Symptomatic Points Bensky Flashcards
Fever common points?
GV14, LI11, LI4
Fainting common points?
GV26, ShiXuan
Shock common points?
Moxa GV20, CV* and CV4; nedle ST36
Spontaneous sweating common points?
LI4, KD7
Night sweats common points?
Insomnia common points?
HT7, SP6, KD3
Excessive dreaming common points?
BL15, HT7, LI3
Hoarse voice common points?
LI18, LI4, PC5
Spasm of masseter muscle/’lockjaw’ common points?
ST7, ST6, LI4
Paralysis of hyoglossus muscle - common points?
GV15, CV23, LI4
Congested throat common points?
CV22, LI8, LI4
Salivation common points?
GV26, ST6, LI4
Palpitations common points?
PC6, PC4
Chest pain common points?
CV17, PC6
Cough common points?
CV22, LU7
Dysphagia common points?
CV22, PC6
Fullness in chest common points?
CV12, PC6
Nausea, vomiting common points?
PC6, ST36
Hiccup common points?
SL17, PC6, PC8
Abdominal distention common points?
ST25, CV6, PC6, ST36
Rib pain common points?
Indigestion common points?
ST36, SP4
Retention of urine common points?
SP6, SP9
Spermatorrhea, impotence, premature ejaculation common points?
CV4, SP6
Enuresis common points?
CV2, SP6
Constipation common points?
ST25, TW6
Anal prolapse common points?
GV1, BL57
Spasm of gastrocnemius muscle common points?
Pruritis common points?
LI11, SP10, SP6
General weakness common points?
CV4, ST36