WW2 Flashcards
Treaty that signed by Germany, Japan, and Italy to resist communism
Anti-Comintern treaty
Attempt to preserve peace by yielding to the demands of an aggressor
Statement of beliefs signed by britian and the us in Aug 41 similar to Wilson’s 14 points
Atlantic charter
Germany, Italy, Japan, and their allies in WW2
Axis powers
Name the German plan to invade and defeat the USSR
Air war over britian during WW2 won by the RAF
Battle of britian
Leader of French resistance during WW2
Charles de Gaulle
June 6, 1944
Premier of France attending the Munich conference
Edouard daladier
Supreme commander of allied forces during WW2
Dwight d. Eisenhower
The nazi plan to kill all Jews in Europe
Final solution
German field marshal and commander of the afrika corps; committed suicide after implication in hitlers assassination attempt
Erwin Rommell
American president during most of WW2
Franklin Roosevelt
US president that made the decision to “drop the bomb”
Harry Truman
Secret agreement between the USSR and Germany to split Poland
German-Soviet non-aggression pact
Military dictator of Japan during WW2
Hideki Tojo
Treaty signed by 62 nations making war illegal without any way to enforce it
Kellogg- Briand pact
Brutal battle in the USSR in which the tide of war turned on the eastern front
Acts passed by congress between 1935 and 1937 expressing the desire of the US to stay out of future wars
Neutrality acts
Meeting at which the sudentenland was given to Germany
Munich Conference
Planned allied invasion of Northwest France to open a second front; the largest amphibious invasion in history
Operation overlord
British PM at the Munich conference
Neville Chamberlain
May 8, 1945 the surrender of Germany
VE Day
Meeting where the big three issued at ultimatum to unconditional surrender to Japan and planned the occupation of Germany
Meeting of the big three where it was decided that Germany would be temporarily divided and occupied and countries would be allowed to elect their own governments
Yalta conference
Nazi extermination camp in Poland where 2 million were killed
German for “lighting war”; war strategy base on rapid movement
Hitlers last offensive of WW2 begun before Christmas, 1945
Battle of the Bulge
People who are willing to assist their country’s enemies
Port on the English Channel where the British evacuated 338,000 soldiers
British victory in North Africa that stopped the nazi attempt to seize the Suez Canal
El Alamein
Commander of allied forces in the pacific
Douglas MacArthur
First American capture of Japanese held territory with horrendous loss of life
Japanese city devastated by nuclear attack August 6,1945
Term referring to the genocide of the Jews during WW2
French collaboratist and leader of Vichy France
Henri Petain
Last Japanese island to be taken (mar-June 1945) before the planned invasion of Japan
Japanese attack, December 7, 1941, that brought the US into WW2
Pearl Harbor
Act of congress authorizing the president to supply Britain war materials on credit
Lend-Lease act
Period between the invasions of Poland and France when the western front was quiet
Phony war
City in the USSR near the caspain sea that was the scene of an extensive siege and brutal fighting
Area of Czechoslovakia inhabited mostly by ethnic Germans and demanded by hitler at the Munich conference
September 2, 1945 the surrender of Japan
V-J Day
American plan to by-pass islands in the pacific on the way to Japan
Island hopping
People who have no wish to engage in world affairs
Scene of a major battle of WW2 from feb-mar 1945
Iwo Jima
The German Air Force
League of Nations commission that recommended that Manchuria be returned to china
Lytton commission
Japanese city devastated by nuclear attack August 9, 1945
Beaches of France that were invaded on d-day