Traction - Generic Flashcards
Max Speed entering a platform
Max speed half way mark of platform
Variance in track conditions (4 answers)
Speed and gradient
Braking characteristics
Faults on trian
Isolated equipment
Can braking ability vary from each end of a set?
When detained at a signal at stop, what must you do with the reverser and lights?
Reverser to off/neutral
Marker lights to white
When auto announcements fail, when must drivers announce? (3 answers)
Express running at start
Terminal locations
What are some PA announcements drivers can make? (6 answers)
Altered stopping conditions
Delays (3 minutes)
When auto announcements fail
Full cab unattended is required when? (3 answers)
Beyond 3m
Assisting beyond 1st saloon door
Fault finding beyond 3m
Procedure when doing full cab unattended? (5 answers)
Advise metrol (TEC call)
PA if required
Secure train
Secure cab
Take portable DTRS with TDN entered
Modified cab is required when (4 answers)
Remaining in vicinity of cab
Vicinity defined as 3m or rear of first saloon door
Assisting special needs passengers not beyind 1st saloon door
Inspecting front of trai
Spot 9
Modified cab procedure (2 answers)
secure train
When starting a preparation and you see a yellow flag, what do you do? ((4 answers)
Remove yellow flag
Place red flag
Fond cleaner and inform
Release all saloon doors
6 car post maintenance time
6 car mainline prep time
6 car pre movement prep time
6 car pre dept prep time
3 mins
3 car pre dept prep time
3 mins
3 car post maintenance prep time
30 mins
3 car mainline prep time
3 car pre movement prep time
HCMT mainline prep time
40 mins
HCMT post maintenance prep time
HCMT pre movement/revenue prep time
20 mins
Who provides docking sheets?
Fleet control
What will the docking sheet details include? (5 answers)
Siding number
Motor number
Prep (if mainline etc.)
Dock/TR time
How are drivers informed of a post maintenance prep (2 answers)
DAO’s or docking sheet
When are post maintenance preps conducted? (3 answers)
Following a scheduled maintenance exam
Major repairs (ex collision etc.)
Equipment failure (brakes etc.)
When is a pre movement prep required? (2 answers)
Conducted prior to entering mainline for revenue service when train has previously received a mainline or post maintenance prep that day.
When moving between melb yard & wash
Other locations = when moving but not entering/fouling a running line outside of defined stat lims
When is a mainline prep required and how long does it last?
Prior to entering mainline or revenue
Lasts 24 hours
What are drivers required to bring with them when prepping a train? (5 answers)
portable DTRS (TDN)
TMM book
When doing a multi prep, what must a driver do? (2 answers)
Advise DAO’s of TDN and roads
Place prep docket in cab
When prepping in a yard and a delay is caused by a train fault, who must you contact?
Controlling signaller
Station staff to clear train (4 answers)
Shuttle services from Camberwell to Newport
Shunting in same direction
Relief driver at opposite end
Driver to clear train (3 answers)
Shunting in opposite direction
Stabling at platform
Driver in charge conditions
Detraining passengers procedure (6 answers)
Close saloon doors
Secure train and cab
Wall internally/externally
Ensure passengers cleared
6 car time to stable
8 mins
3 car time to stable
4 mins
Who can advise driver of stabling? (3 answers)
Indicated on slip/job
If temperature is above 25⁰, what must you do when stabling train? (4 answers)
Pants raised
Vents on
Blinds down
Doors closed
What are the positions of the VICERS key switch? (3 answers)
Test (spring loaded)
What does VICERS stand for?
Incident and
What power does VICERS run on?
110DC with battery back up
What is VICERS task linked with? (4 answers)
Master controller
Brake controller
Vigilance button
What does VAV stand for and what train uses it?
Vicers activation valve - comeng
What does VAR stand for and what train uses it?
VICERS activation relay- X, S, H
With the vigilance button how long will the light illuminate and how kong will the buzzer sound for?
5 seconds each before emergency break activated
How do you reset the VICERS after its been tripped?
Speed = 0km for 10 seconds
Push vicers button
Recharge brake pipe (c), reset safety loop (s, x, h)
How long does the VAV operate for with no overhead?
5 minutes before activates
Siding safety and evacuation information (5 answers)
All exit gates
At yard induction
The depot (intranet)
Depot buildings (noticeboards)
Any other signals wjthing the yard that may be relevant
Who/what can inform you of the need to devide or attach?
When must low beams be used?
In suburban areas (basically always)
Long whistle definition
The sound of the whistle should be distinct, with intensity, duration, or repetition appropriate to the distance at which the warning is required to be heard
When do you report late running?
3 mins
Should the driver avoid moving the brake handle into the release position unless completely necessary?
What are the three ways to access the PA
Standalone PA microphone (primary)
How long is the PEI active once pressed?
90 seconds
What does a driver need to do if no response from passenger via the PEI?
Driver must investigate via CCTV
Contact TC if offence is in progress
If TC doesn’t respond, call 000.
If PEI is deemed not an emergency do TC need to be called?
Who to call if can’t find cleaner on the train?
Once a stable is complete, who do drivers contact?
Is the vigilance component of a non active cab active?
No, only active cabs
Is the recording device active at all times?
If the vicers system is isolated is the recorder still working?
Timing cycle of the vigilance button (5 answers)
Inactive when train is stopped
1 - 60km = 45 seconds
61 - 95km = 35 seconds
96 - 110km = 30 seconds
Above 110km = 25 seconds
If the vigilance button is pressed and held for 5 seconds what happens?
Emergency brakes apply
How can the vicers key switch turn to operate after its been switched to isolate?
Pink maintenance key
Does the vicers system perform a self test on train start up?
What isnthe additional comeng task if the vicers system has activated and emergency brakes applied, and cannot be reset?
Turn the red EC isolating cock in addition to isolaye key switch.
If fault is located in a trailing motor then the yellow TECHAV isolating cock must be turned.
When must highbeams be turned to low? (3 answers)
Approaching stations scheduled to stop
Viewing approaching train until leading cabs have passed
Standing within station limits
Fire on adjacent track whistle code
1 short - 1 long - 1 short
Speed when running empty cars?
40 or half the designated track speed