Shu Points and Locations Flashcards
LU Shu Points and locations?
LU11 (JingWell, Wood, radial side, 0.1 cun posterior to thumbnail corner); LU10 (YingSpring, Fire, radial aspect of 1st MC bone, b/t red&white skin); LU9 (ShuStream, Earth, YUAN SOURCE, radial end of transverse wrist crease, in depression on lateral side of radial artery); LU8 (JingRiver, Metal, 1 cun proximal to wrist crease in depression on lateral side of radial artery), LU7 = Exit and Luo, LU6 = XiCleft, LU5 (HeSea, Water, in cubital crease, depression on lateral side of tendon biceps brachii).
LI Shu Points and locations?
LI1 (JingWell, Metal, radial side of index finger 0.1 cun posterior to nail corner); LI2 (YingSpring, Water, depession on radial side index finger distal to 2nd MCP joint); LI3 (ShuStream, Wood, on radial side index finger in depression proximal to head of 2nd MC bone); LI4 = YUAN SOURCE & Entry Point; LI5 (JingRiver, Metal, radial side of wrist in depression b/t tendons of m. extensor pollicis longus and brevis); LI6 = Luo; LI7 = Xi Cleft; LI11 (HeSea, Earth, in depression at lateral end of transverse cubital crease, midway b/t LU5 & lateral epicondyle of humerus).
ST Shu Points and locations?
ST45 (JingWell, Metal, lateral side 2nd toe, 0.1 posterior to corner of nail); ST44 (YingSpring, Water, proximal to web b/t 2nd and 3rd toes); ST43 (ShuStream, Wood, in depression distal to junction of 2nd & 3rd MT bones); ST42 = YUAN SOURCE, Exit Point; ST41 (JingRiver, Fire, on ankle, b/t extensor digitorum longus & hallucis longus, level w/prominence of lateral malleolus); ST36 (HeSea, Earth, 3 cun below ST35, 1 fingers breadth from anterior border of fibula).
SP Shu Points and locations?
SP1 (JingWelll, Wood, dorsum of great toe, 0.1 cun posterior to medial corner of nail); SP2 (YingSpring, Fire, medial side of great toe, distal and inferior to 1st MTP joint); SP3 (ShuStream, Earth, YUAN SOURCE, medial side of foot in depression proximal and inferior to head of 1st MT bone); SP4 = Luo, Chong Confluence; SP5 (JingRiver, Metal, medial side of ankle, anterior and inferior corner of medial malleolus); SP9 (HeSea, Water, medial side of lower leg in depression formed by medial condyle & posterior border of tibia).
BL Shu Points and locations?
BL67 (JingWell, Metal, dorsum of little toe, 0.1 cun from lateral lower corner of toenail); BL66 (YingSpring, Water, on lateral side of foot, in depression anterior & inferior to 5th MT joint); BL65 (ShuStream, Wood, on lateral side of foot, in depression posterior and inferior to head of 5th MT bone); BL64 = YUAN SOURCE; BL63 = Xi Cleft; BL62 = Yin Qiao confluence; BL61 = BL channel & Yang Qiao meet; BL60 (JingRiver, Fire, behind ankle joint, in depression b/t prominence of lateral malleolus & Achilles tendon); BL59 = Xi Cleft of Yang Qiao; BL58 = Luo; BL40 (HeSea, Earth, at back of knee, on popliteal crease, midway b/t tendons biceps femoris & semitendinosus).
KD Shu Points and locations?
KD1 (JingWell, Wood, on sole b/t 2nd & 3rd MT bones, ~1/3 of distance b/t base of 2nd toe & heel); KD2 (YingSpring, Fire, on medial side of foot, distal and inferior to the navicular tuberosity); KD3 (ShuStream, Earth, YUAN SOURCE, in depression b/t medial malleolus & Achilles tendon, level w/prominence of m.m.); KD4 = Luo; KD5 = XiCleft; KD6 = Yin Qiao confluence; KD7 (JingRiver, Metal, on medial aspect lower leg, 2 cun superior to KD3, anterior border of Achilles); KD8 = Xi Cleft of Yin Qiao; KD9 = Xi Cleft of Yin Wei; KD10 (HeSea, Water, at medial end of popliteal crease b/t semitendinosus & semimembranosus tendons).
SI Shu Points and locations?
