X-Ray Production and Equipment Flashcards
What energy is the most important in terms of radiographs/x-rays?
Electrical Energy
The electromagnetic spectrum is broken down into what 3 components?
-Energy (EV)
-Frequency (Hz)
-Wave-length (λ)
X-rays are similar in nature to visible light but with much ___ wavelengths which gives them ___ energy.
X-rays are the result of:
The high impact of a large volume of heated negatively charged electrons with a hard surface. The electrons rupture with the conversion of electrons to x-radiation.
X-ray machines consist of:
-X-ray tube head (contains anode, cathode, glass enclosure, and window)
-X-ray control center
-Bucky tray
What does the cathode consist of?
Usually 2 filaments similar to an incandescent light bulb. Filaments are made of thoriated tungsten
What is a benefit of using thoriated tungsten?
It has a very high melting point (6,170 °F).
Describe what occurs with the cathode filaments when pressing the pre-exposure button.
Pressing the button causes the filaments to become hot. When this occurs, the electrons excite and start to move rapidly back and forth. When electrons reach peak excitement, they are released into the anode.
Where are the filaments located?
Inside the focusing cup - this allows for the excited electrons to be released in a straight pattern directed towards a focused target on the anode.
What occurs when there is no focusing cup?
Electrons leave the cathode and move in all directions towards the anode rather than a focused target. This tends to result in a radiograph that lacks quality.
What are the 2 types of anodes?
Stationary and Rotating. Most standard stationary X-ray machines have a rotating anode
Anodes are ___ charged structures that attract the ___ electrons released from the cathode.
When activated, rotating anodes will rotate between ___.
3,200-3,600 rpms
___ is the sound you hear when preparing to take a radiograph.
Most anodes found in x-ray machines are made of a ___.
Tungsten molybdenum alloy - allows for great heat absorption and distribution which decreases the wear and tear on the anode
List the benefits of a rotating anode
-Great heat resistance
-Dissipation of heat due to rotation increases the life of the anode
-Rotating anode also serves as an electrical conduction unit to complete the circuit of electricity and as the site for the electron target
The rotating anode is a ___-shaped structure with an angled edge.
What does the disc-shaped structure in the rotating allow?
It allows the electrons to strike the anode target and direct the X-ray beam down to the patient
List the drawbacks of a rotating anode
-Often big and bulky and do allow movement of machine
-Have a set degree of angulation which results in partial limitation of X-ray beam on the anode side of the tube versus the cathode side.
The stationary anode serves the same purpose as the rotating anode except __ is used instead of tungsten and an __ used in place of the disc.
-Angled block
List the drawbacks of a stationary anode.
-Greater concern for heat buildup and potential pitting of anode block
-Adequate cooling time must be allowed prior to next exposure
-Doesn’t allow for thick structures to be radiographed due to limited settings of machine and capacity of the anode to withstand heat
The conversion rate for the energy from electrons at the time of contact with the anode results in the production of __% heat and __% X-rays.
-99% heat
-1% X-rays
The anode and cathode are both located within a ___ that provides a ___ area.
-Glass enclosure
What does the vacuum area in the glass enclosure do?
Prevents dust particles from interfering with electron movement from cathode to anode and movement of the X-ray from the anode to the patient
To aid in ___, the outer portion of the glass is surrounded by ___ that helps reduce the heat of the glass enclosure
-Heat dissipation
What does a collimating device do?
Restricts the size of the X-ray beam and thus also reduces the amount of scatter radiation
Where is the Bucky tray located?
Below the table
What does a bucky tray do?
Holds the X-ray film cassette under the tabletop while taking the radiograph
Where is the transformer located?
Under the x-ray table
Most radiograph units run on ___ volts.
220 volts
In order for the radiograph unit to heat the filament enough to adequately excite the electrons, the step-up transformer raises the voltage from ___ to approximately ___ volts
220 to 125,000 volts
Once the step-up transformer has increased the volts in the machine, the step-down or filament transformer reduces the number of volts to ___.
A pre-set number selected by the technician when the milliamperage (mA) was selected
Why are rectifiers important?
In the U.S., electrical current is transmitted as an alternating current. Just as with a waveform, there is a positive movement and a negative movement. The cathode only receives positive movements; so without the rectifiers, the X-ray machine only receives half of the current that reaches the machine.
Describe half-wave rectification.
-Allows for electrons to move from the cathode to the anode on the positive movement of the incoming current
-Results in a short exposure time
-Usually seen in portable units commonly used for equine medicine
Describe full-wave rectifiers.
-Full-wave rectifiers convert the negative movement into a positive movement, so both positive and negative movements are able to be used during X-ray production
-Faster times can be used with full-wave rectifiers, and more X-rays are produced compared to the half-wave unit
Describe the 3-phase approach in rectifiers.
-Results in a more continuous movement, which allows for higher energy, more electrons, and more constant energy in the X-ray beam
Radiology logs generally include:
-Client’s name
-Patient’s name
-Body part being radiographed
-kVp and mAs settings used
-Initials or signatures of technician