Roentgen/ Air kerma
quantity of exposure (Roentgen kerma think bad karma on russian spy so theyre gonna be exposued to a high amount of xray)
Rad/ Gray
Quantity of exposed xray that is actually absorbed
10-20Gy is lethan to us
Rem (r)/ Sievert (Sv)
the effective biological damage that the abs radiation has caused (not all xrays are equally lethal) 2 Sv is lethal dose to humans
Curie/ Becquerel
quantity of radioactivity
amount of ionization that is produced when radiation passes through the body
Absorbed dose
amount of ENERGY abs by body when radiation passes through it
Dose equivalent
bio damage caused by radiation
Effective dose equivalent
measures biodamage to a specific organ
how much does.. rad=gY=cGy=mGy?
1 rad= .01 Gy=1cGy=10mGy
how much does rem=Sv=cSv=mSv?
the idea that some tissue abs more xrays than other tissues which leads to diff shades of gray on film
tissues that ABS xrays and appear white
tissue that allows for complete penetration of xray and will appear black
Inverse square law
“the farther away youre from an energy source the less youll be exposed to it”, light intensity from a source is inversely proportional to the square distance between the object and the source
- energy of the xray beam
- normal: 50-70 kVps
- manpulates energy/QUALITY of xray and a little bit of quantity too
- controls NUBMER of photons produced
- normal: 10-30mAs
- affects quantity/AMOUNT of xray
- controls length of exposure
- normal: 1/60-1/100 of a second
- manipulate quantity (amount) of xray
what is the minimal Source to Image distance? (SID)
12 in from patient
-alters number of photons stirking the film
- negative electrode of xray tube
- has:
- Filament (makes electrons when heated (mA))
- focusing cup (directs filament electrons to the anode)
- positive electrode
- Target: e- produced by cathode are directed and made of tungsten and make xrays
- focal spot: area on target from which xrays are emitted