6 Stages and 4 Levels- Pattern Recognition and Tx with Acupuncture Flashcards
Slight aversion to cold, aversion to wind (both subjective), slight fever (objective - hot upon palpation), slight sweating (Ying Qi deficient, failing to hold sweat in), headache, stiff neck, sneezing (Lung Qi unable to diffuse in nose), Floating-Slow pulse (Wind contracts and slows down). What is treatment?
Tx: release exterior, expel W and C, restore diffusing of LU Qi, harmonize Ying and Wei Qi. BL12 (cupping), LU7, LI4, GB20, TW5, ST36. Gui Zhi Tang. (for TaiYang Stage Wind-Cold with Prevalence of Wind)
Aversion to cold, slight fever, NO sweat (Cold contracts the pores), HA, stiff neck, sneezing, runny nose with white discharge (LU Qi unable to descend), breathlessness (same), Floating-Tight pulse. What is the treatment?
Tx: release exterior, expel W and C, restore diffusing and descending of LU Qi. BL12 (cupping), LU7, LI4, TW5, GB20, GV16. Moxa applicable. Ma Huang Tang. (For TaiYang Wind Cold with prevalence of Cold)
Aversion to cold, fever (d/t Wind on Exterior), retention of urine, slight thirst/thirst not relieved by drinking), vomiting of fluids soon after drinking (BL’s function of Qi transformation if impaired, water not transformed, accumulates in stomach), Floating-Rapid pulse. What is treatment?
Tx: release exterior, promote BL’s function of Qi transformation, promote excretion of fluids. CV9, CV3, ST28, LU7, BL22, BL39, BL64. Wu Ling San. (for TaiYang Stage Accumulation of Water)
Hypogastric distention, fullness and urgency (d/t Heat and stasis in lower burner and BL organ), blood in urine (pathogenic factor at Blood level), mental restlessness/mania (Blood houses Shen and Heat and stasis at Blood level disturbs Shen), Reddish-Purple tongue w/o coat, Deep-Fine-Rapid or Deep-Choppy pulse (blood vessels obstructed). What is the treatment?
Tx: invigorate Blood, eliminate stasis from Lower Burner, clear Heat from BL. CV3, KD14, ST28, BL39, BL22, SP10, LIV3, SP6. Tao He Cheng Qi Tang (Persica Conducting Qi Decoction). (For TaiYang Stage Accumulation of Blood)
4 Bigs: fever, sweat, thirst, pulse. (Thirst because Heat is in ST, source of fluids.) Also red face, feeling of heat, actual fever, irrtability, delirium. T: red w/yellow t.c. P: Overflowing-Rapid/Big-Rapid. What is the treatment?
Tx: clear ST Heat. LI11, GV14, PC3, ST44, ST43. Bai Hu Tang (White Tiger Decoction). Pungent-cold herbs to clear Heat outward. (For YangMing Stage of 6 Stages)
High fever worse in afternoon, profuse sweat esp. upper limbs (Fire flares upward), abdominal fullness and pain (Heat/Fire has dried body fluids leading to dried feces, constipation), dry stools, thirst, dark urine. T: red w/thich, dry yellow t.c. P: Deep-Full-Slipper-Rapid. Tx: drain Fire from ST and Intestines, move downward. What is the treatment?
LI11, GV14, PC3, ST44, ST43, ST25, SP15, ST37, SP6. Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang (Regulating the Stomach Conducting Qi Decoction). Bitter-Cold herbs to stimulate bowels, expel Fire. (For YangMing organ stage)
Alternating chills/cold feeling and fever/hot feeling (pathogenic factor oscillating b/t TaiYang andYangMing) + GB s/s like bitter taste, dry throat, blurred vision, hypochondrial fullness/distention, irritability, nausea/vomiting. T: unilateral coating typically, thin white t.c. P: Wiry-Fine. What is the treatment?
