Imaging Modalities and Ultrasound Imaging Flashcards
Digital systems are classified into 2 types:
-Computerized/computed radiography (CR)
-Digital radiography (DR)
List the factors that the quality of digital images is related to.
-Image noise
-Pixel size and number
-Field of view
Digital image is recorded as a combination of rows and columns known as ___.
Smallest component of matrix is the ___.
Pixel (picture element)
Location of the pixel within the image matrix corresponds to ___.
An area within a 3-dimensional volume of tissue referred to as voxel
Each pixel represents ___.
-Different shades of gray
The number of shades of gray is determined by the grayscale bit depth, which can range from ___ bits.
8-32 bits
___ is related to the size of the pixels that makes up an image.
What is image noise?
Unwanted random variations in shades of gray produced on a digital radiograph
Image noise is inversely related to ___.
Image contrast
Increased image noise ___ image contrast.
How can electronic noise be produced?
It can be produced by a number of sources within the system, such as image processing units and monitors
How can quantum noise be produced?
-Quantum noise results from random distribution of electrons striking the image receptor
-Use of higher mAs or kVp can minimize this type of noise
What is dose creep?
Term used to to describe increases in exposure factors made in an attempt to reduce the amount of image noise
Describe computed radiography (CR) systems and film.
-CR systems are similar to standard film-based systems in that they require a cassette with an intensifying screen
-The difference is that the screen is composed of photostimulable phosphors and is referred to as a photostimulable storage phosphor imaging plate (PSP) or simply an imaging plate (IP)
-The plate is located in the cassette and the cassette is placed either in the Bucky tray or on the tabletop, depending on the size of the body part being radiographed
List the layers and their function that make up the imaging plate in computed radiography systems.
-The protective layer helps shield the plate from handling damage
-The phosphor layer contains the stimulable phosphors
-The conductor layer aids in minimizing electrostatic interference with image formation
-There is also a light-shielding layer to protect the plate from light damage
How are images formed in a computed radiography system?
-Electrons in the IP become excited when they interact with X-rays
-Some of those electrons are elevated into a high energy state that essentially leaves gaps in the phosphor layer
-These gaps are what produce the latent image
-The remainder of the excited electrons emit light and fall back to their stable state
Within about ___, approximately __% of the image taken with a CR system will be lost.
-8 hours
How do you prepare an IP for reuse?
The plate is exposed to a bright flash of white light that returns all the electrons to their stable state, fully erasing the image and making the IP ready to re-use
What are some special considerations for imaging plates?
-Imaging plates are sensitive to scatter radiation and should be flashed prior to use, especially if they are not used frequently
-The IP is also prone to wear and “ghosting,” a situation where the prior image cannot be fully erased. The plate may have to be replaced when this occurs
Describe digital radiography (DR).
-With digital radiography, the image receptor is built into the X-ray table
-Cassettes and separate image processing units are not required
-Image receptor interfaces with the processing system that converts and displays the image
What are the 2 types of DR systems?
-Direct detector systems
-Indirect detector systems
___ describes the sensitivity and accuracy of the system.
-Detective quantum efficiency (DQE)
What is the DQE normally expressed as? What is a normal DQE?
-Usually expressed as a percentage of the X-ray energy that strikes the detector and is ultimately converted to the final image
-Most digital systems have a DQE of about 80%
-20% of the image that is not a direct result of the X-ray beam interaction with the detector is then filled in by the computer software programs
Describe direct detector systems.
-Utilize a thin-film-transistor (TFT) device to detect and display the image
-The IP contains amorphous selenium, which releases electrons when they interact with the X-ray beam
-The TFT collects the electrons and directly converts that electronic signal to the digital image for display