Chapter 17 Flashcards
Ruhr Valley
Germany’s chief industrial and mining region
Dawes Plan
reduced Germany’s reparation payments and coordinated them with Germany’s ability to pay
Treaty of Locarno
guaranteed Germany’s western border with France and Belgium
Kellog-Briand Pact
sixty-three nations signed an agreement to renounce war, but nothing was said about what would happen if anybody went to war
period of low economic activity and rising unemployment
Weimar Republic
democratic government that governed Germany from the end of WWI to the rise of Hitler
collective bargaining
the right of unions to negotiate with employers over wages and hours
John Maynard Keynes
British economist that believed that during recessions governments should put people to work on public works projects to stimulate demand
deficit spending
occurs when the government spends more money than it collects in taxes
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
President of the U.S. during the Great Depression that pushed New Deal policy through Congress
New Deal
various legislation passed in the U.S. during the Great Depression to stimulate economic growth
totalitarian state
government that aims to control the political, economic, social, intellectual, and cultural lives of its citizens
politial philosophy that glorifies the state above the individual by emphasizing the need for a strong central governmment led by a dictatorial ruler
Benito Mussolini
Fascist leader of Italy from 1922-1943
New Economic Policy (NEP)
economic plan of modified capitalism instituted by Lenin to grow the Soviet economy
the Communist Party’s main policy-making body
Jospeh Stalin
Dictator of the USSR from 1928-1953; responible for the deaths of millions
Five-Year Plans
economic goals set by the Soviet government
system in which private farms are eliminated and pooled into government owned farms worked by the peasants
Francisco Franco
Dictator of Spain from 1936-1975
Adolf Hitler
Dictator of Germany from 1933-1945; responsible for WWII and the Holocaust
National Socialist German Workers’ Party
the German parliament
Enabling Act
allowed Hitler to rule as a dictator by ignoring the constitution
concentration camps
prison camps for those that opposed the Nazi regime
Heinrich Himmler
leader of the SS
“night of the broken glass” Nazi burning of synagoges and Jewish shops on November 9, 1938 in retalliation for the death of a German diplomat in Paris
Nuremberg Laws
laws that defined who was a Jew and therefore open to discrimination and persecution