2 reasons can a driver isolate the sanders?
-Major damage to sanding equipment
-Major leak resulting in low MR affecting safe operation of train
Whistle sounding continuously, what do we do and what CB can we check
Slap it
Trip/reset DCDC Inverter front light/wiper MCB on affected car
If unable to rectify whistle sounding continuously, what cock do we isolate?
Whistle isolating cock in cabinet left of drivers feet
Whistle not sounding steps and 2 CB’s to check
Slap it
Inspect whistle iso cock
-Trip/reset windscreen wiper/Horn MCB
-DCDC inverter front lights/wiper MCB
What type of coupler on a Siemens
Where is the trip cock MCB?
Behind the extinguisher on A side
How to isolate trip in raised position
Key off and out
Unlock extinguisher cabinet
Trip the trip cock MCB
Activate cab
What are the positions of the brake pipe key switch
0 and I (off/on)
Which cab should the brake pipe key switch be activated in?
The coupled cab end
5 positions of the BP mode selector switch
0 - off
1 - pushed
2 - pulling
3 - pulled
4 - pushing
TU1 function
Reads and writes to and from brake pipe during a non electrical train rescue
Will EMY brakes apply if there is an issue with TU1?
Yes, it is a fail safe feature
Towing cock function
-Used when rescuing a comeng
-lowers Siemens MR pressure to the coupler to 700kpa
What is turned first - BP key switch or BP selector switch?
Selector switch
When a Siemens is rescuing another Siemens, if both trains are below speed threshold (0.2km) what will happen to EMY brakes on both trains?
EMY applied in rescuing = brakes applied throughout whole train
EMY applied in rescued = brakes apply on that portion of train only
When Siemens to Siemens rescue, is there a graduated brake?
Yes, service brake
Siemens pushing disabled siemens
In disabled train - What CB needs to be tripped and what will BPMS position be in?
BPMS = 1 (pushed)
Siemens pushing disabled siemens
Setup In assisting train in driving (center) cab
Isolate trip
Trip cock bypass
BPMS = 4
Siemens pushing disabled siemens
Disabled train leading car setup
lower trip
Isolate vicers
What driving position does disabled siemens being pushed need to be in?
Set speed
Emergency pressure
Holding pressure
When Siemens train is pushing a disabled siemens, who would be pressing MAD button?
Assisting pushing train
When Siemens is rescuing another Siemens train, where is the TCU CB tripped?
In all driving cabs of the disabled train
During Siemens to Siemens rescue, and assisting train is pushing disabled - where must braking be conducted?
From disabled lead
Siemens pulling disabled siemens
Setup in disabled train coupled end (trailing centre motor of combined train)
Tcu MCB tripped
Isolate trip
Trip cock bypass
BPMS = 3 (pulled)
Siemens pulling disabled siemens
Setup in assisting train coupled cab (leading centre motor of combined train)
BPSS = 2 (pulling)
Siemens pulling disabled siemens
Setup in assisting train lead driving motor
Trip lowered
VICERS isolated
Why do we trip TCU in disabled train when rescuing?
So we don’t fight against motors
At what KPA will the compressor fault light illuminate?
Park brakes come on at what pressure
Safety loop opens at what pressure?
Tow cock reduces siemens MR to coupler to what pressure?
Uncouple light flashes at what kpa?
MR operating range
Comeng safety valve pressures
Reset DTRS procedure
Deactivate cab
Trip and reset DTRS MCB
Activate cab
Re enter TDN
Radio test
Isolate DTRS procedure
Deactivate cab
Reactivate csb
Portable radio is now primary unit
CB’s to disable a train - which ones can be bypassed (in an active cab)
Friction brake and monitoring ✅️
Automatic coupler control ✅️
Cab trained manned
Emergency brake valves
Safety loop
Holding brake speed
Overspeed light illuminates at what speed
Set speed - 6km
Forward - 120km
What over speed causes emergency brakes
What other indication when overspeeding
Audible tone
What equipment is isolated when safety loop Is bypassed (7)
MBH-COVE (Melb BeeHive COVE)
MR pressure
BCU relay
Hand and foot deadmans
Coupler fail
ESB in non active cabs
Vigilance system
1500v equipment (6)
Surge arrestor
High voltage container
Traction container
MR pressure bwteen 600 and 850 steps (3)
Locate leak
Check tow cock
Ensure compressors running