Xi Cleft Points Flashcards
What is the Xi Cleft Point of LU?
LU6 - flexor aspect forearm, 7 cun proximal to LU9 b/t LU9 and LU5. Disseminates & descends LU Qi, clears Heat & moistens LU, clears Heat & stops bleeding, moderates acute conditions. For acute LU disorders including cough, wheezing, asthma, chest pain; attack of W-H or Wind-Dryness with swelling and pain of throat, loss of voice, fever with no sweating. Bleeding disorders: cough/spit/vomit blood. Also pain of elbow, upper arm, fingers.
What is the Xi Cleft Point of LI?
LI7 - 5 cun proximal to LI5 on line from LI5 to LI11. clearsHeat and detoxifies poison for acute Heat and Fire-Poison: redness, swelling and pain of face, close sores, carbuncles, furuncles, pain of teeth and mouth. Also regulates intestines and ST: borborygmus, abdominal distention and pain, vomiting watery saliva and foam.
What is the Xi Cleft Point of ST?
ST34 - 2 cun proximal to superior border of patella on line b/t lateral border of patella and ASIS. Activates channel and alleviates pain, harmonizes ST. For acute epigastric pain, breast pain and breast abscess.
What is the Xi Cleft Point of SP?
SP8 - on medial side lower leg, 3 cun inferior to SP9, in depression just posterior to medial crest of tibia. Regulates menses & invigorates blood, harmonizes SP & resolves Damp. Important for dysmenorrhea, uterine masses, irregular menses. Often + LI4 for acute dysmenorrhea. Also for abdominal distention, poor appetite, difficult urination, edmea and leaukorrhea, esp w/menses.
What is the Xi Cleft Point of HT?
HT6 - on radial side of flexor carpi ulnaris, 0.5 cun proximal to HT7 - for deficiency Heat, night sweats, steaming bone disorder, palps. Also tx blood stasis in heart/chest but
What is the Xi Cleft Point of SI?
SI6 - in cleft level with and to radial side of high point of styloid process of ulna (finger on high point then move hand to chest). Activates channel, alleviates pain, benefit shoulder and arm, benefits eyes. For acute shoulder pain, upper arm, back, numbness, swelling and redness of exterior elbow, heaviness/pain of lumbar region, difficult sitting/rising, sinew contraction, Bi of foot. Also deficiency eye issues: dim/blurred vision, pain.
What is the Xi Cleft Point of BL?
BL63 - lateral side of foot, in depression posterior to tuberosity of 5th MT; for sudden onset of severe shan disorder, sudden turmoil disorder with cramps, epilepsy, and ‘white tiger’ joint pain/severe Bi syndrome; also sinew cramping, contraction and cold of shoulder, back, scapula, bilateral deafness d/t Cold injury.
What is the Xi Cleft Point of KD?
KD5 - 1 cun inderior to KD3 in depression anterior and superior to calcaneal tuberosity (insertion of Achilles into calcaneum) - for uterine blood: amenorrhea, irregular menses, dysmenorrhea, delayed menses d/t deficiency or excess.
What is the Xi Cleft Point of PC?
PC4 - on flexor aspect of forearm, 5 cun proximal to PC7, b/t PC7 and PC3, b/t tendons of palmaris longs and flexor carpi radialis. Invigorates blood & dispels stasis, cools blood & stops bleeding, calms spirit. For blood stasis in chest & heart which may radiate or be accompanied by vomiting. Also bleeding d/t heat in blood, heat at ying and xue levels. Also psychoemotional agitation, insomnia, melancholy, fear and fright of people.
What is the Xi Cleft Point of SJ / TW?
TW7 - 3 cun proximal to TW4, level with and on ulnar side of TW6, b/t una and extensor digitorum communis muscle. Clears SanJiao, benefits ears. For deafness, tinnitus, epilepsy, pain of skin and flesh. Rarely used.
What is the Xi Cleft Point of GB?
GB36 - lateral aspect of lower leg, 7 un superior to prominence of lateral malleolus, anterior border of fibula; for acute pain of skin, rabies with chills and fever. Also distention of chest/lateral costal region, pigeon chest in children, HA, mania, abdominal pain, atrophy disorder, lower limb Bi, cold damp leg qi, cold/stiffness/pain of nape and neck, aversion to wind/cold.
What is the Xi Cleft Point of LIV?
LIV6 - 7 cun above prominence of m.m., immed. posterior to medial border of tibia, in depression b/t tibia and gastrocnemius muscle. Spreads LIV Qi, regulates blood for persistent flow of lochia, uterine bleeding, numbness of body/hands/feet, flaccid/emaciated legs, heat in soles (atrophy disorder d/t Damp-Heat), also shan disorder, hypogastric pain, Damp Bi with inability to walk, cold sensation of lower legs with inability to stand for long.
What is the Xi Cleft Point of Yang Motility / Yang Qiao Mai?
BL59 - 3 cun superior to BL60; for lumbar pain with inability to stand, clonic spasm, cold damp leg qi, ulceration of leg, heavy head, chills and fever, pain of brow, sudden turmoil disorder with cramps, clonic spasm
What is the Xi Cleft Point of Yang Linking / Wei Mai?
GB35 - 7 cun superior to prominence of lateral malleolus, in depression at posterior border of fibula; for swelling and pain of knee, atrophy disorder and painful obstruction of lower limb, cold Bi, contraction of sinews in sudden turmoil disorder, mania induced by fright, fullness/distention/pain of chest and lateral costal region, swelling of face and eyes, throat painful obstruction
What is the Xi Cleft Point of Yin Motility / Yin Qiao Mai?
KD8 - 2 cun superior to KD3 and 0.5cun anterior to KD7, posterior to medial border of tibia; regulates Ren and Chong, stops uterine bleeding, clears heat and drain s damp from lower jiao - can be used for irregular menses, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, and any lower jiao damp-heat esp qi painful urinary dysfunction.
What is the Xi Cleft Point of Yin Linking / Wei Mai?
KD9 - 5 cun superior to KD3, on line b/t KD3 and KD10, about 1 cun posterior to medial border of tibia; for clearing Heart, transforming Phlegm, regulating Qi, alleviating pain - madness/mania/manic-depression, vomiting foamy/watery saliva, also shan disorder, umbilical shan in infants, medial leg pain, calf muscle contraction, leg weakness.