SI1 (JingWell, Metal, on little finger, ulnar side, 0.1 cun from nail corner); SI2 (YingSpring, Water, ulnar border of 5th finger, in depression just distal to MCP joint); SI3 (ShuStream, Wood, ulnar border of hand, in substantial depression proximal to head of 5th MC bone); SI4 = YUAN SOURCE; SI5 (JingRiver, Fire, at ulnar border of wrist, in depression b/t head of ulna and triquetral bone); SI6 = Xi Cleft; SI7 = Luo; SI8 (HeSea, Earth, in depression b/t tip of olecranon process & tip of medial epicondyle of humerus).
HT Shu Points and locations?
HT9 (JingWell, Wood, on little finger, radial side, 0.1 cun from nail corner); HT8 (YingSpring, Fire, on palm in depression between 4th & 5th MC bones, where tip of 5th finger rests w/loose fist); HT7 (ShuStream, Earth, YUAN SOURCE, at wrist crease, radial side of flexor carpi ulnaris, proximal border of pisiform bone); HT6 = Xi Cleft; HT5 = Luo; HT4 (JingRiver, Metal, radial side of tendon flexor carpi ulnaris, 1.5 cun proximal to HT7); HT3 (HeSea, Water, midway b/t PC3 and medial epicondyle of humerus).
TW Shu Points and locations?
TW1 (JingWell, Metal, dorsum of 5th finger, 0.1 cun from ulnar corner of nail); TW2 (YingSpring, Water, b/t 4th & 5th fingers, 0.5 cun proximal to margin of web); TW3 (ShuStream, Wood, on dorsum of hand, in depression just proximal to 4th & 5th MCP joints); TW4 = YUAN SOURCE; TW5 = Luo of TW and Confluence of Yang Wei; TW6 (JingRiver, Fire, 3 cun proximal to TW4 b/t radius and ulna, radial side of extensor digitorum communis muscle); TW7 = Xi Cleft; TW10 (HeSea, Earth, 1 cun proximal to olecranon w/elbow flexed).
PC Shu Points and locations?
PC9 (JingWell, Wood, center of tip of middle finger, or radial corner of nail of middle finger); PC8 (YingSpring, Fire, b/t 2nd & 3rd MC bones, proximal to MCP joint, in depression at radial side of MC bone); PC7 (Shu Stream, Earth, YUAN SOURCE, at wrist joint, b/t tendons of palmaris longus & flexor carpi radialis, levelt w/HT7); PC6 = Luo of PC, Confluence of Yin Wei; PC5 (JingRiver, Metal, on flexor aspect of forearm, 3 cun proximal to PC7, b/t tendons of palmaris longus & flexor carpi ulnaris); PC4 = Xi Cleft of PC; PC3 (HeSea, Water, on transverse cubital crease, in depression on ulnar side of aponeurosis of biceps brachii muscle).
GB Shu Points and locations?
GB44 (JingWell, Metal, on dorsum of 4th toe, 0.1 cun from lateral corner of nail); GB43 (YingSpring, Water, b/t 4th & 5th toes, 0.5 cun proximal to margin of web); GB42 = nothing much, medial side of tendon; GB41 (ShuStream, Wood, Confluence of Dai Mai, in depression distal to junction of 4th & 5th MT bones, lateral side of extensor digitorum longus branch to little toe); GB40 = YUAN SOURCE; GB39 = Hui Mtg Pt of Marrow; GB38 (JingRiver, Fire, on lateral side of lower leg, 4 cun superior to prominence of lateral malleolus, on anterior border of fibula); GB37 = GB Luo; GB36 = GB Xi Cleft; GB35 = Yang Wei Xi Cleft; GB34 (HeSea, Earth, below lateral aspect of knee, in tender depression ~1cun anterior & inferior to head of fibula).
LIV Shu Points and locations?
LIV1 (JingWell, Wood, dorsum of big toe, 0.1 cun from lateral proximal corner of toenail); LIV2 (YingSpring, Fire, on dorsum of foot, b/t 1st & 2nd toes, 0.5 cun proximal to margin of web); LIV3 (ShuStream, Earth, YUAN SOURCE, in hollow distal to junction of 1st & 2nd MT bones); LIV4 (JingRiver, Metal, on ankle, anterior to prominence of m.m., in significant depression just medial to tendon of tibialis anterior when ankle is dorsiflexed / extended); LIV5 = Luo; LIV6 = Xi Cleft; LIV8 (HeSea, Water, just superior to medial end popliteal crease, in depression anterior to tendons of m. semitendinosus & m. semimembranosus, ~1 cun anterior to KD10).