Tx: harmonize ShaoYang (Lesser Yang). TW5, TW6, GB41, GV13. Xiao Chai Hu Tang (Small Bupleurum Decoction). (For ShaoYang Stage)
Abdominal fullness and vomiting (d/t Cold), feeling of cold, lack of appetite, diarrhea, no thirst, tiredness (d/t SP Yang deficiency). T: pale, sticky white t.c. P: Deep-Weak-Slow. What is the treatment?
Tx: tonify SP Yang, expel Cold. CV12, BL20, ST36, ST25, SP6. Moxa applicable. Li Zhong Tang (Regulating the Center Decoction). (For TaiYin Stage)
Chills, feeling cold, lying with body curled, listlessness, desire to sleep, cold limbs, diarrhea, absence of thirst, frequent pale urination. T: pale, wet, white t.c. P: Deep-Weak-Slow. What is the treatment?
Tx: tonify KD Yang, expel Cold. BL23, CV4, CV6, CV8, KD7, KD3, Moxa applicable. Si Ni Tang (Four Rebellious Decoction). (for ShaoYin (Lesser Yin) Stage Cold Transformation)
Feeling of heat, irritability, insomnia, dry mouth and throat at night, dark urine, night sweating. T: red, no coat. P: Fine-Rapid. What is the treatment?
Tx: nourish KD Yin, clear Empty Heat. CV4, CV6, KD3, KD6, SP6. Huang Lian E Jiao Tang (Coptis-Colla Asini Decoction). (For ShaoYin Stage Heat Transformation)
(Heat above, cold below.) Persistent thirst, feeling of energy rising to chest, pain and sensation of heat in heart region (all these = heat above), hungry but no desire to eat, cold limbs, diarrhea, vomiting (vomiting roundworms if roundworms infestation). P: wiry. What is the treatment?
Tx: clear Heat above, expel Cold below, harmonize Liver channel. LIV3, LI4, SP4, PC6. Wu Mei Wan (Prunus Mume Decoction). (For JueYin stage)
Fever, aversion to cold, sweating, HA, feeling of heaviness and uncomfortable sensation in epigastrium (Damp component), irritability, thirst (b/c Summer-Heat moves to Qi level almost immediately). T: red in front/sides w/sticky white t.c. P: soggy, rapid. What is the treatment?
Tx: release exterior, expel Summer-Heat, clear Heat, promote fluids. LI4, LI11, TW5, GV14, GV26, BL40, PC9. Qing Luo Yin (Clearing the Connecting Channels Decoction). (For Wei Level SummerHeat)
Fever worse in afternoon, body hot to touch, aversion to cold, swollen glands, HA (usually frontal), feeling of heaviness, feeling of oppression in epigastrium, sticky taste, thirst w/no desire to drink. T: sticky white t.c. P: soggy. What is the treatment?
Tx: release exterior, resolve Dampness, clear Heat. LI4, LI11, SP9, SP6, CV12, CV9. Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San (Agastache Upright Qi Powder). (For Wei Level Damp-Heat)
Fever, slight aversion to cold, slight sweating, dry skin, dry nose/mouth/throat, dry cough, sore throat. T: dry, thin white t.c. P: floating, rapid. What is the treatment?
Tx: release Exterior, clear Heat, promote fluids. LI4, LI11, TW5, SP6, LU9, CV12, ST36. Xing Su San (Prunus-Perilla Powder) or Sang Xing Tang (Morus-Prunus Decoction). For Wei Level Dry-Heat
High fever, feeling of heat, NO aversion to cold, thirst, cough w/thin yellow sputum, S.O.B., sweating. T: red w/yellow t.c. P: slipper-rapid. What is the treatment?
clear Qi, clear LU-Heat, resolve Phlegm (IF Phlegm), restore descending of LU Qi. LI5, LU10, GV14, LI11, LU1, BL13. Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang (Ephedra-Prunus-Gypsum-Glycyrrhiza Decoction) or Xie Bai San (Drain the White Powder) or Qing Qi Hua Tan Tang (Clearing the Qi and Resolving Phlegm Decoction - IF profuse sticky yellow sputum) For Qi Level Lung-Heat