WW2 causes Flashcards
What were the 10 causes of WW2?
- Manchuria, 1931
- German milliary build up begins
- Saar returns to Germany
- Abyssinia
- Remilitarisationn of Rhineland
- German weapons tested on Spain
- Anschiluss with Austria- Munich conference, take over of checeslovakia
- Nazi soviet pact
- invasion of poland, declaration of war
What was appeasement?
Policy adopted by Britain and France, aimed to avoid further conflict with Germany, where they allowed Hitler to break parts of the ToV
What happened in Manchuria?
- 1931
- Japan wanted more territory
- attacked and captured Shanghai
- Japan leaves LoN
How did Manchuria help cause WW2?
- helped show LoN was weak against strong nations
- Britain and France were not prepared to use force.
What happened with Germany’s military and build-up?
- 1935
- Unemployed people were drafted
- first step to increase armed forces
- Hitler left LoN
How did conscription help cause WW2?
- Hitler gets away with rearming
- Boosted support for Nazis
- Britain thought rearming Germany would help fight communism.
Saar plebiscite
- 1935
- Saar voted on rejoining German rule.
- 90% votes for
How did Saar plebiscite help cause WW2?
- Hitler gained support, morale boost
- Actions completely within rules of ToV
Italian invasion of Abyssinia
- 1935
- Mussolini invaded Abyssinia
- Abyssinia asked LoN for help, LoN proposed to give part of Abyssinia to Mussolini - refused
- LoN did nothing
- Hitler put troops in Rhineland
How did the invasion of Abyssinia lead to WW2?
- LoN looked weak
- Rome-berlin Axis signed for Hitler and Mussolini to support each other
Remilitarisation of Rhineland
- 1936
- German troops marched to French border
- France could not force Hitler back
- LoN did nothing but condemn action.
How did remilitarisation of Rhineland cause WW2?
- LoN focussed on Abyssinia so did nothing
- Hitler got away with disobeying ToV
- Many in Austria wanted to join Germany
- Hitler forced resignation of Chansellor by getting Austrian people to stir trouble
- sad trouble would only stop if they joined Germany
- Calls plebiscite, 99.75% to Germany.
How did Anschluss help cause WW2?
- Hitler gained resources
- adds to Germany’s strong industry and army
- No one did anything, Hitler broke ToV
What was the Munich conference?
Hitler wanted ,and, Czech president mobilsied troops against him while Italy, Britain and France feared another war. Signed 1938. Germany gained land and Hitler agreed to never go to war with Britain and make claims to Europe.
How did Munich conference lead to WW2?
- Agreement saw culmination of appeasement
- Appeasement to avoid war
Takeover of Czechoslovakia
1939, Britian said if Poland was threatened by Germany, they would come to its aid. Mutual assistance agreement signed 1939, 25th aug.
When was the Munich conference agreement signed?
29th September, 1938
How did the takeover of Czechoslovakia lead to WW2?
- ended appeasement
- Hitler did not believe Britain and France would risk war against him.
Nazi soviet pact.
signed 25th August 1939 to not fight against each other. Secret clause to divide countries between themselves.
How did the Nazi Soviet pact lead to WW2?
- Britain and France did not get USSR on their side.
- Hitler gained support of Soviets which had the largest army.
When was the Invasion of Poland?
1st September, 1939
What was the invasion of Poland?
Germany invades Poland from the west. 17th sept, USSR forces invade from the east.
How did the invasion of Poland lead to WW2?
- 3rd September 1939, Britain and France declared war on Germany.
How did the invasion of Poland lead to WW2?
- 3rd September 1939, Britain and France declared war on Germany.